On February 14, Shengxin company held a grand promotion meeting for Ericsson gh398's listing in East China at Dongling square near their company and the largest in the provincial capital. Zhang Ke drafted the framework of the promotion meeting. Those days, he welcomed Ding Huai and Su Jindong to Haizhou and decided to buy Shengda electronics factory, He can only see the grand occasion of the promotion meeting from the programs recorded and broadcast by the TV station: famous hosts, rock bands, singers, funny clowns, Peking Opera, Pingtan, free food and hot-air balloons, which makes the promotion meeting look like a big miscellaneous Carnival scene. It costs 100000 yuan to clean up the scene and repair the damaged site bricks after the event, but these efforts are necessary, In the frenzy set off by the promotion meeting, Shengxin company does not know the proportion of buyers who do not know whether there is a difference between digital mobile phones and mobile phones.

Sheng Xin's gorgeous performance even startled Ericsson's headquarters. When ye Jianbin received the congratulatory message personally sent by the president of Ericsson, Zhang Ke was visiting the factory of IDA electronics with Chen Xinsheng. Ye Jianbin contacted Zhang Ke several times and couldn't find anyone else.

Xie Wanqing and Zhou you are also very busy with Jinhu's huge plan to integrate Haizhou paper industry. They have no time to pay attention to the situation of Aida electronics. They have only had two meals with Su Jindong and Ding Huai. They know nothing about the specific situation of Aida electronics. They only know that Zhang Ke wants to produce the DVD player bought from the provincial capital last year. As for how Zhang Ke organizes research and development The organization of production is not very clear.

They learned from Xu Si that Shengda electronics factory was transferred to register Aida Electronics Co., Ltd. Zhang Ke entrusted Su Jindong as the legal representative and general manager of the company, while Liu Minghui kicked Zhang Ke to Beijing for a month. They felt a little strange, but they had no time to take care of it. There are 67 state-owned or collective paper mills in Haizhou city. Only data collection and sorting are enough for them to be busy, not to mention being responsible for the normal operation of Xinguang factory.

Zhang Ke sent Chen Xinsheng away and went back to fuguiyuan community to unplug the phone and sleep. Even Xu Si didn't understand his whereabouts, and others couldn't find his people.

Ye Jianbin couldn't wait. Waiting for Sheng Xin to have a rest, he rushed to Haizhou with his cousin and his assistant to the president Ye Xiaotong.

Ye Jianbin came out like a thief and saw Zhang Ke's eyes shining, which made people feel guilty. It is said that ye Jianbin's family is tough and the secretary is not allowed to use women. Ye Jianbin had to let his cousin Ye Xiaotong be his assistant.

Zhang Ke asked him what happened when he hurried to Haizhou. Ye Jianbin was there. It's not true. He just wanted to find someone to share his mood in the air. There's really nothing special.

Zhang Ke tilted his head and stared at Ye Jianbin. He looked sideways at Ye Xiaotong standing at the door of Wanqing's office and asked them, "what's the matter?"

Xie Wanqing came out of the office: "Liu Minghui said that things on your side have slowed down for the time being, but we can't contact you. President Ye arrived in Haizhou yesterday..."

Ye Xiaotong smiled and said, "I'll bring president ye to Haizhou. It's not clear."

"Come on, I have nothing to support when I'm full," Ye Jianbin patted his head. "Haitai trade didn't talk to you about Ericsson's sales?"

Zhang Ke stalled and said, "I've seen the video of the promotion meeting. It's better than I expected. The executive ability of Shengxin marketing department is really not comparable to that of our small company. I don't know anything else..."

Zhang Ke withdrew from Haitai last winter. Ye Jianbin knew this. At that time, he was worried that he could not rely on Zhang Ke's amazing market planning ability. This time, he came to know that Xie Wanqing put all the main assets of Haiyu company into Jinhu. People with a clear eye knew that Zhang Ke would never separate from Jinhu again. Once the circle changed, Zhang Ke had an indirect relationship with Haitai.

Haitai is the provincial representative of Ericsson in Donghai province. Zhang Ke doesn't care about the promotion of Ericsson 398. Ye Jianbin's passion floating in the air and eager to share with others is blocked there. He can't vent, which almost drives him crazy. Moreover, Zhang Ke formulated the framework of the whole promotion scheme.

"You really don't care a little..." Ye Jianbin still doesn't give up. He doesn't believe Zhang Ke will be so calm.

"Not really," Zhang Ke smiled shyly. "I've been busy with other things recently, and I don't care to intervene here in Jinhu..."

"What makes you so nervous?" Ye Jianbin was interested when he saw that Zhang Ke didn't pretend to be mysterious.

