This farce was so common that Huaxia had to explain it after a whole week. But Huayan's attitude is very clear, this kind of thing is not what they can control, and this kind of thing is not what they can be responsible for. If we choose between the earth and Aurora, Huayan will choose to protect the earth rather than aurora.

In terms of Xiang Jin's words, this is the false mercy of the cat crying for the mouse. When the development of mankind has reached the modern society, especially the industrial revolution, isn't that a history of massacre? If so, how could the Chinese suffer a hundred years of humiliation and how many people died? Which time is not the threat of extinction?

Now you're crying, Aurora? Are you kidding?

Don't make a show here. Huayan doesn't want to do that. It's really a lot younger if you want to rely on the moral commanding point to do Huayan.

Although a lot of people criticize Huayan, Huayan doesn't accept the call at all and doesn't communicate with them. Basically, Huayan's attitude is that if I do it, you can beep whatever you want, I'll play whatever I want.

The firm attitude of Huayan has also made the whole world silent again.

Why? Isn't this their attitude towards China at that time?

Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi. We take turns in Fengshui. Today's situation is exactly what Huaxia suffered in those years.

It's just that Huaxia is not so aggressive. It's just that Dewei co-exist. Although it has demeanor, there is absolutely a bottom line.

With this small storm in the past, the next thing finally entered the theme!

Drone one is targeting havoc. They've detected the signal. In other words, the war of annihilation outside Jupiter is about to start. According to the previous plan, Xiang Jin is not really going to annihilate havoc. It's just a trial. In any case, it's going to weaken havoc to the maximum extent. The rest will be given to white eagle.

White hawk experts who heard the news began to stare at the Chinese blocking war. Originally asked for global synchronization live, but Xiang Jin refused.

Nonsense, can't you refuse? If the UAV wants to land on the havoc, they need to check whether there is a black box on the havoc.

The flight was specially made by the people of Huayan. They didn't say hello. And the people who control these are the technicians on wusheng island.

JK holds his shoulder and controls chaos 1 and the two spider robots on chaos 2 that are not launched. These two robots are equipped with detectors and powerful digging ability. During this time, two small robots are standing at work, they go down along the crack, which has entered the interior.

Everything is very close to the conjecture of item advance, that is to say. And there is a black box in it. It's just that there is no knowledge stored in the black box, but a black box on the controller. There is a lot of data in it, which is used to identify the civilization level. In other words, there is high-end technology of Lyra constellation.

This is the closest thing to Lyra's current technical level.

The contents have been dug out, Miss JK. Can we go back?

"Well, use drones to bring things back, straight back to earth." JK hugged her shoulder and said that she didn't expect to do it one day. These are some of Huayan's "little moves."

Black box back, which means that the project can get updated technology.

No one knows what kind of civilization Xiang Jin will know after he gets these things and what this civilization wants.

As JK's call came, the item moved forward, which allowed the fight to begin.

After all, it is a must to take back the black box, and it is absolutely unknown to anyone. At that time, the UAV will look for the first fighter, and then it will be taken directly to the moon, and then it will depart from the lunar orbit and return to earth. This need not be reported. And the original landing area is wusheng island. The design of UAV itself is stealth design, is to avoid radar. When the radar sweeps it down, it's mistaken for a meteor.

In fact, this guy is not a meteor, but a drone.

JK also sent the data to Du Qingyi's computer. After Du Qingyi entered the data, the final attack target was finally determined. According to this attack target, you can make one shot into the soul.

However, there are six engines on the fighter plane. If you think about it, you should let all the six engines go out anyway, or you can't go back to the surface of the moon.

"The star of havoc."

"The first five missiles, get ready. According to our plan, we will use five missiles to carry out air explosion and change the position of the havoc star. The last shot, we will attack the weak point of havoc star, one shot into the soul! Do you understand? " Xiang Qianjin said seriously. Mona looked at Xiang Qianjin strangely. She frowned and said, "what does it mean to enter the soul?""You will soon understand that the first five shots of mine are to give him a chance to make a new star, and the last one is to let him pray with their God. I estimate that the fifth shot can change the direction and enter the orbit of Jupiter, but I am worried that it will be accelerated by the orbit of Jupiter, so the last shot is to end the judgment of its evil life." Xiang Qianjin's introduction, Mona can't help but smile: "what's your mess?"

Xiang Qianjin didn't say anything. He looked at the havoc star and said with a smile, "I'm teaching it to be a star."

