When the ear clearly came, Xia houhuan, the tough hearted old man, a caring words from the bottom of his heart, Ouyang Xiasha choked, her eyes could not help but wet, but her strong heart as a woman, did not allow her to show such a perceptual side, so she stiffly suppressed the tears from her eyes. Although suppressed, did not shed tears, but the expression on that face, can be really not very good-looking, even a little strange.

In fact, Ouyang Xiasha has been clearly aware since seven years ago that her personality is too similar to that of the old man, just like a person.

Because their personalities are too similar, it's good to meet each other when they have the same opinions. It's quite a hero's feeling that they have the same ideas. However, once there is a conflict, it's an unprecedented disaster of Mars hitting the earth. Even so, she can deeply feel the special care and love of the old man for herself But that kind of care and love, has always been a hidden color of existence, like today, when the real expression, it is really rare.

Because she couldn't stand such a sensational occasion, Ouyang Xiasha didn't say anything more. Without saying a word, she turned around, raised her injured right hand, made a good-bye appearance, and walked towards the gate of Xiahou's old house. Just in the middle of the walk, Ouyang Xiasha suddenly stopped and added to the crowd without looking back: "although my mother and aunt haven't woken up yet, there is no danger of life at present. You can rest assured!" Then, without waiting for a reply, he went to the gate of the old house

On September 16, 2006, a secluded private airport on the outskirts of Norma, Italy.

"Master, Norma is here!" Ten minutes after the plane landed, Mingyi and others saw Ouyang Xiasha, who was still in a state of wandering without any trace of recovery. They thought of Ouyang Xiasha's hidden whereabouts when they left Bianjing. They didn't want to disturb Ouyang Xiasha's meditation. As the representative and boss of the twelve riders, YY's Mingyi had to speak frankly. The reason why he did this was because Mingyi clearly knew that when they entered the Italian border, they must have been paid attention to. The longer they stayed in the same place, the more likely they were to expose their identity. It was a waste of time. His original intention of using other people's names to enter the country also went against Ouyang Xiasha's idea of concealment.

"I know! Mingyi, is there any news about Mingsu, fengyuexi, and Yeli? For example, where they are now, is there any special situation around them recently? Is there anything special? " Ouyang Xiasha, who had come back to herself, was a little uncomfortable when she thought of her dull appearance before. She kept her dull appearance for more than ten hours, just like a flower maniac who missed spring. In order to hide her embarrassment, Ouyang Xiasha went to the engine room and asked suspiciously.

"Back to the master, according to the information we just received from the Italian spies, the three adults are now concentrated in the stronghold of Udinese. Except for a small family assassination three days ago, there are no dangerous events. However, there are two or three special events, of course, among them Yes, there are also bad ones. I don't know whether the master wants to listen to the good first or the bad first? " As a perfect subordinate who claims to be perfect, it is also very necessary to help his master reduce and ease such an embarrassing atmosphere. As a result, Mingyi children's shoes, which are rarely joking, actually joked and made fun of his master. Of course, the effect he wanted to achieve was also perfectly achieved. Seeing Ouyang Xiasha's appearance, we can see that she was embarrassed and had no idea which eight claw country she had thrown to.