"Girl, is sister Wu reliable? Ask her to contact Xia Houyi. Will there be any sequelae in the future? Will it bring you some unnecessary trouble? " Ye Li looks at the heartless Ouyang Xiasha who is smiling and looks at the sister-in-law Wu who is standing at the door of the villa and seeing them off. She asks with some worry.

The conversation between Ouyang Xiasha and sister-in-law Wu just now did not deliberately hide the meaning of anyone, so the voice was not small. In addition to the extraordinary hearing of these three Buddhas, they had already heard their conversation clearly.

Because of this, the three great Buddhas are more or less worried that they trust sister Wu so much in Ouyang Xiasha. You know, there are too few people like them who can really trust.

Especially such ordinary people, more can not easily believe, because they are too fragile, too easy to be used by outsiders, which brings a lot of unnecessary danger or trouble.

"Xiaomingming, xiaoxixi, xiaolili, you don't have to worry, it will be OK! Although I call her sister-in-law Wu, she is a member of the Xiahou family. Although she is not directly related, it can not change the fact that she is a member of the Xiahou family. Her husband, though surnamed Wu, is a cousin of the Xiahou family. Therefore, she is also a member of the Xiahou family. Besides, they are still close friends of the old man, so they have nothing to bear It's the heart Seeing the worried expression of the three Buddhas and the worried words blurted out by Ye Li, Ouyang Xiasha suddenly finds that the relationship between men and women she has always rejected before is not as disgusting as she imagined, and she even likes it. This feeling is totally different from that when she is with Fu Xinyu. Because she is sweet in her heart, she is in a good mood. Because she is in a good mood, what she says is patient and gentle. Even the explanation she dislikes most at ordinary times, Ouyang Xiasha patiently explains it very seriously.

After listening to Ouyang Xiasha's explanation, the three Buddhas were relieved. Suddenly, they found that the importance of this girl in their mind was thousands of times heavier than they imagined, and they didn't have any rejection. They seemed to like this feeling very much.

This kind of cognition really surprised them. You know, once they were, they were very repulsive. Once they met with such things, they would either wipe them out or stay away, because this means that they have weaknesses, and a king does not need any weaknesses.

But at this moment, they are happy to have this weakness and are willing to do their best to protect it. Seeing the smile of this so-called weakness, they feel that what they have done is worth it and they are willing to enjoy it. Even if they annex a first-class force, they are not as good as this weakness Smile, let them happy, let them excited, and they seem to enjoy this feeling

Although it seems that they are not normal, their mood has never been so good. The tingling feeling from their heart at the thought of erasing or staying away from this weakness is absolutely not deceiving.

No aversion, no rejection, and even like, it's inseparable. In this case, they decided to be willful once and really do it according to their own heart. It's not in vain for them to come to this world. Once people like them make a decision, it's a lifelong commitment

"It'll be fine, so we can rest assured! So, girl, where are we going for the first stop of our four date? " Feng Yue Xi gently touched Ouyang Xiasha's hair and said with a smile.