The crowd automatically gave way to Jing Moyan, which not only allowed him to walk smoothly to Tao Yuhao, but also made him see Tao Yuhao's embarrassment more clearly.

Seeing Tao Yuhao like this, Jing Moyan frowned very tightly and a chill burst into his eyes.

Tao Yuhao sat there with Tao Duoduo in his arms, looked up and looked at him as the God of heaven approached. It was as if the drowning man had caught the driftwood to save his life, and as if he were in a dark world, he saw a glimmer of dawn, more like a tired man, and finally found his support.

Tao Yuhao's tears rolled in his eyes. His stubborn and pitiful appearance suddenly softened Jing Moyan's cold heart.

Jing Moyan went to her and squatted down. He rubbed her head with his hand and said in a warm voice, "don't be afraid of me."

Tao Yuhao subconsciously tilted her neck back to avoid his hands. She was dirty all over

Jing Moyan didn't care at all and didn't dislike it. He lifted Tao Duoduo from her arms and said, "come with me."

When Tao Yuhao got up, he felt his knee was soft and almost fell.

King Moyan long arm one? He stretched out, fastened her waist, tilted his head and looked at her with eyebrows: "hurt?"

Tao Yuhao shook his head: "no..."

Jing Moyan tightened his thin lips and stopped talking. He hugged her with one hand and Tao Duoduo with the other.

Seeing that Jing Moyan was holding the two people, Lu Yan quickly got out of the car and ran over to pick up Tao Duoduo who was dizzy.

Being hugged by Jing Moyan like this, Tao Yuhao was very uncomfortable and more embarrassed.

The dirt on her body has stained his clean and crisp suit

However, Tao Yuhao had to admit that he smelled very good. Her nose was full of his clear breath. She was hugged by him. She was not afraid of someone coming to violence her.

Those onlookers, especially Lin tingshuang's fans, stared at Jing Moyan and Tao Yuhao in disbelief.

How could this handsome and handsome man be so gentle to this dirty woman?

Didn't he come to settle the account with this woman?

Look at this situation, which seems to come to settle accounts?


The car stopped at the gate of Yimin hospital.

The medical staff of the hospital have been waiting for a moment with a stretcher.

When he saw Jing Moyan's car, he ran over.

They quickly and skillfully took Tao Duoduo out of the car, put him on a stretcher and carried him into the hospital.

Tao Yuhao nervously followed up. Suddenly, with a tight wrist, Jing Moyan pulled her.

She stopped, turned and looked at him puzzled.

The man said, "this hospital belongs to my family. Don't worry about giving people to them."

"You... Your family?" Taoyu was so surprised. When he sent her back today, he just said that his mother was working for Yimin. Now she has retired and traveled around the world with his father.

Now his sister also works in this hospital. She has many good medical skills, but she didn't tell her that Yimin hospital belongs to his family.

Jing Moyan nodded, "they are of high quality and will try their best to rescue their aunt."

Tao Yuhao breathed a sigh of relief.

"You stink. Go take a bath and change into clean clothes." Jing Moyan frowned.

He didn't mind her smelling, but worried that she was splashed with something that hurt her skin. If he didn't wash it quickly, it would affect her skin.

"OK, OK." Tao Yuhao nodded and turned to get into his car.

Jing Moyan stretched out his hand to hold her again.

Tao Yuhao looked back at Jing Moyan with a complicated look: "don't you send me back? I'm afraid..."

"Come with me." Jing Moyan spoke calmly.

He took her into the hospital, into the elevator, and then all the way to the sixth floor.

Stop at an expert office on the sixth floor, where each expert has an office.

There is a front desk outside each office, and a nurse sits at the front desk.

Jing Moyan went to Jing Yiyun's office and knocked on the table. The nurse was carefully recording the report. When she heard the sound of knocking on the table, she looked up and saw that it was Jing Moyan. The nurse's face was red: "less ink!"

"Is Dr. Jing in there?" Jing Moyan faces the closed doorway.

Jing Moyan will never open the door because Jing Yiyun is her own sister, whether she is receiving or not. This is very impolite and will make the patient unhappy. Many patients are embarrassed to tell their illness in the face of doctors, and it is even more embarrassed to have outsiders.

The nurse nodded, "it's been a long time, but it's coming out."

With that, the nurse's eyes fell on Tao Yuhao.

Seeing the dirty and embarrassed Tao Yuhao, the nurse raised her eyebrow imperceptibly.

Who is this woman?

Why are you so lucky to let Mo Shao personally take her to see a doctor?

Those smelly and spotted things on her are rotten eggs, aren't they?

Is there a woman crawling out of the garbage?

Not only the nurses, but also the patients waiting to see a doctor in the waiting room cast strange eyes at Tao Yuhao.

Tao Yu's favor was looked at by them. She was very embarrassed. She glanced at Jing Moyan secretly.

His perfect cold side face is as cold, calm, elegant and calm as ever.

He never seems to care about anyone's eyes——

Jing Moyan stood there and waited for about ten minutes. Jing Yiyun's office door was opened.

A middle-aged couple came out from the inside. The nurse knew that Jing Moyan was looking for Jing Yiyun, and didn't immediately call the next number. Instead, she respectfully said to Jing Moyan, "Mo Shao, you can go in."

Jing Moyan nodded and entered Jing Yiyun's office. He didn't call himself. Tao Yuhao hesitated to follow him.

Jing Yiyun is waiting for the next patient. Unexpectedly, he is waiting for his second brother.

Jing Yiyun looked at Jing Moyan: "are you sick? What are those things on your clothes? Why is there a smell?"

"The key to your room." Jing Moyan spoke.

"What do you want my room key for?"

"Go take a bath and change your clothes."

"You want to take a bath and change clothes. You won't go back to your house? Your property is everywhere. Why did you come to me?" Jing Yiyun took out the key and said to Jing Moyan.

"Send a friend's mother to the hospital, by the way." Jing Moyan took the key.

"Friend's mother?" Jing Yiyun stood up curiously and looked out the door. She saw Tao Yuhao and raised her eyebrow: "just her?"


"How did this happen?"

"I'll talk about it later." Taking the key, Jing Moyan went out of the office.

Jing Yiyun made a funny face at Jing Moyan's back: "when are you free?"

Jing Yiyun touched her chin and said, "is the sun coming out in the west? This boy has a female friend? The girl's image is so special that I can't see her clearly, but I'm sure I've never seen her."

Jing Yiyun's bedroom in the hospital is the one Tang Huai used to live in.

Jing Moyan asked Tao Yuhao to go in and take a bath first: "the clothes will be delivered in a minute. You should clean them first."

Tao Yu said, "I'd better wait for the clothes to come in and wash them."