Zhang Ke glanced and said, "I asked you first."

Ye Jianbin scratched his head, pointed to Zhang Ke and said, "you don't give face."

Xie Wanqing invited everyone to sit in the office with a smile. Shao Xinwen, director of Shengxin marketing department, was in the office with Zhou you and Xu Si.

Ye Jianbin felt uncomfortable blocking Zhang Ke. He sat on the sofa and said to Ye Xiaotong, "Zhang Ke is very boring. What an exciting thing. Meeting him is like a balloon pricked by a needle. Come on."

Zhang Ke said with a smile, "President Ye has made a fortune. I'll let you show off. Aren't we more depressed than those who cling to our pockets?"

Ye Jianbin laughed: "you still know."

Zhang Ke stretched himself against the sofa and slept for too long. His body needed exercise like an inducement. Xu Si'an sat quietly at her desk and nodded to Zhang Ke without enthusiasm. Then he didn't dare to look at him. There are guests here. Today, he can't find a chance to be alone with Xu Si, which makes Zhang Ke's teeth itch. Of course, it won't make ye Jianbin too proud: "Haitai was optimistic about Ericsson last year. There is no reason why it is not confident at this time. It just doesn't know the specific data."

Ye Xiaotong said with a smile: "three days after February 14, the total sales volume of the whole East China reached 20000..."

Zhang Ke nodded and said, "yes, yes..." but there was no surprise Ye Jianbin and ye Xiaotong wanted to see in his eyes. When he saw Ye Jianbin and ye Xiaotong staring at him dissatisfied, he was surprised and said, "what's the matter? You made money and asked me to help you. Are you happy? Don't you have to embarrass me so much?"

Ye Xiaotong completely gave up the plan to hang Zhang Ke's appetite and continued: "The promotion meeting was very successful. You can't find words to describe how successful it was. In February, only half a month, the total sales exceeded that of last year. East China accounted for 80% of Ericsson's total sales. Throughout March, the frenzy caused by the promotion meeting has not subsided, and East China still accounts for 60% of the total sales in China. Sheng Xin is in one and a half months The sales volume expected to be completed in one year will be completed in January, and the market share in East China will surpass Motorola for the first time... "

As long as these data flash in Ye Jianbin's mind, he can't help whistling. Last year, he persuaded others in his family to put all their eggs in one basket to get Ericsson's agency in East China. At first, Zhang Ke opened the market in Haizhou to let him see the dawn of success. This time, he saw the great magic of market operation. Naturally, Zhang Ke took a lot of credit, and ye Jianbin can look forward to it Zhang Ke came to celebrate. However, Zhang Ke was hit repeatedly, and his mood for celebrating was much weaker.

Zhang Ke said with a smile, "so Sheng Xin has made a lot of money now?"

Ye Jianbin didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Ke's words. Seeing that Zhang Ke finally followed Ye Xiaotong's words, he expressed surprise and said proudly: "That's second. The sales volume in March has not been counted. Sheng Xin's name has spread all over Sweden. The congratulatory messages from the president and chairman of Ericsson have been placed on my desk. You say I've been depressed for nearly a year. It's not easy to find someone to share. You don't deserve it."

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Ke said with a smile, "I'm afraid the motorcycle and roto hate you. This is forcing Motorola to launch Chinese mobile phones in advance."

Ye Jianbin said with a smile: "Don't mention that Motorola is fidgeting. South China, North China and central China have taken our ride, but they are worried that we will rob their jobs and force Beijing to reward us. Beijing company will share the advertising cost of the promotion in East China in proportion, about 6 million. The only requirement is that Shengxin hand over a complete promotion plan ... "at this point, ye Jianbin stopped and looked at Zhang Ke jokingly.

Apportioning the 6 million advertising fee should be regarded as an additional reward given by Ericsson to Sheng Xin. Ye Jianbin is not the kind of bachelor. At this time, he proposed that he could have a share?

Zhang Ke became impatient and warmed up. He bowed his hands and said, "President Ye has caught my itch this time. I'm running an electronics factory and I'm short of R & D funds. Yesterday, I just kidnapped 300000 people from below. How much can I share? You can tell me."

Ye Jianbin proudly took out a transfer check from the mouth of his suit and said, "you are not Shengxin's employee, and there is no additional reward. However, you wrote the promotion plan and used it in East China. That's our friendship. Give it to Beijing for reference to other regions. The cost still needs to be calculated for you, and Shengxin won't lose your money..."

"This is emergency money, thank you..." Zhang Ke quickly grabbed the check. He looked silly. The check's head and amount were not written. Looking at Ye Jianbin smiling proudly over there, he was depressed at this time.

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