Looking at a basket full of Lantern fruits, Yu Hai smiled and lost his eyes. "Mom, can you sell a lot of money this time?"

Xu Shuhua nodded, "don't be silly. Chop these branches and leaves and spread them out."

It's still important to destroy the dead.

Yu Hai also knew the importance of this matter. He dared not delay at all. He took out the firewood knife behind his waist and chopped all the branches and leaves into thin pieces.

"I knew that with a shovel or shovel, I could bury it directly." Yu Hai said with some pity.

Xu Shuhua glanced and felt that there was no need.

This one is full of weeds. You can't see the kind of instep when you go down.

These branches and leaves were chopped up and sprinkled on it. I couldn't see it at all.

If you really dig a pit and bury it, people will probably feel strange to see the overturned new soil.

"All right, let's go home! It's getting dark and there are more mosquitoes. We'll bite the warm treasure later! "

They delayed here for twenty minutes. It was getting dark and they could only see something vaguely.

Fortunately, they didn't go too deep and soon returned the same way.

Chen qiaoqin and others have also prepared dinner at this time. They are wondering why Xu Shuhua and Yu Hai haven't come back. When they want to go out and look for it, they see them enter the house one after another.

Xu Shuhua handed Yu wennuan to Chen qiaoqin, "I think the lantern fruit is still very good to sell, so I took the fourth to pick a basket and sell it in the county early tomorrow."

Hearing the speech, the Yu family subconsciously looked at Yu Hai.

Yu Hai took down the basket and put it on the ground for everyone to see clearly.

A basket full of lanterns.

The adults were still shocked. Yu Wei and several other boys had cheered and ran forward, "fourth uncle, can we eat?"

Yu Hai smiled and touched Yu Wei's head, "can you eat! But you can't eat until you eat! There's meat tonight. You've eaten too much lantern fruit. Do you still have a stomach for meat? "

You don't have to hesitate to choose between the lantern fruit you can eat at any time and the meat you can rarely eat.

Yu Wei and his brothers went back to the table and sat down, waiting for dinner.

The family didn't eat until Xu Shuhua and Yu Hai came back from washing their hands and faces.

I've just had two stews. This time when people eat, they are not so eager, but the speed of meat is still not slow.

Today's cooking is braised meat with potatoes. After the braised meat is divided, the potatoes and soup with meat smell are also unique.

Eating and eating, Yu Jiang said, "this meat, that is, I don't eat it for half a year. It was the most delicious when I ate it for the first time. The eggplant stew that night was really fragrant and fragrant!"

Xu Shuhua glanced at Yujiang when she heard the speech. "Can't eating meat stop your mouth? How many meals have you had? You think the meat doesn't smell good? "

Yu Jiang quickly explained, "no, no! I don't think the meat is delicious, but I think it was very delicious that night! I'm so big, I've eaten the most delicious meat, and eggplant! "

This was unanimously agreed by the Yu family. Even Yu Wei said solemnly, "milk, I think my father was right. The eggplant stew that night was very fragrant, much more fragrant than today!"

Of course, Xu Shuhua knows that the eggplant stew that night is more delicious than today's meat!

She also knows why.

But can you say that?

(it's over! Ask for recommended tickets! Seek praise! Ask for support! Your support is the driving force of my codeword!)