The song sung by Zhong Xing is "peerless".

The songs he sings seem to be love for a woman.

The line of the microphone was very long. He took the microphone and sat on the sofa.

Singing affectionately.

From the lyrics, we can hear how deep and thick his love for Gu Jiajia is.

[all kinds of temptations in the world do not disturb my clear dream;

The mountain is high and the road is far away, tracking your beautiful smile;

When I shout, I understand that I always feel heartache for you;

Bow down and shake the shadow of flowers. It's the east wind playing tricks on them.

All kinds of puzzles in the world are guessed wrong because of you;

Water, light and moonlight mingle to describe the bright night sky,

The end of life and death is as calm as crazy flowers and fallen leaves.

When everything disappears like a dream, it is sealed by the dust in the distant mountains.

Ah ah

Water, light and moonlight blend to describe the bright night sky.

The end of life and death is as calm as crazy flowers and fallen leaves.

Ah ah

Don't be lonely, the moon is like a dream.

It's all the east wind's teasing;

Like a fallen leaf.]

Everyone listened quietly.

Zhong Xing sang out all his feelings.

To tell the truth, Gu Jiajia was moved.

She is as clear as Zhang Tingzhi's heart and knows the other party's feelings for herself.

But he just refused to accept it.

She doesn't accept it because she already has someone she likes and will marry him.

Zhang Tingzhi didn't accept it because there was a person in his heart.

Jinghua's heart is also clear.

From Zhong Xing's eyes, he could see his love for Gu Jiajia.

He doesn't dislike Zhong Xing, nor does he object to Gu Jiajia making friends with him.

He can't, because he knows that Zhong Xing likes Gu Jiajia, so he wants Gu Jiajia to break up with him and don't communicate with him in old age?

Love her, respect her, and trust her.

He knows Gu Jiajia won't like Zhong Xing. He also believes that Zhong Xing is just a deep love and won't infringe.

Zhong Xing is not like those selfish men. If you like it, you must possess it and force each other to become his person.

It was Jinghua's heart like a mirror that gave them unshakable trust.

Now listening to Zhong Xing's song, his face is deep. As usual, he doesn't have too much emotion written on his face.

Tang Li was about to shed tears when she heard that she felt sorry for Zhong Xing. She was sad to see that Zhong was like this.

Zhong Xing finished singing, put the microphone back on the table and sat back in place.

He raised his glass and looked at Tang Huai: "Tang Huai, to you, the college entrance examination will be smooth tomorrow!"

Tang Huai picked up a glass of juice and said to him, "thank you! I'll try not to disappoint you!"

"Should Jinghua and Jiajia sing a song?" Lkwok suddenly spoke.

Jinghua's eyes flashed slightly when he heard it.

It's good to sing a song with Gu Jiajia, but he can't sing a love song between men and women.

He can only sing military songs.

Jing Xuan looked at him with interest. He didn't understand this brother?

However, he is looking forward to Jinghua singing. He wants to see how Jinghua sings love songs.

Gu Jiajia blinked and looked at Jinghua: "do you want a song?"

Tonight is a party to congratulate Tang Huai on the success of the college entrance examination and the nomination of the golden list.

In addition to eating and drinking, we certainly have to sing.

Singing is the best blessing!

Jinghua looks at Gu Jiajia.

The girl's eyes are as dark as the stars in the night sky and extremely bright.

He didn't want to refuse, so he got up and said, "OK."

Gu Jiajia hasn't heard Jinghua sing a song yet. However, when he speaks, his voice is so good that his singing voice must be better.

Two people went to choose the disc.

Gu Jiajia chose several albums she sang with Zhong Xing, but he said he couldn't sing.

Finally, Gu Jiajia was chosen by him.

Gu Jiajia thinks that she is a person who loves music and can sing many songs. If Jing Hua chooses, she will also sing.

Finally, Jinghua chose a song disc with a soldier's disc printed on it and asked Gu Jiajia, "can you sing military songs?"

Gu Jiajia nodded, "I'll be more."

She has made Anti Japanese War dramas. Many of the songs in them are military songs.

Jinghua raised her mouth and smiled without trace.

He put the song disc into the machine and chose the song "I'm a soldier".

When the melody sounded, Gu Jiajia felt very strange.

She hasn't heard this song and can't sing it.

But Jinghua seems to like this song very much. With the melody, he followed the music.

His limbs moved as if he were dancing.

Gu Jiajia took the microphone and stood there looking at him strangely.

Soon, the music passed and the singing began.

Jinghua sings to Gu Jiajia, with affectionate and gentle eyes.

But Gu Jiajia almost laughed at the song he sang.

I am a soldier, patriotic and love the people.

The revolutionary war has tested me and my position is firmer.

Hey, hey, hold the gun tightly and see clearly.

The enemy dared to invade and resolutely wiped him out.

I am a soldier!

I am a soldier!

I'm a soldier!]

This song is very hot-blooded. Jinghua sings very well.

He should often sing this song, which is full of passion, courage and emotion.

