But the feeling of the breath, or the use of the secret method, can only be detected by the baptism of blood. In other words, only the person who is infected with the blood of the lineage can detect the breath in her body. Ouyang Xiasha, on the other hand, happens to have this kind of breath, which is the purest and thickest one. In their Xishang family, there will never be a second person except the eldest lady whose blood is pure and protected by the owner as the seed mother. And this is also the basic reason why the elders of the Xishang family are staring at Ouyang Xiasha.

As for why it was only 50% sure in the beginning, and then it became 100% after Ouyang Xiasha affirmed the character of the young lady, it was because at first they thought Ouyang Xiasha just accidentally rubbed her blood, and they didn't pay attention to it. Frankly speaking, they were suspicious, but they used a deceptive tone, hoping to find something useful from her words clue. But once it was mentioned that I had met their eldest daughter, I still knew so clearly that this possibility was completely ruled out. In the words of the senior members of the Xishang family, even if the death of their eldest daughter was not done by her own hands, she must have a very close relationship with her. She either existed as a helper or witnessed the whole process. In a word, Ouyang Xiasha must have something to do with it.

Don't wonder why the people of the Xishang family are talking now. After all, they can't open the secret all day long? How much do they want their family to die? Moreover, with their status in the underworld, I believe that no one will come to trouble them. In other words, they have never thought about the possibility of their people being assassinated. In their view, even if there are inevitable casualties in the family, it will only appear in the so-called secret place or the treasure snatching as it is today, Murder or something. It's not possible.

And the reason why they speak now is that they have just received the news that their soul card has broken. After all, so many people's soul cards suddenly all broken, how can it not be found? You know, there have always been a lot of inexplicable and waste of human and material resources in a large family like the Xishang family, but there is no need to exist. What's more, they even pay attention to superfluous things. For example, they have to clean the exhibition room which is full of clan spirit cards every day, no matter whether it's dusty or not, and whether it's necessary or not. But thanks to their habit, otherwise, if you go to clean it once a month in ten days and a half, you really don't know when you'll find the news that their breeding mother, the eldest lady, and the soul card of that group of people are broken.

As for why they decided that the cause of their death was man-made rather than distress, the reasons are as follows: first, guess must occupy a part of the reasons, not many, but more or less contains a certain proportion. As for the reasons, it is also very simple, you know, the more large family forces, the more serious their suspicions, there will be some changes It's not a hard answer to doubt, is it? The second reason is that the team is too clean and the time is too consistent. We need to know that if we encounter natural dangers, such as secret places, such as animal tides, and even the so-called looting, with the protection of the owner, the strength of that team will never be lower, at least not worse than they are here, and it will never be able to achieve this The end, not to say to be able to escape life, at least not so soon will be annihilated, right? As the saying goes, "when things go wrong, there will be demons." if there is no problem, it is not artificial. Who believes it?

In addition, among all the people present, only Ouyang Xiasha is the kind of existence whose strength is unfathomable. In other words, among all the people present, only Ouyang Xiasha, or those who are with Ouyang Xiasha, is most likely to have the ability to destroy a team in one fell swoop. Isn't that to say, "birds of a feather flock together?"? Ouyang Xiasha is so powerful that the person with her must not be an ordinary person. Although she seems to be alone now, who knows if she was with others before? Therefore, they will open the secret and sweep away Ouyang Xiasha at the first time, which is also a reasonable move.

Of course, the people of the Xishang family put their first goal on Ouyang Xiasha, not to say that other people would not be suspected or possible. You know, some despicable means can also achieve that effect. It's only out of instinct that they set their first goal on Ouyang Xiasha, that's all.

Those people are lucky! Ouyang Xiasha as the first target, because she didn't know the secret of the Xishang family, she was caught immediately. Otherwise, other targets that might be suspected would not be let go so easily by the Xishang family.

After all, Ouyang Xiasha's strength is there. No matter how much the people of the Xishang family cheer themselves up, they are only limited to the bravado and ruthlessness on their lips. They dare not have any other superfluous actions, such as the torture they have formed a habit of doing.

It doesn't mean that they don't dare to have such thoughts on other people, does it? After all, the status of the Xishang family is there. Apart from the other three of the four families that are the same as them, what do they dare not do? It is conceivable that if Ouyang Xiasha had not exposed the problem, the fate of others would have been conceivable.As for Ouyang Xiasha, it's not hard to understand that she doesn't know the secret of the Xishang family. After all, the status of the Xishang family is there. No matter once or now, besides Ouyang Xiasha, who has the courage to kill them? Of course, their people are living well. Since they are living well and they are not full, there is no need to use such a secret method. So, even though Ouyang Xiasha had many hidden stakes in the four families, she didn't know some secrets.

And just because she didn't know, now Ouyang Xiasha was unprepared to expose it. Although she didn't care about it, she might have less trouble. Of course, she still hopes to have less trouble.

Fortunately, today's luck is pretty good. After all, these people of the Xishang family, she always wants to kill them in the end. Now she is just accomplishing this goal. However, if one day, because of her carelessness, she temporarily destroys her plan and causes some unnecessary casualties, it will really be a crime. As a result, Ouyang Xiasha developed a habit after knowing the detailed solution of the Xishang family's secret method, that is, after she killed someone, no matter whether she was a famous family or an unknown small family, the first thing she did after she killed someone was to find a place to clean herself, change her clothes, and then do other things Even if she didn't have anything on her previous clothes and couldn't see anything, her decision has never changed. As for the reason, it's very simple. Ouyang Xiasha doesn't want to fall in the same place again. Even if this fall doesn't do any harm to her, it won't work.

"Sure enough, you killed the young lady? You killed it, didn't you? The team that follows the first lady is also your work, isn't it? You despicable villain, she is still so small. What has offended you? You have to bully the weak. I will pay you for your blood today, you slut Seeing that Ouyang Xiasha's reply was as light as a cloud, it was as if she was not talking about a person, but a little cat and dog with a life like grass. Suddenly, the leader of the Xishang family was gnashing his teeth in anger. That scarlet hate eyes, don't know, thought Ouyang Xiasha killed his daughter!

However, in other words, because of technical limitations, it is not possible to accurately judge whether the eldest lady is the elder's own daughter or not, but the truth is not much different.

You know, the elder has always been in a high position in the Xishang family, second only to the head of the family, but he has not had half a child in his life, at least so far. The premise is that the eldest lady is ruled out in advance, but he has a beloved person, even for this person, who would rather not marry for life, and that person, no doubt, is the eldest lady's biological mother They always meet secretly in private, others may not know, but who is Ouyang Xiasha? In the four families, the hidden piles she secretly buried were not used for decoration. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha didn't feel any surprise about the elder's expression. In other words, even if the eldest lady is not the elder's own daughter, but also his beloved's own flesh and blood, adhering to the principle of "love the house and love the dog", it's no surprise that the elder treats her as his own daughter, isn't it? Therefore, there is no problem that there will be such an excessive reaction.

Of course, this statement is only aimed at those who know the inside story like Ouyang Xiasha. Those of the Xishang family who don't know the reason think that the elder is too angry. They are angry that Ouyang Xiasha has cut off the purest blood of their family.