"Well, I'm about to board the plane. You all go back." Zhu Luying waved to them.

"The company has started. Like my grandfather, I'll set up a private airport and I can go back to see you at any time." Gerry naturally and skillfully hugged Gu Jiajia's shoulder.

Take advantage?!

Gu Jiajia wanted to refuse, but because Zhu Luying was there, she didn't want Zhu Luying to see her "dislike" Gerry before she left.

In order to reassure Zhu Luying, she leaned her head slightly against Gerry's chest, waved and smiled at Zhu Luying: "sister Luying, I'll see you when I'm free."


After Zhu Luying entered the airport, Gu Jiajia immediately came out of Gerry's arms.

She turned back and gave him a cold glance.

Gerry asked with a smile, "when shall we get married? What kind of wedding do you want? Chinese or western? Do you like to wear wedding dress or cheongsam?"

Gu Jiajia ignored him and took Yijun to their car.

"Mom, when will you marry uncle dragonfly? When you get married, can I change my mouth and call him father?" After getting on the bus, Yijun smiled at Gu Jiajia and asked.

"You can't wait for him to be your father? Since you think so, you can change your mouth and don't have to wait for us to get married." He is his father.

"If we don't get married and he changes his mouth, others will point fingers at you." Gerry opened the door and got into the driver's seat. He turned back and looked at Gu Jiajia in a good mood: "while we are all free now, discuss the marriage?"

"Gerry, do you want to be happy when you get married?"

Gerry nodded, "Yeah."

"I don't love you. It's wishful thinking."

Gerry seems to have a thick skin: "I will make you fall in love with me!"

Yijun puckered his lips in wonder and looked at Gu Jiajia in confusion.

Uncle Dragonfly said she loved her, and aunt Luying blessed them again. Why didn't she accept the relationship?

"Mom, you are too pretentious." After thinking about it, Yijun, who couldn't think of the result, finally gave Gu Jiajia an evaluation.

"What do you know?" Gu Jiajia glared at Yijun: "don't interrupt children about adults."

"Jiajia, it's wrong for you to educate children like this. Both adults and children are human beings. Is it because he is a child that adults should not correct when they find that they have done wrong? You will make people feel that you are discriminating against children..."

"Shut up! I'll teach my son, what are you talking about?"

"That's also..." my son.


Gerry turned back and looked at Gu Jiajia calmly: "I could have been a good wife and mother. Why do I have to be a shrew?"

"If you say one more word, I'll get off!" There are many taxis in the airport. She can take a taxi back.

"Don't say no, my wife doesn't like listening to me. I shut my mouth." Gerry, start the car.

Gu Jiajia wants to kill!

"Your wife, not mine!"

"..." Gerry, who had already driven out of the car, heard it and his eyes sank.

One mistake makes a lifelong mistake.

Gerry knows that this is the best reason for Gu Jiajia to refuse him.

He was powerless to refute

After leaving the airport, they didn't go straight home.

Yijun proposed to go to the amusement park. Gu Jiajia thought that she hadn't taken Yijun out for a long time, so she agreed to go to the amusement park.

After playing in the playground for an afternoon, I ate outside and came home. It was already dark.

Dacheng street is brightly lit.

Yijun had a good time today. He took Gu Jiajia's hand and Gerry's hand and went home happily.

"Mom, uncle dragonfly and I take a bath on the first floor. You take a bath on the second floor. After taking a bath, we'll go to bed, okay?" Yijun asked, with endless happiness in his voice.

"OK." Gu Jiajia was a little tired. If she hadn't been so tired after playing outside all day, she would have gone to bed without taking a bath.

"Gu Jiajia, you really live with a man!"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the yard.

Hearing the sound, Gu Jiajia and Gerry stepped down.

Mrs. Jing!

Gu Jiajia turns around and old lady Jing stands outside the courtyard with a bag of eggs.

Under the light, the old man's muddy eyes were extremely sharp.


Gerry called old lady Jing in his heart.

However, it is not easy for Gu Jiajia to take care of her children alone over the years. Old lady Jing still embarrasses her everywhere. The emerging family affection was suppressed by him.

His future identity is Gerry, not Jinghua. He can't lose his manners in front of them.

"Too grandma." Yijun is not happy to see Mrs. Jing, but he is a good child who respects children. He trots over and opens the door for Mrs. Jing.

Without the door, old lady Jing strode over, pointed to Gerry and asked Gu Jiajia, "who is he?"

"Grandma, he is uncle dragonfly." Yijun answers for Gu Jiajia.

"You open the door." Gu Jiajia is tired and really doesn't want to talk to old lady Jing.

She won't respect an unreasonable old woman. It's better to say she's ruthless or cold-blooded.

The number of times she posts a hot face on someone's cold ass is more, so she's too lazy to do such a thing again.

"Yes." Gerry answered, glanced at the old lady in a complicated way, and then went to open the door.

Seeing that Gerry is familiar with the way and the key at home opens the door directly, old lady Jing is angry that her liver hurts.

She came very early. She really missed Yijun and was flustered. She was reluctant to eat the chickens and raw eggs raised in the village. She wanted to bring them to Yijun.

Two days ago, Jing Juntai returned to the village. She stopped by for a few days to meet Yijun and relieve the pain of missing.

She came here early, sat in the convenience store not far away and waited until now.

The picture of them getting off the bus together, holding hands and happily walking home is so harmonious and warm.

What do you think? How do you match each other? A real family of three is not so warm!

But this warm picture entered the eyes of old lady Jing and all changed its flavor.

Gu Jiajia is living with a man!

It's immoral!

It's bad for your face!

After Gerry opened the door, Gu Jiajia said faintly to Mrs. Jing with a trace of fatigue in her voice, "go in and sit down."

Not a single address, impolite!

Mrs. Jing angrily entered the room, then put the eggs on the sofa, pointed to Gerry and severely tortured Gu Jiajia: "who is he?"

Gu Jiajia wondered, "haven't you seen him long ago?"

"I asked, what is your relationship with him now?!"

"Grandma, Jiajia and I will get married soon. We are a couple now and will be a couple soon." Gerry looked at Mrs. Jing and his tone was pretty good.

"What?!" Mrs. Jing forked up and scolded Gu Jiajia: "are you going to marry him?! are you ashamed? Are you ashamed?!"

Gu Jiajia is speechless. Can you kick her out?