Moreover, she had injected the essence of scorpion into her body yesterday.

At present, she is developing rapidly in the direction of rehabilitation. The reason why she has been sleeping is that she is naughty and injects a drug that is like anesthetic but harmless to her body.

Even if the essence of scorpion is injected into the body, the wound will hurt in the process of recovery.

Tang Huai injected Gu Jiajia with this medicine to make Gu Jiajia sleep for two or three days.

These two days are the most painful time for the wound.

Tang Huai really loves Gu Jiajia and can't bear to see her suffering.

And it can make Gerry nervous. I hope he will cherish Gu Jiajia more in the future.

For a moment, she forgot whether Gu Jiajia could hear the voice of the outside world in a coma

Some vegetable people can feel the sound of the outside world.

Therefore, some doctors will advise some relatives and friends of vegetative people to say more words around each other that can stimulate him and create opportunities for him to wake up.

Gu Jiajia is not a vegetable, and if she didn't inject that medicine, she would have woken up.

Tang Huai looked at Gu Jiajia with tears in her eyes.

Did she cry when she heard her talk with Gerry, or did the pain of the wound make her cry?

"What kind of sleepwalking and Gerry are fake. I'm Jinghua, I'm real Jinghua. What I said in 'sleepwalking' is for you... Fool, you said you love Jinghua. Why can't you feel it when I come back?"

"Sorry, Jiajia, wake up quickly, wake up quickly..." Gerry is really crying more and more sad, like a little boy who can't control his emotions.

Tang Huai looked at him heavily. She wanted to remind Gerry that Gu Jiajia was also crying

But then I thought, if Gu Jiajia really heard their speech, it would be too late to remind Gerry at this time.

Let it be. Gu Jiajia knows that Gerry is Jinghua, which may not be a bad thing.

She thought Gu Jiajia would know about it sooner or later.

She just stood here and watched Gerry cry.

Lying on the ward, Gu Jiajia, who has been closed his eyes, is even more turbulent with clear water in the corners of his eyes.

The whole ICU was filled with Gerry's cries of pain.

There was also a strong sadness in the air. Even the nurses outside the intensive care unit were inexplicably depressed.


Tang Huai doesn't know how long Gerry cried.

The sand cloth around Gu Jiajia's eyes was also soaked with tears.

It was the phone in the intensive care unit that rang. Tang Huai answered. The nurse on duty in the intensive care unit told her that Zhu Luying and Cheng Yi outside were coming in.

Tang Huai hung up the phone, looked deeply at Gerry and said, "sister Lu Ying and Cheng Yi are arguing to come in to see Jiajia. In fact, they want to see if you are inside. They have been waiting outside for a long time. I'll let them in now. Can you avoid it?"

Gerry suddenly raised his eyes and stared sharply at Tang Huai: "why should I avoid? Tell me, why should I avoid?"

"You look up and look at the corners of Jiajia's eyes."

Gerry was stunned and suddenly looked at the corner of Gu Jiajia's eye.

Tears came from the corners of her eyes!

Moreover, this piece of gauze is wet!

"Jiajia...?!" Gerry's heart suddenly clenched, and his constant posture finally moved.

"Since we talked about Jinghua, she has shed tears. I'm not sure whether she cried when she heard us or because her wound hurt too much."

There is a process of wound healing. If the wound is deep, the process will be longer. The scorpion's essence, like a catalyst, has nothing to do with the shallow wound.

But the deep wound, perhaps for people with strong perseverance like Jing Xuan and Zhang Tingzhi, they can survive by biting their teeth.

But Gu Jiajia is not such a person. No matter how strong her heart is, she is also a weak woman. Moreover, the injury caused by the car accident is very serious. The essence of scorpion quickly urges the wound to heal and the cells to repair. The result is good, but the process is very painful and painful.

Now, the essence of scorpion is urging the wound to heal. Tang Huai is not sure whether Gu Jiajia was crying.

Or maybe she's too painful to be conscious. It's the medicine that makes her limbs unable to move?

In this case, don't say they speak in her ear, even mosquitoes can hear them flying in her ear.

After listening to Tang Huai's words, Gerry's mood is like a canyon. The rolling waves cause his heartbeat to accelerate abnormally. He can hear his own heartbeat. It's quite terrible!

He stared with amber eyes and looked at Gu Jiajia in shock. Did she hear him?

Did she really hear that?

He held her hand tightly, and his voice trembled with excitement: "Jiajia, did you really hear it? Great! Great!"

Gerry suddenly looked up and laughed, but the corners of her eyes twinkled with tears. "She finally knows. I'm still thinking about how to speak to her. That's good. She knows, she knows everything, ha ha..."

"Lingling... Lingling..."

At this time, the landline in the intensive care unit rang again.

Tang Huai doesn't have to answer. It's Zhu Luying and Cheng Yi who are arguing to come in.

In such a hurry, the intention has changed. It's not how much you care and worry about Gu Jiajia, but to see if Gerry is really inside and likes Gu Jiajia.

"Gerry, your mother always thought you liked roplang. I think it's better for you to avoid it at this time." Tang Huai looked at Gerry and said.

If Gerry comes to the hospital to visit Gu Jiajia as usual, he should eat, drink and sleep, and work and play. But he just kept it for one day and one night, which doesn't seem like a man who likes roplang.

Tang Huai felt that Zhu Luying didn't hate Gu Jiajia now. It was the stage of understanding Gu Jiajia, so she let them continue to get along. After Zhu Luying fully understood Gu Jiajia and completely felt that Gu Jiajia was the right daughter-in-law candidate, Gerry told her that she liked Gu Jiajia. In this way, Zhu Luying, who always thought he liked men, would be happy to cry when he heard that he liked the girl he thought was a good daughter-in-law.

If Zhu Luying knew that Gerry liked Gu Jiajia at this time, she not only didn't accept Gu Jiajia, but also felt that Gerry was lying to her about his love for LoPro. In order not to let her know that he liked Gu Jiajia, she might blame Gu Jiajia and think that Gu Jiajia instigated Gerry to do so.

In this way, Zhu Luying will never like Gu Jiajia. At that time, Gerry must overcome many difficulties if he wants to be with Gu Jiajia.

After all, Jinghua is Gerry now.

Gerry is Zhu Luying's son, which is an unchangeable fact.

In order to be with Gu Jiajia, Gerry had a showdown with Zhu Luying and said he was Jinghua, not her son?