As soon as he raised his hand, he Changming's long knife fell into Lin Hao's hand.

Before waiting for someone to react, he wiped the knife on his hand, only heard a "buzzing" wail, and then threw the long knife back and inserted it on the ground three feet in front of Yihe Changming, just like an old man dying, no longer the cold and cold style before.

At the same time, it was as if his heart had been severely cut. Yihe was bleeding from the corners of his mouth and looked like earth.

Lin Hao doesn't go either.

As if nothing had happened, he said faintly, "go, if you can't fight like this, you deserve to die!"

As I said, he raised his feet. This time, he really left.

His eyes clanked as he walked into the ancient temple. Soon, Liu Qingcheng smiled again, bright as spring flowers and gorgeous as peaches and plums.

"Your skills are superb. I don't think I'm an opponent. The Jianghu is far away. I'll see you later!"

Yingying smiled, hugged and saluted. She was very decisive. She turned her head and left.

The deceitful Sabre has been destroyed and Ihe Changming has been hurt. She is no longer needed for things here.

In this way, he told her not to mix, so she wouldn't mix. He told her to wait for her at the foot of the mountain, so she would wait for him at the foot of the mountain.

I disobeyed him once today. Thinking about what happened in Yunzhou Purple Forbidden villa last time, she thought it would be better to follow him.

"This dog, you have to touch it. Lin Hao belongs to a dog..."

This is not what she said. This is what sister Wan said.

Although Lin Hao was indeed born in the year of the dog, she felt that sister Wan's meaning must not be so simple.

The only difference is that in front of sister wan... That is, aunt sugar, Lin Hao's hair is smooth, and aunt sugar is right.

She's different here.

So she must be careful not to make any more mistakes!

With these beautiful thoughts in mind, Liu Qingcheng went down the mountain in the moonlight.

Soon after she left, Liu Lao also left the crowd and followed her.

At this time, the crowd in front of the ancient temple finally reacted.

After checking the injury of Yihe Changming and the condition of the knife, the Yihe family became angry.

He didn't think about it at all. These people were so angry that they were going to rush into the temple and break Lin Hao into pieces.

Just before stepping into the threshold, someone stopped in front of them with a faint smile.

In this way, many people and horses were deadlocked in the open space outside the temple.

Around the ownership of the statue of the heavenly king, once again, the crowd began to fight with each other.

At this time, Lin Hao was ready to break the seal in the temple.

There were still some questions in my heart, but now I know a lot.

Although he didn't care about what happened outside and didn't know the identity of those people outside, when he came in, he still found the existence of the king of heaven.

The statue of the heavenly king is in the open space outside, and next to the statue of the heavenly king is an old monk covered with blood who looks like he was hacked to death by a random knife

He didn't know or interested in knowing what was going on.

He knew that from the smell, the statue of the heavenly king was exactly the same as the black shrine in the temple.

In other words, the statue of the heavenly king, which is now being contested by all parties, was originally the one enshrined in the black shrine.

As for why it has attracted competition from all parties... The reason is actually simple.

The king statue was worshipped here for many years. For some reason, it was actually a magic weapon.

As the carrier of "law", magic tools are almost fatal to martial artists.

In short, if you have "law" and act according to law, you can enter the Tao by force. Otherwise, you can only waste time at the level of "force" and eventually turn into a pile of white bones.

Of course, this is the view of those ordinary people!

At his level, the so-called "Dharma" of those ordinary martial arts people is to cultivate Dharma at best, which is far from the real "Dharma".

The "Dharma" sought by secular martial arts practitioners is just a method to transform the internal force or true Qi in the body, that is, the cultivation skill commonly known by practitioners.

These cultivation skills are one level higher than the common martial arts mental skills. As long as they have this cultivation skill, the secular martial arts can refine the strength in their body, so as to break through the shackles and enter the broad road of entering the Tao with martial arts.

Although he doesn't know much about the ancient martial world on earth, he wants to be similar to the secular world of immortal cultivation.

The only difference is that it is difficult for ancient martial artists on earth to get the method of entering the Tao with martial arts, so they have to find another way to find opportunities and Enlightenment from some magic tools formed by chance, and they have to take great risks in the process of cultivation.

In the secular world of immortal cultivation, although the cultivation method is equally precious, as long as there are enough immortal crystal spirit stones, there are many choices, and usually there is no need to take any risk.

Aside from these unimportant things, his attention was now focused on the black shrine.

Looking for Jiang Weiyu, he found a seal array when he came here.

The array is based on the terrain of Tianwang mountain. It gathers the power of mountains and rivers by artificial means, so as to seal things deep underground.

In short, this is a semi artificial and semi natural array, under which a big guy is sealed deep underground.

That's why he came here!

Predecessors sealed the big guy, perhaps because he could not be killed, or because he thought of God's good life and didn't want to kill.

He's going to release it now, and then kill

"During the Zhenguan period of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, it is almost 1400 years ago. According to this estimation, the formation time of the array should be almost 1400 years!"

"Such a crude array can seal the creatures in the congenital realm at most. In this way, the most powerful period of the big guy underground is congenital at most."

"There is a shrine dedicated to the statue of the king of heaven as the array eye, which suppresses consumption day and night, and there is a Changming soul lamp with soul power as fuel. This two pronged approach is a creature with congenital great perfection. 1400 years have passed..."

Looking at the black shrine and the two Changming soul lamps on both sides of the shrine that have burned for nearly 1400 years, but never need to add lamp oil, and the oil will not become less, he suddenly smiled under careful calculation.

"It can't be 1400 years!"

"If it is 1400 years, it will be congenital great perfection, and the lamp has already run out of oil."

"Maybe I should thank the guy who stole the statue of the heavenly king. Otherwise, there may be nothing left under the ground!"


Thinking silently, Lin Hao has full confidence in his judgment.

After confirming that there would be no omissions, he no longer hesitated and focused on the eternal soul lamp on the left of the Shrine