The little girl was wronged: "I want to eat cake very much. Sister LAN and sister Hua all want to eat cake."

"OK, next time I come, my sister will bring you a big cake." Erya saw sadness, longing and innocence from these children.

Children's nature is kind and naive.

The eyes of these children are very clear and pure.

It seems that cake is a rare and beautiful food for them.

Erya also lived in the countryside.

Before Tang Huai took her family on the road to wealth.

Her family life is very difficult. The whole family depends on farming to eat.

If there is a good harvest of rice, there will be two bowls of rice to eat. If the harvest is bad, there will be few left after paying the public grain.

It's the best life to eat meat once a month.

Erya remembered that she hadn't eaten a bite of meat for three months at most.

At that time, she drooled at the thought of meat.

If a neighbor is frying meat, she will climb at the door with Sanya, smelling the meat and drooling.

Then I fantasized about eating meat.

She ate and drank in her dreams countless times, and the table was full of meat for her to eat.

Once she dreamed that she ate and drank a lot. When she woke up, she kept salivating.

Also nausea, want to vomit and can't vomit, very uncomfortable.

After getting up, she ran to Liu Xiaoxiao and said, "Mom, I'm so greedy that my courage hurts."

At that time, she felt her bile dripping, so she said.

Liu Xiaoxiao wanted to laugh at her. Can he be greedy enough to have a gall ache?

But then I thought, it was an adverse reaction of children's growth and malnutrition.

It's not gall pain, it's stomach pain

Think again, their family hasn't bought meat for three months.

The child doesn't grow well and the old man is thin.

Go out to farm work, and your strength will soon run out.

That day, Liu Xiaoxiao took four yuan and bought a piece of fat meat.

Four yuan was a lot for their family at that time!

My brother goes to preschool, six yuan for books and miscellaneous expenses

Cut the fat pig into pieces, then boil water in the pot and pour the meat in.

When cooked, take the meat up and dip it in soy sauce.

The water for cooking pork becomes a delicious soup.

At that time, Erya liked fat meat dipped in soy sauce best.

It's a delicacy!

That day, she ate a lot of pork.

After that, I vomited

When you are too hungry, gobble it up, and then it starts to be greasy.

There is a kind of deficiency that is not supplemented. Suddenly, the adverse reaction after tonic is very serious.

Erya can understand these children best.

I want to eat, but I don't have to eat, and I'm very hungry

This taste is the most uncomfortable.

Hearing that there was a cake to eat next time, the children cheered again.

Looking at their happy smiling faces, Erya felt very deep.

Although their life is hard, their happiness is so simple.

If you have a piece of cake to eat, you can get full happiness.

Some people don't know what happiness is in every meal.


After leaving this residential area.

Erya asked Su Song while driving: "are those children abandoned by their parents?"

Su Song put his elbow on the window and stroked his forehead with his hand, lazily.

After hearing Erya's words, he gave a light hum.

"It's all girls. It must have been abandoned by those patriarchal families." Erya road.

Since last year, family planning has been strictly controlled.

The province also pays attention to the succession of families. Many families, whether father-in-law and mother-in-law, or husband and wife themselves, attach great importance to sons over daughters.

We must have a son!

But a son can't be born if he wants to.

Many women, when their first child is a daughter, want their second child to be a son.

When the second child is a daughter, I hope the third child is a son

In short, if there are daughters in front, no matter how many births, we should continue to have children until we have a son!

But with so many daughters, poor families can't afford it.

Family planning is also strict. They were born secretly in hiding.

Otherwise, there will be a lot of extra birth fees.

Unable to afford it, they had to abandon the baby girl because they had to face the extra cost.

Erya met a couple. Their first is a son, the second and the third is a daughter. They have to continue to have a son.

When the fourth child was a daughter again, the baby girl was discarded.

In Dacheng street, a couple went too far.

When the first child is a son and the second child is a daughter, the other party shall discard the baby girl.

After her mother's family knew about it, she came to scold her, and then took the baby girl home to raise her.

The eldest brother of the woman has been unable to marry a wife, so he raised the baby girl as a daughter.

The woman's third child is a daughter, but she stayed with her to raise her daughter.

The couple never cared about the daughter who was taken away by their mother's family.

I never give my mother's living expenses or children's tuition fees.

When the child is 17 years old and comes out to work to earn money, the husband and wife should recognize the daughter.

The girl's uncle certainly disagreed, so the brother and sister quarreled

"Yes." Su Rong answered softly.

Compared with him who loved to laugh in the hotel, he has lost his smile and has a deep face.

"Did you adopt them? Or did grandma adopt them?" Erya gave him a look.

"Adopted by my adoptive parents."

Erya was surprised: "aren't you... President Su's son?"

"Yes, but when I was born, I was discarded."

"Why?" Is his family different from other families? People lose girls and his family loses boys.

"It's a long story. I'll talk to you slowly when I have a chance in the future."

"Then... What about your adoptive parents?"


As soon as Erya listened, her hands shaking the steering wheel shook, and the car shook.

Su Rong sat up straight and looked at her.

Her side face seemed to have no defects. It was white and tender. Su Rong couldn't help but stretch out his hand and pinch it. "Drive seriously."

On his face, the residual temperature of his finger belly remained

Erya's eyes flashed slightly.

They were silent for a while. Erya asked, "where is your home?"

Su Rong said the address.

Erya sent him home.

Su Rong lives in the home of his biological father, Su Mingliang.

They are from city A. Su Mingliang is doing business in city K.

After the reform and opening up, K city was rated as a special zone with rapid economic development.

Anyone who knows how to seize opportunities and dare to break through has started a profitable business.

In the 1980s and 1990s, K city was known as the city of "gold everywhere".

Since the Republic of China, the Su Mingliang family has been doing business.

In the 1950s and 1960s, although life was hard, the Su family was smart and could make a living.

In the late 1970s, Su Mingliang began to do business.

After the reform and opening up, he immediately came to K city and was really famous by him.

He opened the "bright house" department store in K city.