Fu Xinyu doesn't mention it for the time being. In his last life, he had paid off his debt with his life. In this life, they are just strangers. As long as he doesn't provoke himself, he can never know him.

But Fu Xinrui, Ouyang Xiasha, will never let go of her, because her existence is much more hateful than Fu Xinyu's abandonment, because it was muqingchi that she wanted to flatter the Mu family and sell her "wrist Bi" to muqingchi.

Once upon a time, she almost had an accident and was dragged to the field to insult her. Fortunately, Fu Xinyu showed up in time. That was what she did to please muqingchi.

Such things, there are many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many.

It was not until after his death that muqingchi appeared in his morgue that he mocked, as if showing off and laughing at his stupidity, and told the cause and effect of the matter.

It was also at that time that I began to know how stupid my so-called kindness was. I regarded others as my friends and others as my stupid stepping stone.

It was also from that time that I decided to put aside the so-called kindness and be a very poisonous woman. Only when I was covered with poison could I protect myself and my family.

There are also two familiar figures in the group of people in black who are chasing their uncles. One is Fu Xinrui, who has always been respected as the future eldest sister-in-law. I haven't found her yet, but she sent her to the door. If I don't deal with her, I'm too sorry for myself.

As for the other person, Jin qiuxuan, a young lady of the Jin family, who matched the Fu family, had always treated her with courtesy because she was the best friend of her future eldest sister-in-law.

It's a pity that people only think of themselves as stupid women. They have no less to deal with themselves, and they have no less to do harm to themselves. It's just that they used to be so stupid that they never doubted them.

Ha ha, don't worry, come one by one, since the gear of fate has changed the direction because of her rebirth, then she will certainly live up to the chance of her rebirth. If she has revenge, she will pay back what she added to herself one by one.

"Sasha, you can't knock over a boat with one stroke!" Feng Yue Xi some son you resent of say.

"I won't do that, Sha." Hell Night is very straightforward to say the words in his heart.

"That's right, Sasha. Isn't it true that all men are like this? It's not like there's a good man, like Ben Shao. " Ye Li is joking and boasting.

If you let his men see Ye Li like this, they will not be able to close their chin. Boss, you are a killer. How can this expression appear on your old man's face? Boss, are you being switched? Or was it switched? Or was it switched?

"Ha ha, I also know that there are a lot of good men, and I also know that you are the best." Ouyang Xiasha's thoughts were interrupted by three people's words. But for three people's words, Ouyang Xiasha really didn't know how to answer them for a moment. She could only smile and some of them escaped.

Just her evasive answer, there are still a few words that she didn't say. What she didn't say is that the top one good man doesn't have to be met by himself, but you are good, but you don't dare to try.

Whether she is greedy, timid or selfish, she thinks that there are people who favor and depend on her. She has a good relationship like her brother. She doesn't want to try to change this relationship. She is afraid that if she doesn't succeed after the change, she will lose the relationship like her brother.