"Don't be like this. What kind of person is the boss? Even if you didn't know much about him before, haven't you really understood him through the training in recent months? How could she leave us? Have you forgotten "don't give up, don't give up"? I'm sure the boss will be able to make it before the game starts Looking at some dejected companions, Du Shanshan couldn't help encouraging them.

Probably because after a night of thinking, think through a lot of problems! Or, it's because of the blind worship of Ouyang Xiasha. In short, at this moment, Du Shanshan's children's shoes have changed her past confusion, firmly and unconditionally chose to believe that her boss will come here!

"Yes, we believe the boss will come!" Recalling those months of training together day and night, I think of what they know about Ouyang Xiasha and Du Shanshan's words, which are groundless consolation. At this moment, everyone present believes that Ouyang Xiasha will come. So he yelled with one voice.

And just as the crowd was cheering up, a strange bell was especially loud in the roaring noise, which also made the excited crowd look at the place where the bell was made.

"Why, girl, how do you remember to find me now? It takes 20 days to disappear without any news. Do you know how tormenting it is? " Hearing the familiar and unique ring tone, Mingsu excitedly and quickly took out his mobile phone. Seeing the name on the phone, which had been waiting for him for a long time and felt warm, Mingsu's nervous tension suddenly relaxed. Just now, her cold face suddenly changed into a smiling face, but she was still dead and said bitterly.

"Ming, I'm sorry! When I go back, I'll explain to you. Now please press hands-free first, OK? " Ouyang Xiasha some guilty, some guilty said. If you think about it, you will disappear without a trace for 20 days. They must have worried a lot for you, so she is sure to apologize, and she can understand his little temper.

"All right! I'm waiting for your explanation Mingsu said with a good smile, then put the phone on the desk in front of him, and turned on the hands-free function by the way.

"Is it the boss?" When they heard that the underworld called each other "wench", their hearts were more or less counted, because apart from their eldest brother, there was absolutely no other person who could get such a friendly name from the underworld. In addition, they could make the ice on the face of the underworld show a smile that could not be covered, and it was their eldest brother. Together, they already had 90% I'm sure that the person on the other side of the phone is the boss of their heart. But they are still uncertain and ask in a low voice. This is probably the so-called. The more you care, the more you are afraid that you can't afford it!

"Yes, it's Ouyang Xiasha. Because of her temporary special promotion, she had to leave without saying goodbye. Then she fell into a state of meditation. She just woke up. I'm sorry! I didn't contact you, so you are worried! " Ouyang Xiasha sincerely explained and apologized. If you change a person, she Ouyang Xiasha may not, also disdain to explain to others, but this group of people is different, they hear their voice anxiety and haggard, surprise and comfort, even if they are not in front of them, can feel, it is absolutely not deceptive. For those who care about themselves, she is never too troublesome and willing to explain and apologize!