It has to be said that Ouyang Xiasha is very satisfied with the Bai family's education of the character of the people. This is also the real reason why Ouyang Xiasha is willing to protect them more and spend so much energy to cultivate them in this special period.

In other words, if a family only has loyalty to them and ignores the control of their character, Ouyang Xiasha will cherish the so-called loyalty, but he will only choose to take care of them at ordinary times, but will not spend so much energy to cultivate them. Only the family like Bai family, which has the loyalty to him and the quality of cultivating his people, is the family he is really willing to support and cultivate. Of course, it is also the family he deserves to support and cultivate. To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xiasha is not the unlucky wrongdoer, but the loyal family will support and cultivate when they see him. It's hard to say that with his former position and strength, there are many people who are loyal to him and his family. If everyone supports and cultivates them, it's a thing that he can't accomplish even if he's exhausted to death. Of course, this is not the fundamental reason why Ouyang Xiasha will selectively support and cultivate. After all, Ouyang Xiasha has limited energy, but his cronies are not dry eaters, are they? So, to put it bluntly, the reason why Ouyang Xiasha has chosen to support and cultivate those loyal to his family is not that he wants to be lazy, which family he discriminates against, or which family he favors, but that he doesn't want to spend so much energy and get meaningless and useless work, that's all. In Ouyang Xiasha's words, that is, he doesn't believe that a reserve force has grown crooked family, how long can it last. Since he was doomed to decline, he spent so much energy to cultivate, not a waste, what is it? In this way, it is more important to choose.

Well, it's a little bit too far away. However, since it's the family that she is willing to support and cultivate, and also the person that Ouyang Xiasha herself identifies with, how can Ouyang Xiasha's character of protecting her weaknesses and repaying her flaws make her own people suffer losses? In addition, Ouyang Xiasha himself has such ability and strength, so there is no reason to refuse revenge or keep silent.

It's just that things have happened and gone. In other words, this big loss has been eaten before Ouyang Xiasha found out. So Ouyang Xiasha has to choose to make up for it as much as possible. And the first thing to bear the brunt of this is the "tooth for tooth" revenge, the real "tooth for tooth" revenge. Even the so-called interest was calculated by Ouyang Xiasha.

Well, it's true. If the Dongli family's disciples have broken their white family's teeth, then he will let his Dongli family's disciples, even their teeth and gums, break into pieces. Ouyang Xiasha thinks and does this. Although he doesn't understand why Dongli people have such a hobby and break other people's gums, it doesn't affect Ouyang Xiasha's revenge at all. It's still a kind of revenge with interest.

As for the question that Ouyang Xiasha suddenly asked in a gloomy tone, of course, it was just talking. The purpose was just to stimulate each other's words. It didn't mean anything else. In other words, Ouyang Xiasha didn't want the person to answer whether before or after she opened her mouth. Otherwise, she would not be so strong. If she didn't leave a tooth, it would directly affect the other person's speaking function.

Of course, this "tooth for tooth" is only the first step of Ouyang Xiasha's revenge for her own people. So, next, how miserable this person's fate will be, you can imagine.

Just Dongli people will watch Ouyang Xiasha ruthlessly? The answer, of course, is No. After all, the first-class alliance of forces like the Dongli family and the Ji family is to humiliate the Bai family and, of course, to complete the follow-up work after the complete failure of the Bai family. Therefore, all the disciples they bring are elites of the family, and it is not a simple matter for a family to cultivate an elite. The manpower and material resources spent in the process are not discussed It's the energy they expended. They can't allow them to stay on the stage and be tossed by Ouyang Xiasha.

Especially for the Dongli family and Ji family, there are no tigers on the mountain. Monkeys call themselves overlord. They think that the emperor of the underworld is not there, and they are the masters of the underworld. Their so-called comparison between their own people and others is the existence of two standards, so they take it for granted. They think that the Bai family, as well as those of the second and third rate families, or even those of the inferior families, deserve to die if they are not as skilled as others, while the people of their families, if they are not as skilled as others, just admit defeat. Therefore, the representatives of the Dongli family, on the premise that their own people didn't admit defeat, suddenly asked to stop them. They simply didn't get used to it, as if they should.

