Not only is he not a reckless person, Wang Chuang is also very careful and has his own ideas.

Look now, in a few words, we'll solve the problem.

Fang Qing not only didn't dare to entangle anymore, but she probably wanted to turn around and run. The farther she ran, the better.

Not only Fang Qing, but also other people in Fang Qing's team, it is estimated that this is also the idea at this time.

Although Wang Chuang just said that, they still dare not stay here.

They left quickly. When they left, they looked at Yu Nuan for several times.

Until they left the trading market, Fang Qing and others felt very complicated.

When they saw Yu wennuan a few days ago, they knew that Yu wennuan had changed.

But I never thought that Yu wennuan had changed so much!

Become so heartless!

Yu wennuan doesn't care what they think. Without the trouble of Fang Qing and others, selling vegetables is still going on in an orderly way.

I was busy until two or three o'clock.

After all 1000 kg of vegetables were exchanged out, Yu wennuan and they also harvested 500 kg of grain.

Looking at so much food, Yu wennuan was very satisfied.

Instead of leaving immediately, they called for the responsible of the trading market.

This responsible person is the one who brought them here before.

Just before that, the responsible man took several kilograms of vegetables from Yu wennuan and them.

Of course, it was not changed by one person, but called the family to line up together.

Yu wennuan only limited the number of people, but did not limit whether they were from the same family.

When Yu wennuan called them over, his responsible attitude was much better than before.

After all, I know that Yu wennuan really has seeds and a wood power, which can also produce so many vegetables. Making friends will only be beneficial and harmless.

Yu wennuan doesn't like to be polite, so he's straight to the point.

"I heard that there are houses for sale in the safe area, aren't there?"

Hearing Yu wennuan's question, the person in charge nodded, "yes, there are houses for sale in the safety zone. Do you want to buy a house?"

Now, of course, they sell houses, but they don't need money to buy houses, just food.

Of course, vegetables and fruits are OK.

Or as long as it's food.

Hearing the definite answer, Yu wennuan smiled, "where are the sold ones? Can you take us to have a look? How did you sell it? "

The person in charge also suddenly realized that Yu wennuan finally understood why they wanted to sell vegetables here. It turned out that they wanted to change food and buy a house.

But why?

The person in charge looked at Yu wennuan somewhat puzzled, "why don't you buy it directly with seeds or vegetables? It's simple and convenient. "

Hearing this, Yu wennuan looked at the person in charge and smiled, "here are the seeds and vegetables. Can ordinary people afford to eat them?"

Of course, there are fruits and vegetables for sale in the security zone, but the price is not generally expensive.

At least, it's several times more expensive than what Yu wennuan sells.

Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary people can't afford it.

Yu wennuan didn't go on, but the person in charge had understood what Yu wennuan meant.

She sold vegetables for food and used food to buy a house.

In this way, the people above got food, Yu wennuan got the house, and the people in the safety zone ate vegetables.

Speaking of it, it's really a win-win thing.

I want to understand this. When I look at Yu wennuan, the person in charge has some admiration.