Liang bingan's words aroused Liu Fang's anger.

Yes, she's kind enough to lead the bridge. Although she's selfish, isn't she trying to make a living for her second sister's mother and daughter? A divorced rural woman with a beautiful daughter with a bad reputation has to make up her mind wherever she goes. What's the advantage of marrying Xia Xiaolan to a poor soldier? The official's wife is improper. Both mother and daughter have brain problems!

It doesn't matter that their mother and son have mental problems. Now they bite to death and don't marry fan Zhenchuan. It's Liu Fang who leads the bridge.

Liu Fang's thinking can't be changed overnight. She won't reflect. It's her shaving burden from beginning to end. As long as Liu Fen and Xia Xiaolan are not as powerful as her, they have to listen to her as a smart person. Liu Fang looks down on her mother's family from the bottom of her heart. What insight does she have in the countryside? She especially looks down on her second sister Liu Fen. She married a poor family like the Xia family and was bullied by the Xia family.

It's better now. Even the Xia family can't stay. They are driven away with their daughter after divorce.

Li Fengmei had a shop with others. Liu Fang thought that the self-employed did not have the dignity of state cadres. On the surface, she wanted to be polite to her sister-in-law. The best way for Liu Fang to have equal dialogue is to have power, followed by money!

Power is above money. If she doesn't have both, she won't respect each other.

Liu Fen and Xia Xiaolan obviously belong to those who don't touch each other. They are stained with the light of Liu Yong. Now they wear decent clothes. That's not their own ability. The eldest brother is pro, but the eldest sister-in-law is not. Liu Yong wants to give more money to his mother and daughter, and Li Fengmei must make trouble. Liu Fang lives by herself. I don't know what to be proud of just looking at the bright mother and daughter!

What makes Liu Fang angry is that not marrying fan Zhenchuan is not only the failure of Liang bingan's plan for promotion, but also the 100 tones of Amitabha if fan Zhenchuan doesn't wear small shoes afterwards. Moreover, she put her words out in front of her father-in-law. At this time, she said that the marriage had failed. What should the two old people think of her?

"It's a white eyed wolf. You said you wanted to give her money as a dowry. It rose from 2000 yuan to 4000 yuan and added to 10000 yuan. What's the use? The little white eyed wolf doesn't remember grace! "

Kiss your niece, just pit her and scare Liang Huan. Who can do such a thing?

Liu Fang was indignant.

She doesn't think about it. She hasn't walked around with her mother's family in six or seven years. When living a good life, I can't remember that Liu Fen was poor in the Xia family. I haven't seen her for several years. Liu Fen is thinking of her. How much affection can Xia Xiaolan have for her?

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. If relatives don't move around, they must have points.

I didn't pay attention to my niece, but I thought that others would listen to her and see her aunt's wishes higher than the sky. How could it be!

Liu Fang agrees with Liang bingan's words. Xia Xiaolan can't marry fan Zhenchuan and raise unfamiliar wolf cubs. She plays around with the three of them. When she is a little aunt, she kneels down and begged for mercy. It can be said that she has lost her face.

But if you don't marry, what about the fan family?

Do you really want Xia Xiaolan to leave the commercial capital and avoid it far away?

This practice is only beneficial to Xia Xiaolan, but she wants to leave the Liang family to carry the pot. Liu Fang was in a dilemma. Liang bingan smoked two packs of cigarettes in one night. It was the same thing that bothered her.

"Unless fan Zhenchuan doesn't want to marry her, we'll clean her up slowly after the limelight!"

Liang bingan pressed the cigarette butt firmly into the ashtray. The cruel words slowed Liu Fang's heart. How can fan Zhenchuan change her mind? Even if Xia Xiaolan marries now and acts according to fan Zhenchuan's style of playing with women's meat and vegetables, she will rob Xia Xiaolan.

He doesn't care whether he's married or not.

He hasn't played with other people's wives!

There are too many rumors about fan Zhenchuan in Hedong county. This is why Liu Fang refused to marry Liang Huan to fan Zhenchuan.

Unless Xia Xiaolan can marry herself to someone more powerful than fan Zhenchuan before May, fan Zhenchuan can't rob her.

Is it possible?

Those who can clean up fan Zhenchuan are easily accessible to Xia Xiaolan. Liu Fang thinks the probability is too small. But I'm not sure. Xia Xiaolan doesn't live in a poor village now. She has a high chance of meeting big people in the provincial capital. In the countryside, Xia Xiaolan met the village head at most. It was amazing to meet the village head. In the provincial capital, who knows who Xia Xiaolan can meet. Liu Fang herself is good-looking. With her appearance, she divorced from her peasant identity and married Liang bingan.

Xia Xiaolan looks better than when she was young.

The starting point is also higher.

At least Xia Xiaolan now lives in the provincial capital. At that time, Liu Fang was lucky to be with people like Liang bingan.

"Lao Liang, if you want fan Zhenchuan to give up, you can only have more power than fan Zhenchuan. But if the white eyed wolf has such a backer, look at her attitude today. We can't get any cheap. We have to worry about her revenge... "

This method doesn't work.

Liang bingan sneered, "then you say, why does fan Zhenchuan want to marry her?"

Liu Fang didn't want to blurt out, "she looks good."

Good looking is Xia Xiaolan's biggest advantage. Before Liu Fang was completely stupid, she remembered what Liang bingan meant. That doesn't look good. Isn't fan Zhenchuan going to give up?

Liu Fang's heart is about to jump out of her chest.

"Lao Liang, don't get involved in such things. We can't do such things..."

Women are timid. What women say is powerful. In fact, they are far less cruel than men. People like Xia Xiaolan are already cruel. With indomitable efforts, they will succeed in their last life and soon open up the situation in this life. Liu Fang is a snob who dislikes the poor and loves the rich, but she is a housewife. It's no problem for her to make small calculations and haggle over every detail to draw some interests for her family.

Liu Fang really counsels her to do something illegal.

Liang bingan obviously knows her well, "I just say, what are you afraid of? I won't joke about my future! "

Liang bingan looked forward and backward when he met this kind of thing. He is a civilian cadre. He is not good at fighting and killing. He can't find someone to scratch Xia Xiaolan's face, can he? There's something wrong with it. It's ruining your future. Liang bingan is not satisfied with being the deputy director. What if he can't be the deputy director!

Liang bingan felt that he had to think about it carefully.

Liu Fang was flustered. For a moment, she hated Xia Xiaolan's teeth and felt that what Liang bingan said was unreliable. Obviously, it's a good thing. The second sister's mother and daughter don't appreciate it, so the two families have to turn against each other.

"Lao Liang! I remember, your handbag is still thrown in the yard. It contains 10000 yuan. It can't be cheap, the white eyed wolf! "

Ten thousand yuan was given because Xia Xiaolan wanted to marry fan Zhenchuan.

If you don't marry, why give it?

The current 10000 yuan is not a small amount. Liu Fang is willing to take it out for Liang bingan's future. Xia Xiaolan does this play, and Liang bingan's future floats in the air. She won't ask Liu Fang to give money again. Does it really cost money for Xia Xiaolan's way out? Ten thousand dollars is enough for her to run to America!

It was Liang Huan in Xia Xiaolan's hand that Liang bingan threw his handbag.

Liang bingan is also thinking about the 10000 yuan.

The money must come back. How can I get it? Report Xia Xiaolan stealing? Such a large amount can not be solved in three or five years.

#####Let's sing together: obviously, you said you wanted to marry and let me marry him. Now you want to say no, you don't~~