"What? Retired?"

Jing Juntai stared at Tang Huai in disbelief.

She unexpectedly thought of letting Jingxuan retire from the army?

"Jing Xuan is not young either. It's no problem to apply for retirement."

"If he leaves the army, his achievements in life will be gone!" It's an honor to be a soldier until you get old.

Like Jing Juntai, although retired, he still has a certain influence in the army.

Now the younger generation will respectfully call him "general" when they see him.

Like him, when he retires, he can also get an allowance and die all the time.

To put it bluntly, it is to have no worries about food and clothing.

In the case of Jing Xuan, if he works hard for a few more years, he won't have to work.

At that time, he will not be a soldier, but a high-ranking officer.

May be named God of war, may be included in the "general" position.

Jing Juntai will never let Jing Xuan retire from the army!

"He has paid a lot for his country, and his achievements have long been full."

Tang Huai said that she was not rare for the glory of Jing Xuan.

She was not sure that the scorpion's essence could keep him alive every time he was in danger.

Jingxuan has long secretly invested in the establishment of "Hongxuan" company and "beautiful time" hotel.

One day, he will retire from the army.

Tang Huai thought this was a good time to retire from the army, and the army would never be forced to stay.

Jing Juntai warned Tang Huai: "you can't decide whether he will retire or not without authorization. It's up to him to decide."

In the Chinese army, when a soldier is in a special situation, his family members can apply for retirement for him.

"Grandpa, is achievement important, or is Jing Xuan's life important?"

"From the day I sent him into the army, I knew that his life only belongs to the country!"

"Where's Jinghua? Jinghua has left. To tell you the truth, have you ever regretted sending him into the army?"

Jing Juntai suddenly looked at Tang Huai coldly: "good, do you mention Jing huagan?"

"Even if you don't regret sending him into the army, do you feel sad when you think of him?"

"We're talking about Jingxuan now!"

"Your heart doesn't hurt at all when you see Yijun asking where your father is going and why he hasn't come back?"

Tang Huai's unwillingness made Jing Juntai completely angry: "in the final analysis, you are afraid of Jing Xuan leaving you!"

Tang Huai looked indifferent: "I'm afraid he'll leave me."

"If every soldier, like you, only paid attention to the private affairs of his children, the country would be over!"

Jing Juntai waved his hand, with the emperor's posture: "no one is allowed to decide on his retirement except Jing Xuan himself! Tang Huai, that's all for Jing Xuan's retirement. I don't want to hear you mention it again in the future!"

"Jing Xuan is a soldier. It is inevitable that soldiers will be injured. He is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. If you are afraid that one day he will leave you, you can write an application to his army and submit a divorce certificate!"


Tang Huai's brain seemed to be blown open by something.

For several seconds, she suddenly puffed a smile with a trace of bitterness.


He even let her divorce Jingxuan?

After Jing Juntai left, Tang Huai stood there for a long time

Jing Juntai even let her divorce Jing Xuan?

Is this what people say?

She was just worried about Jing Xuan's safety and suggested that Jing Xuan retire from the army.

He divorced her?

"Ah..." Tang Huai shook his head helplessly.

Jing Juntai's sentence of divorce, like a sharp knife, ruthlessly crossed her heart.