However, he watched Gu Jiajia sing this song affectionately and gently, which seemed a little funny.

Not only Gu Jiajia smiled, but also Jing Xuan and Li Feipeng knew it. Only lkwok looked at Jing Hua with appreciative eyes.

He thinks Jinghua sings very well.

After singing, Jinghua asked Gu Jiajia, "why don't you sing?"

Gu Jiajia kept laughing: "I... I won't..."

"Oh." Jinghua pursed his lips. It seemed that he was addicted to singing. He turned his head and called Jingxuan: "brother, come on, our brother, sing a song."

"Sing what?" Jing Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"Sing" our soldiers. " Before Jinghua could speak, Tang Huai stood up, put his left leg forward, hooked his elbow, and made a very serious expression.

It's a funny move. Her move reminds Yang Jinghai of the song "socialism is good, socialism is good".

Jing Xuan and lkwok looked at her with a smile and thought her proposal was good.

"I can sing this song, do you have it? Do you have this song disc?" Gu Jiajia went to turn the CD.

"Brother Jingxuan, uncle, come and sing." Tang Huai waved to the two handsome men.

Then he waved to Li Feixi, Liu Xiaoxiao and Li Feipeng: "those who can sing come and sing. Let's have a chorus."

"Found, found!" In a pile of CDs, Gu Jiajia found the song "I'm a soldier". She waved the CD happily, looked at them and smiled.

"Put it in." Tanghuai road.

Gu Jiajia put the dish into the machine.

The melody sounded.

Zhang Tingzhi and Zhong Xing also came. A group of people stood in front of the disc player and swayed rhythmically.

[what's the difference between US soldiers!]

When the first sentence was sung, Gu Jiajia couldn't help laughing.

Jinghua is standing beside her. He speaks very hard.

What's the difference between our soldiers? They are sonorous and powerful.

Seeing him singing so seriously, Gu Jiajia was happy, so she burst into laughter.

Even Yang Jinghai sang loudly:

[what's the difference between US soldiers, just because we all wear simple military uniforms.

Since I left my hometown, it's hard to see my parents;

It's different. In fact, it's the same. They're all young people and hot-blooded children.

The same footprints are left to the mountains and rivers.

Our soldiers are just different.

Head on the bright moon at the border, covered with wind and frost.

For the sake of national peace, we hold our guns tightly.

They are longing for glory and winning glory.

The same style flies on the flag of the Republic.

That's how we soldiers are!]

At the end of the song, "that's what we are as soldiers are like," Jing Xuan and Jing Hua took a military step and took a big step forward.

It's a handsome move. It will burst out when you look at a girl's heart.

But looking at their too serious expressions, Gu Jiajia and Tang Huai smiled.

It's just singing, not training. Why are they so serious?

Seeing Gu Jiajia and Tang Huai laughing, Tang Li also laughed.

When Jingxuan and Jinghua heard their laughter, they realized that they were too serious when singing.

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled.

The cheerful laughter woke up the drunken Kaijie.

Kaijie turned over and went to sleep. He muttered in English, "where is this? Oh, it's so noisy. They laugh hard. I don't like their laughter."

They went crazy all night. At 11 o'clock, Jing Xuan dragged Tang Huai into the room.

As soon as the door was closed, Jing Xuan looked at her: "no more trouble, have a good sleep and have an exam tomorrow."

Tang Huai is very good. Because she is crazy and hot, her face is red.

She nodded, "take a bath and I'll sleep right away!"

With that, she turned and walked towards the wardrobe.

Jing Xuan came over and hugged her behind her.

The man's temperature, covering her whole back, suddenly hot.

Tang Huai's face reddened: "brother Jingxuan, let me rest early and hold me again. How can I sleep without taking a bath?"

Jing Xuan had a dull voice. He drank a lot of wine tonight: "let's wash together, huh?"

Well, it's like magic. It makes Tang Huai's ears itchy and his heart numb.

"Don't make trouble." How long does it take two people to wash together?

"I'm serious." He waited together and finally fell in love with her in this life, but he had to wait until she was 20 to eat him. He was hungry.

"But I don't want to do anything else. I want to wash it quickly and go to bed." Tang Huai has rosy cheeks.

"Me too. We can only take a bath. Is there anything else to do?" Jing Xuan respects and loves her too much.

Tang Huai finally couldn't resist him. They already loved him to the bone, and in this era, they can get married and have children at the age of 17.

They had another wedding. They could live a married life.

However, Jing Xuan said that it was not good for him to be too young. The female reproductive, reproductive, and organs had not developed well. He gave them to him too early. He was afraid that he would hurt her and affect her health.

Twenty minutes later, they bathed and came out.

Jing Xuan dried Tang Huai's hair, then lay in bed, hugged each other and slept.

The building Jinghua bought was decorated last month after the construction master worked overtime.

Last month, Jinghua bought the furniture back.

Tonight, he brought Gu Jiajia back for the night.

The modern decoration is simple and generous. Gu Jiajia likes it very much.

The bed in the master bedroom on the second floor is still a soft bed. It's very comfortable to lie down!