After meeting Cui Yiru, Xia Xiaolan also told Zhou Cheng what had happened in recent days.

Zhou Cheng is still the original attitude. Xia Xiaolan should properly keep a distance from Zhangjia people.

"You are looking for a relative for grandma Yu. They used to be Xu family, but now they are from Zhangjia. People's feelings come out of time. Cui Yiru has been married to zhangjiadong for 17 years. She and Xu Zhongyi haven't been husband and wife for so long. People are separated from each other. Who knows who she will help in the future. "

Xia Xiaolan naturally thought of this.

"I know everything, so I have reservations about what Cui Yiru said. I just want to tell you that if Cui Yiru wants to return home, I may also return home. "

Zhou Cheng was really surprised by this.

"Can you go home on vacation?"

"It's OK in a few days. In fact, Cornell University only cares whether students have enough credits. I took more credits in the first half of the year, and the evaluation score of two months of internship is also very high. Now there are not many credits left. There is still a class taught by Professor Wen. It shouldn't be difficult to take a few days off. "

Regarding Cornell as a barrier, Xia Xiaolan worked too hard during her internship with GMP firm last semester. In fact, she has broken through most of Cornell's barrier.

If she didn't want to learn more, she would be more relaxed this semester.

Zhou Cheng heard that Xia Xiaolan might return home. This is probably the happiest news for him recently.

Zhou Cheng can't go abroad again, but if he is at home, he must find a way to meet Xiaolan!

"I'm waiting for your news. In short, be careful yourself."

"Hey, there's a third brother. You don't have to worry about me."

That's not true. If it weren't for brother pan, Zhou Cheng would have been tough and told Xia Xiaolan not to approach Cui Yiru and others. Just because pan Baohua is in the United States, Zhou Cheng also knows that Pan Baohua has brought many people to the United States this time. Pan Baohua said it was "delivery". Zhou Cheng didn't ask him what goods to send, but he knows that none of the people who follow pan Baohua is bad!

This is the reason why Zhou Cheng can rest assured.

They were bored for a few minutes. Zhou Cheng hung up the phone and was very happy.

The head happened to meet him, "did you get the subsidy? Laugh like this, look at your promise! "

The subsidy mentioned by the head of the regiment is that Zhou chengti raised the salary after the deputy regiment. The salary of the main battalion and the deputy regiment are two standards. According to the national administrative salary evaluation standard of the State Council, the major of the main battalion gets the salary of grade 16, 113 yuan per month, and the major of the deputy regiment gets the salary of grade 15, 127 yuan per month... The salary is only 14 yuan per month, but the meaning is very different.

What's the meaning? For example, now, the head and Zhou Cheng talk more like equals.

Zhou Cheng spoke more naturally with the head. "I haven't received the subsidy yet. I'm the target. She may have to go back to China in the near future."

The head said:

"The object of studying abroad is coming back... Zhou Cheng, your boy is waiting for me to ask if you want to leave again!"

Zhou Cheng was very innocent, "Captain, you asked me on your own initiative."

The head wanted to slap himself.

Why are you so talkative!

Whether Zhou Cheng receives the subsidy or not, he doesn't lack money to spend according to Zhou Cheng's appearance. What does he do with this heart!

It's good to ask Zhou Cheng's object to return home. Zhou Cheng looks at him eagerly. Is this fake approved or not? Mouth owe, really mouth owe!

The regimental commander gently slapped his mouth:

"Just think I haven't asked. I have something to do. Let's go first."


Zhou Cheng followed, "look, Lao Fang's daughters can climb. I'm not married yet. If my object Xiaolan runs away, you'll be responsible for sending me a new object as excellent as Xiaolan?"

The captain didn't answer.

Fang Shizhong is up at the age of 30. His daughter can climb. What's strange.

It's better than this. Why not promote faster than who?

Get cheap and sell well. Now young comrades, why do they want to marry a daughter-in-law so much? Can they talk about dedication!


This fake is absolutely not approved!


Tina has been hiding in Columbia for several days recently.

Who are you hiding from?

Hide from her brother farn, hide from her mother Cui Yiru!

Farn and Cui Yiru learned that she liked Harold, and both of them firmly opposed it.

Harold is young, promising and rich. He is a golden bachelor anyway. But he is more than ten years older than Tina. Tina is jiaochen and doesn't know anything. Harold is a romantic man who has had many girlfriends and has no peace of mind at first sight.

What happened to the money?

Money can't hide that Harold is an experienced female hunter. Farn and Cui Yiru are very resistant to such a golden bachelor. If Tina and the other party have something, it must be Harold's temptation. It's so mean to trick a young girl——

These ideas were put forward by farn and Cui Yiru. No matter how Tina explained them, they refused to believe them.

Cui Yiru also hoped that Mrs. Wilson could give her an explanation. She entrusted her daughter to the other party, not to let the other party put Tina and Harold together.

Tina was so embarrassed to think of the picture that she wouldn't even go to the dance.

Later, she heard that her mother said a lot of things to Harold before the dance. During the dance, her brother farn also fought with Harold... Tina was disgraced by such transitional protection. She was really angry this time and ignored farn and Cui Yiru directly.

Only zhangjiadong can shout her out of her brother.

"Daddy, are you really coming to New York?"

"Of course it's true. You went to school in New York. I've seen you in the future. I heard you quarreled with your mommy?"

"Daddy, it's really Mommy this time. It's too much, and farn!"

Tina complains. After listening to her complaints patiently, Zhang Jiadong comforts her: "well, I'll wait until I get to New York. If it's your mommy and brother's fault, I'll definitely stand on your side."

Tina cheered.

With this premise, zhangjiadong was very happy when she arrived in New York. Regardless of past grievances, she went to pick up the plane with Cui Yiru and farn.

Zhangjiadong is nearly 50 years old and looks quite young.

The main reason is that the temperament is elegant. When you meet people, you first laugh, which makes people feel good.

Although he went to New York by first class, he was polite to the stewardess and ground crew. The city councillor was close to the people. Tina rushed over and threw herself on Zhang Jiadong:


Zhangjiadong's eyes were full of kindness, "Tina, why are you a little thinner? Are you learning from others to lose weight? You are thin enough. Those who advocate the fashion concept of young people to lose weight are wrong. You don't need to change yourself to cater to others' aesthetics. You are my daughter of zhangjiadong. "

Looking up and seeing farn, Zhang Jiadong nodded gently.

"Let's go. Take Tina to have a good meal and fill her stomach. Our family will sit down and talk about it in detail."

Tina thought she was going to talk about Harold.

Fane and Cui Yiru know that what zhangjiadong really wants to say is to tell Tina her life experience.