These people carried Luo Yaozong to Jinsha pool and then turned into Xiangmi Lake Resort.

I don't know when a big hole was dug in the wall of the resort. It was built with bricks. It can't be seen from a distance.

Anyway, the security guards of the resort didn't patrol the Jinsha pool frequently. They wanted to do tricks on the wall of the Jinsha pool, but they didn't find a chance. When you enter the resort, you go around the place where it meets the wall of Jinsha pool. The environment of the resort is quiet and quiet, all relying on the planted trees.

A rope hung down from the tree, kicked on the wall of the resort, grabbed the rope, jumped to the other side and fell into the Jinsha pool community.

Two people swayed in the past, crept for a while, and made some noise on the ground. Several big wolf dogs fed in Jinsha pool community barked, and the people of the security team rushed over.


"There's a thief! Catch the thief! "

"Stop, don't run!"

Several security guards caught two thieves and caught them in front of Ge Jian without taking too long.

The two men were beaten up and confessed that they wanted to come to the construction site to steal some steel bars and sell them. They confessed so smoothly, but Ge Jian thought something was wrong.

"Take a closer look and check again whether they have associates. At this time, we can't allow any mistakes."

As soon as GE Jian's voice fell, a big wolf dog shouted in the direction of unit 2.

Ge Jian's eyelids jumped and suddenly remembered Wu Daonan, who was mysterious.

"Go, it smells the smell of strangers!"

The two honest thieves suddenly struggled fiercely. Ge Jian was not soft hearted. He kicked them to death one by one, making them lose their ability to move in an instant.

At the same time, on the roof of unit 2, a man had just carried Luo Yaozong on the roof. He was drunk and unconscious. The tired man was panting.

When the cold wind on the roof blew, Luo Yaozong woke up a little and tried to see the people in front of him.

"Strange, strange cold, where..."

At the critical moment, Luo Yaozong woke up!

The man was also startled. He heard the dog barking downstairs. He gritted his teeth and pulled Luo Yaozong forward:

"The best way to blackmail is to suffer a little pain. Don't say that the elder brother doesn't help you. Don't blame me. When you get down there, I'll burn you more paper money -"

Luo Yaozong was still confused. The other party pushed hard, and he fell downstairs.

Ge Jian took people to the downstairs of unit 2. Something fell upstairs and fell to the ground. It was less than three meters away from GE Jian's foot. When he took a photo with a flashlight, it was Luo Yaozong's distorted face.

In Pengcheng in mid December, the wind at night made Ge Jian shiver.

Stunned for a while, he remembered to find out Luo Yaozong's pulse.


Jingling! Jingling!

In the middle of the night, the phone rang very quickly. Xia Xiaolan was awakened. At a glance, her watch was 1 a.m.

Who will look for her at this time?

If it wasn't urgent, would you look for her?

The bank's crisis is solved. The real estate will be on sale tomorrow. Xia Xiaolan doesn't think it's a good thing to call in the middle of the night.

When she answered the phone, Xia Xiaolan was stunned for three or four seconds.

"Ge Jian, you let people control the scene. Don't touch anywhere. If you don't have enough people, you can't stand more impact. I'll come right now... By the way, haven't you reported the case? Report immediately! "

Luo Yaozong fell off the roof of unit 2!

The other three people at the scene said they were partners in stealing steel bars, but Xia Xiaolan didn't believe a word.

Luo Yaozong works at the construction site. Do you know where to put the reinforcement?

The buildings of unit 2 are capped, and it's impossible to steal steel bars there.

Xia Xiaolan calmed down and called Tang Hongen's residence the first time.

Some people want to clean the Jinsha pool to death. Xia Xiaolan doesn't care about so many twists and turns. She has to dig out her big backer. Who knows if she has anything to do with the bank in front of her.

"... uncle Tang, I have to know the specific situation. I don't know whether I did it right now."

Tang Hongen feels the same. There is nothing important. Who dares to call his home in the middle of the night.

There are not many people who know his home phone, and fewer people dare to call at this time. It must be a big deal!

Sure enough, it was a big event. Tang Hongen tried his best to make his voice less serious and affirmed Xia Xiaolan's practice: "you did the right thing. Send people to the hospital for rescue and report the case at the first time. This thing is strange. If you are not careful, it will become a big event."

It was no one else who fell downstairs. It was the son of the Luo family in Ganquan village.

The land in Jinsha pool was originally Luo's private plot.

These two conditions put together, things are not so simple.

So far, Xia Xiaolan has spent nearly one million on real estate publicity. Please Wu Daonan to advertise in Hong Kong newspapers. Will you be willing to give up tomorrow's real estate sale?

Should she be glad that Luo Yaozong fell from the roof of Jinsha pool tonight, rather than on the day of sale tomorrow, it would really push her to death.

The biggest selling point of Jinsha pool is "feng shui treasure land".

The geomantic omen treasure land that has been publicized for so long has caused human lives when it is sold. What geomantic omen treasure land is it? Please ask ten Wu Daonan to endorse it. The house can't be sold.

Xia Xiaolan's face sank:

"Uncle Tang, I want to block the news first. As long as these two days pass, can you help me?"

What if it's a trap?

Others are waiting for her to block the news.

Xia Xiaolan was also uneasy when she asked. Tang Hongen was silent for a while before agreeing:

"The news can be blocked, but people still have to rescue with all their strength."

Xia Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief. If Tang Hongen agreed, there would be room for change.

"Thank you, uncle Tang. I'll go to Jinsha pool first."

After hanging up, Xia Xiaolan called Liu Yong for the second bucket. Her uncle was pro. At this time, she didn't believe Liu Yong. Who should she believe?

When Xia Xiaolan arrived at the hospital, it was half an hour later.

The light in the operating room was on and Luo Yaozong was in there for rescue.

At this moment, Xia Xiaolan must want this counsellor to live.

Luo Yaozong didn't want to be a security guard. He also worked for a long time. However, an accident happened the night before the sale of the real estate. Xia Xiaolan was also speechless.

Ge Jian took people to guard at the door of the operating room and saw Xia Xiaolan straighten her waist: "President Xia -"

"I won't say much else. How about Luo Yaozong?"

"It's his fate. The place where he fell was piled with sand, or he would be pierced by the steel bars. This is Mr. Wu's suggestion that day. He said that if your transportation route is too strong, the Jinsha pool can also absorb wealth. If it is prosperous, it's better to go beyond it. For fear of blood and light, let's move the steel bars under building 2 and stack them in another place, The original pile of steel bars was replaced by a pile of sand... Luo Yaozong fell on that pile of sand, otherwise he would die on the spot. "

Fall from the sixth floor and fall on a pile of steel bars. You must die.

There is also a shock absorber in the fine sand.

Ge Jian thought Wu Daonan was a great liar, but he believed that the other party had real skills. Xia always asked the other party to choose a suite as a reward. It was really worth it. Whether it happened or not, he saved Luo Yaozong's life.

Xia Xiaolan also felt very magical.

"Have all the people with Luo Yaozong been caught? You should leave a few people to guard the hospital. Go back to the construction site with me first. It's useless to catch someone. The trouble has just begun! "