As for why LAN Zixi said he hated canying for their good skills, instead of suspecting that there was a secret agent in the underworld palace, as Xia Sha did, it was not unreasonable. After all, the people in the underworld palace, whether they were the people who followed from the underworld or the members who joined later, all had a soul contract with Ouyang Xia Sha. If they had any changes, Ouyang Xia Sha, as the owner of the contract, would have a soul contract How can there be no induction? Therefore, the possibility of infidelity can be completely ruled out.

The reason why Xia Sha doubts it is because "care leads to chaos". As long as she calms down a little, she can clear up her mind and know that there is no secret agent at all.




As the child of Ou Ruoxue and her mother, her father is just a decorator. For Fu Xinyi's three brothers and sisters, ou Ruoxue is all of them. Seeing such a scene, they can keep silent and don't scold. That's impossible. I always thought that when they had the real ability, they would never see their relatives wronged again. But at this moment, when they saw their mother caught and their life was at stake, they did not dare to act rashly. They were so angry and anxious that they could not save them immediately, but they were afraid that the "enemy" would attack them and kill them, Maybe it's because of the surging of air flow on her body, maybe it's because of the surging of anger, and the breath of her sister and brother has also changed in an instant, especially Fu Xinyi, who is the eldest sister. Her lightning attribute breath is forming a strong air flow in the air. The dark clouds cover the sun above her head, just like the sky is overcast in an instant. She can't see a trace of sunlight, but also because of the light The faintness of the line and the strength of the breath, everyone present can feel the terrible pressure brewing in the air.

The thirty-six guards of the Ming Palace and the pro guard of the Ming emperor had nothing to do but stare at the so-called "enemies" and wait for their master's orders. After all, people have relatives of their own masters in their hands. If not for their arrest, they can let go. But now, they have to consider their safety.

Du Shanshan, Mingyi and Xia Houyi, as the leaders of the three forces in the Ming Palace, all frowned slightly. They looked at Ouyang Xiasha with a little worry.

They all know that as long as they are recognized by their masters, they will be brought under her wings, and they are all the people she cares about, and the people she cares about are her weaknesses. Because she attaches too much importance to them, they become the main points of the enemy threatening her. No matter how well she protects them, it is hard to ensure that they will not be caught and threatened, just like now No wonder that hateful shadow dared to say that with confidence just now. It turned out that he had a card in his hand.

Although many of the disciples of the Xiahou family are not familiar with the relatives of their master, they are not familiar with them except for their parents. However, they all know that their identities are different when they see that the faces of the people present have changed greatly, and when they hear the exclamations of their master and Fu's brothers and sisters Now I'm being held hostage by those "enemies". I'm afraid

"Hate canying, what do you want?" Taking into account the hostages in the other party's hands, Ouyang Xiasha had to suppress her anger and thoughts of killing. She began to question in a cold voice. Her cold eyes were fixed on the hateful shadow standing in the front of the opposite. Although she gave way in words, the intention of killing in her eyes was not concealed at all.

"Ha ha! What about? Why do you like to ask these questions? Didn't my subordinates make it very clear? My Lord, if you follow your subordinates back to the cultivation world today, besides LAN Zixi and all the people in the temple of hell, your subordinates can be the masters, let others live, and guarantee their wealth for life. But if you don't know how to praise your subordinates, don't blame them for being cruel. Today, my subordinates want them all to die here After all, as long as your spirit is still there, you can rebuild your body. " Hate canying is not that he didn't see the killing intention in Ouyang Xiasha's eyes, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Although there are more or less in his heart, even he can't say clearly, the complex emotions of unknown Tao are mixed in it, but because of his blind loyalty to the adult, he completely ignored this strange feeling. It was not until many years later that he came back to hate canying There is a feeling of regret from the bottom of my heart. Of course, this is the Afterword. And at this moment hate shadow, say words, really let people feel very uncomfortable, especially mean.

Ouyang Xiasha listened to hate canying, which was a little flat, and made her very good. She slapped his words with a slap. Suddenly, Feng's eyes were half narrowed, and a ray of light passed by her eyes, staring at the arrogant man. Her low voice with a trace of disdain and contempt came out of her mouth: "hate canying, you are also a great general in the underworld, and now you are the only one in the cultivation world Next, those who are above ten thousand people, just like the supreme class, even want to use a few of them, ordinary people who have no power to restrain others, to threaten me and force me to submit. This kind of practice is too damaging to your supreme prestige and too cheap, isn't it? If it's spread out, it will only be despised. If you have the courage, you can fight with me. How about that? "If hate canying's proposal is that if he goes with him, he will let go of all the people present, then Ouyang Xiasha may think about it. It's not only a 50% chance not to do it, but he says that if he wants to kill all the people in the hell hall and LAN Zixi, Ouyang Xiasha will not agree anyway.