"The No.1 fighter is ready. All the missiles of Chongfeng No.1 have been launched. There are six missiles in total. All of them are in the launching state!"

"First shot! Shoot

Whoosh!!! The first missile quickly broke away from chongfeng-1. The missile rushed to the havoc star. Xiang Qianjin looked at the screen and said, "this one is for Weng Weiyi!"

As the missile flew out, everyone was staring. Half an hour later, a dazzling light came on, and the havoc star's orbit was changed by a terrible thrust!

Xiang Qianjin then said, "second serve, it's for Sun Jian!"

Another light, the surface of havoc has begun to shake and crack. Earthquakes all over the asteroid! And the orbit has changed, and it's flying more out of Jupiter.

Xiang Qianjin then said: "the third shot, it's for the old fire! Launch

Another missile flew out, and everyone held their breath. This picture has been broadcast, and everyone is watching. Everyone was surprised to see that the missile hit the havoc star or exploded in the air. The missile itself was a proximity fuze, and it was exploded under the guidance of two space shuttles.

After the explosion, a very intelligent electronic voice came from the venue: "hit, target, havoc, enter the orbit around Jupiter!"


All of a sudden, the whole venue burst out a surprising roar, and everyone was crazy!

Xiang Qianjin hugged his shoulder and said, "prepare for the fourth serve. This is for the soldiers who have been sacrificed! Launch

Another missile was launched. After all, it's right to run out of this thing. You can't keep it. The missile was driven to the changing direction of the planet. This explosion was over the "equator" of the planet. This explosion directly pushed the planet to the inside of Jupiter's orbit again.

"The orbit changes and enters into the inner orbit of Jupiter, which can no longer escape the gravity of Jupiter!"


Another burst of cheering, which means success! Havoc has entered the orbit of Jupiter, that is to say, how to fly around Jupiter will not leave for a short time. At most, it's pulled in by Jupiter for the final smash.

Xiang Qianjin looked at the havoc star that had been close to Jupiter. He raised his hand and said coldly, "this one is for the people who suffer from it all over the world! Launch

Another missile was launched. After the missile was launched, the explosion really had a devastating effect. Havoc was pushed to Jupiter. Affected by the thrust and gravity of Jupiter, havoc has been sucked by Jupiter!!

"Havoc has been flying towards Jupiter, and will reach the Roche limit in ten hours! The planet of havoc will be shattered


"That's great. The danger has been eradicated forever!"

Not only in the command hall, but also the people outside cheered with excitement. No one thought that awesome China was the first fighter. One fighter, not all. Bob looked at the picture and said, "there's one missile left. And the other one hasn't been launched at all! "

"What to do? It would be too dangerous for us to let this thing come back with missiles! "

People on one side looked at Bob. Bob whispered, "let's wait and see. They haven't announced their success yet."

Xiang went on and said, "plane two, target Pluto orbit, ignition on!"

"Plane two, Pluto's orbital engine is on fire! Launch

They watched the second plane suddenly ignite and fly straight to Pluto. The remaining one had the last missile left. They calmly looked at the big screen and said, "the last one, for myself! Launch

When this missile was launched, it followed the guided target and flew straight to the target point. After the missile flew into the crack, there was a very powerful explosion inside the havoc star, which was absolutely more than the total number of previous explosions. In this way, in front of people all over the world, the great ice cap of havoc and the outer layer of lithosphere have been lifted!The fragmented planet scattered, and then began to be pulled by Jupiter's gravity! In an instant, the catastrophe turned into a pile of debris, and then gradually formed a layer of gravel belt under the revolution.

Mona looked at it stupidly, and she whispered, "it really fills a ring for Jupiter. The second ring of Jupiter? Should this be called Xiang's ring

Xiang Qianjin shrugged his shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter, but now, have I finished the task?" Xiang Qian looked at Mona and asked with a smile. Mona nodded. She couldn't help laughing and said, "yes, you're done. Congratulations on saving the world and sending another fighter to Pluto. You have done a lot for all mankind. "

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. Along the way, let it do some scientific research activities. It's good to investigate the planets on the way? "

Mona nodded and said with a smile, "well, it's really good, and the equipment is so comprehensive... By the way, what about your two space shuttles?"

"Oh, one will stay in the orbit of Jupiter, one will go straight back to Saturn. It's in Saturn's orbit, communicating with earth. We will also use it to do some research on Saturn. It's also for the convenience of future investigation. At least when your Cassini comes, the signal transmission speed will be very fast! "