Well, it's true. Just as Ouyang Xiasha sneered and prepared to attack this man, the elder of Dongli family suddenly stood up on the observation platform, and then yelled at Ouyang Xiasha: "stop it, elder!"

"Why did Ben Shao stop? Who do you think you are? What do you say? Does Ben Shao have to listen? Look at your big face, ha ha! " Ouyang Xiasha, who had planned to ignore others and was ready to hit the target immediately, didn't know that she had seen her acquaintances and wanted to make mischief with them? Or saw acquaintances, mischievous want to toss about each other? Or see acquaintances, mischievous want to toss about each other! Well, say important things three times. Only see, Ouyang Xiasha suddenly stopped the offensive, and then jokingly, with a full of sarcastic tone, to the mouth to stop his old acquaintance hit back, but also a series of, let a person spit blood three. In addition, the last one pretended not to know him, and the two were full of sarcastic "ha ha". How can the elder of Dongli family, who is used to being high above and flattered by others, suffer? If it wasn't for the monk's lack of three heights and heart disease, I'm afraid that the elder of Dongli family would have fainted by Ouyang Xiasha."One by one, I'm always the head of the first-class forces. I'm the elder of the Dongli family. I don't know if I'm qualified enough. Can I stop you?" If Ouyang Xiasha, the so-called ghost emperor, said the above words here, and the elder of Dongli family didn't reduce his sense of existence as much as possible, it would be good. How could he have the courage to respond? Well, maybe even the previous mouth blocking can't happen. But think about it. As the ruler of the underworld, especially the ruler who once let go of the four big families, but beat them down. What's the matter with him and the others who once were like turtles in front of him? But things are changeable. Ouyang Xiasha, who has changed her shell, is a nobody in front of the elder of the Dongli family. At most, she is just a nobody who has a bet with her young master. This situation of "meeting but not knowing each other" leads the elder of the Dongli family not to be afraid of Ouyang Xiasha. He not only ignores his satire, but also ignores his satire Full of flaunting his identity.

"I don't care if you are the elder of the Dongli family or the youngest son of the wax gourd family? Or that sentence, why did Ben Shao stop? Who do you think you are? " I understand that the purpose of the elder of the Dongli family to show off his identity is to let him retreat from difficulties, and to warn himself not to offend the wrong people, that's all. But it's obvious that Ouyang Xiasha, who has a deep foundation and knows all the truth, doesn't want to buy the other party's account at all, and doesn't care about the other party's identity at all. After the other party shows her identity, she also launches a satirical attack of three attacks, which is the best proof of this.

"You one by one, he no longer has the ability to fight, and I will admit defeat instead of him, so what's the problem with opening my mouth to stop you?" Well, the elder of the Dongli family is really choked by Ouyang Xiasha's three attacks, but he also knows that this is not the time to fight with him. In addition, he instinctively has a sense of fear of Ouyang Xiasha that he can't say clearly, or even know where the root comes from. Moreover, this feeling is particularly clear, which makes Dongli grow It's impossible for me to comfort myself and say it's my illusion. So, believing in his own instinct, the elder of Dongli, who was angry and wanted to get angry, just put down his temper for his future. He didn't get angry and didn't get angry. He just put forward his own questions, that's all. It's just that I'm so angry! Therefore, even if his temper was suppressed by force, the tone of Dongli elder didn't seem warm and friendly. However, people who are used to being flattered are very good at this step.

Also, don't question the feeling of the elder of Dongli. You should know that at their level, they are infinitely close to the category of God. Therefore, it's not surprising that they will have a certain perception of some things in the future, that is, the so-called ability of prophecy.

It's just because this kind of category belongs to God, and it's just the relationship between the lowest small gods. Therefore, what we realize is not so exact. In other words, the higher the level in the category of divine order, the stronger and clearer the ability of prediction.