There are still 50 years left, and Lin Hao is not particularly worried.

For the vast majority of people who have worked hard to come here, entering the ancestral land is not the purpose, because it is impossible.

Most people come here just to experience and increase their knowledge. After all, even if they can't get to the end, the test of this road still has a considerable degree of significance, which is very good for the promotion of strength and the road to go in the future.

With the flow of people, Lin Hao entered the fire cloud.

There are flames in the fire cloud. The deeper you go, the stronger the power of the flame is.

Many people stayed in this huge fire cloud. They were using the power of fire to refine their muscles, bones, blood and flesh.

But in general, the test of this first level is not difficult. The land of Da Luo Jinxian with a little cards can pass quickly.

Lin Hao kept going and soon passed.

After the fire cloud, there is a starlight road bound by dark red blood light, leading to the vast distance.

Along this road, all the way at full speed, but in just ten days, he came to a planet.

The originally desolate and uninhabited planet has formed a large city in the past 50 years.

Like the previous cloud of fire, it is also a good place for people with low strength who are unable to move forward.

The unimaginable gravity makes it like a pure natural gravity training room. In addition, there are all kinds of exotic animals and natural materials and treasures in the place that no one has ever set foot on. As long as you work hard, important and have courage, you can improve at a very fast speed and then move on.

For Lin Hao, these are meaningless. He continues to set out after a short stay.

This is half a year. In half a year, he broke through the empty waves of Leichi wind tunnel, and set foot on primitive planets full of charm and opportunities. Finally, he successfully came to the end of this road.


The opening of Tianhuang ancestral land is a gluttonous feast. Although this road has only been open for 50 years, and the real opening still needs to wait for nearly 50 years, in the past 50 years, this road has brought to many people, which is difficult to get for 500 years, thousands of years, even thousands of years.

This is a real fast lane.

Although this road makes the strong stronger and the evil more evil, it also makes countless relatively ordinary people rise in the grass, and the realm of strength rises sharply.

Origin star, an incomparably huge planet, is the end of the road to the wasteland, so it is named.

When the origin star moves forward, there will be no exact direction. No one knows where the planet is actually located in the wilderness. The only thing we can know is that it is very dangerous. The extremely bad void environment and the mysterious void animals make those old monsters who have survived for tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years dare not go deep without authorization.

For this reason, more than ninety-nine percent of the people who came here after many hardships chose to stay in the origin star, digest the precipitation and wait for the opening of the world.

The number of these groups is extremely large. The opening of the road of ancestral land in the past 50 years has brought too much, which has led to the blowout of the overall strength of the wilderness region.

The road of physical training is very difficult because too many resources are needed and the environment is too harsh.

Once strong as the old leader of Tianhu palace, they can only stop at the beginning of Xianjun, and it is difficult to make an inch.

Now the general trend is that in just 50 years, there are no less than 1000 new Xianjun, all of whom are old monsters who can't advance inch by inch in those long years.

It is also rumored that many of the strong who have been forgotten in the years have set foot in the realm of immortality.

The strong are unwilling to be lonely. The strong fight for life with heaven and time. Of course, they will not settle in a corner and waste the next 50 years.

But even so, regardless of those immortal kings and even the strong ones who have gone to the more dangerous deep space, there are still immortal kings and strong ones on the origin star, and there are countless immortal immortals.

These people are not idle.

Although the more dangerous void is not as good as it is, the origin star itself is also a treasure land. It is more dangerous than all the places along the way, and the opportunities are also inferior to those in front.

Lin Hao comes to the origin star.

The origin star now has a large number of cities, distributed in different places.

Outside the city, there are countless small gathering points.

The significance of these places is very simple. One is to resist some large-scale risks that may come at any time. In addition, it is to facilitate trading supplies and improve the efficiency of cultivation.

The competition on the origin star is also very fierce. There are strong demons from all sides. It is like a huge battlefield. Under the oppression of time, the war and killing can't stop at all.

Originally, Lin Hao thought about whether to skip directly and go deeper into the void, but he didn't think about it soon.

"It's a nice place. It's here."

On this day, I just killed a strange animal and got a good thing. I estimated that I could change something I could use. Suddenly someone jumped out to kill and rob.

There are three elite disciples of Dragon Valley, two peaks of nine heaven Xuanxian and one beginning of eternal Jue Xian.

After killing him, he actually extracted the real dragon treasure blood. Now he thought it was a good place and didn't go.

At present, his connection with the Taoyuan world and the star map of the heavens has not been restored. That point of Tianlong treasure blood can't be reached at all.

In addition, I haven't met much in recent years, so although there has been great progress in the realm of strength, the dragon blood refining technique has been stagnant.

When I first came up, I condensed all the dragon patterns into a real dragon shadow. Now it is still a real dragon shadow.

The shadow of a real dragon will increase the power of Da Luo Jinxian. To be honest, it is not enough to see. It is not much different from No.

Now it's different.

For the vast majority of people who mingle with the origin star, opportunities come from the origin star itself. People in Dragon Valley can't be provoked.

But now in his eyes, the talents of Dragon Valley are living mobile treasures, walking with wind and golden light.

It's not the right time now. It's less than 50 years since the end of the world. Otherwise, he should not hesitate to go to the star domain where the Dragon Valley is located.

There are four drops of real dragon treasure blood. With his current realm strength, refining and refining can be done in one day.

After refining successfully, he had the shadow of five real dragons. Although it still didn't make much sense, it was much better than before.

After a general feeling, even Tianpeng's divine wing has been strong and powerful under the blessing of the shadow of the real dragon. Lin Hao is very satisfied.

He decided to get enough real dragon blood first.

Ten thousand real dragon treasure blood is equal to ten thousand real dragon shadow. At that time, it will match with its own realm, and its power will be increased a hundred times.

But in this way, as the strongest force in the wilderness, no one dares to provoke the bad luck of Longgu