Du Chengrong announced that Du Zhaohui won the competition and will receive 5% of the shares of Chengrong group. This news brought the atmosphere of the whole spring tea banquet to a climax!

What a bright signal it is!

Du Chengrong is domineering and dictatorial. He has always firmly held the group shares in his hand. Other rich people in Hong Kong will share the company shares with their families more or less. Du Chengrong is not stingy in money, he just refuses to let the power disperse!

If he hadn't been in his sixties this year and had to consider his successor, he would still be an autocratic tyrant and wouldn't even take 5% of his shares.

Because there are too many children and many famous little wives, if you don't choose a leader, you can't understand who Du Chengrong wants to succeed, whether inside or outside the group... Now, a dictatorial tyrant is willing to share 5% of the shares, and the situation of the Du family's struggle for property has become clear. It seems that Duke Du has become the leader.

"Congratulations, Du Shao."

"Congratulations to Du Sheng, there are successors!"

"Du Sheng, what position does major Du hold in the group?"

"Du Shao, I'm from cikun real estate..."

"Du Sheng, can you and Du Shao accept our interview?"

Congratulatory and approachable, people flocked to Du Zhaohui, and their utilitarian heart almost hung on his face. These people surrounded Du Zhaohui. Du Zhaohui has unlimited scenery!

In the past, Du Zhaohui was often surrounded like this.

When he interacts with a certain actress, he is naturally surrounded by paparazzi on Hong Kong Island.

Today is completely different.

Even if there are reporters in the crowd, they are not paparazzi of tabloids and gossip magazines, but reporters who enter the scene through formal channels. They don't care about the lace news, but more about the power change of Chengrong group, the development plan of Chengrong group and Chengrong square - in other words, Du Zhaohui has completely succeeded in transformation.

After today, in the hearts of Hong Kong people, he will no longer be a playboy holding a female star, but an heir that Du Chengrong intends to cultivate. He is a positive example of a prodigal son who does not change his money.

Once upon a time, people watched him and guessed whether he had slept with so and so actress.

In the future, people look at him not with lively gossip, but with respect. They want to see if this prodigal Du Shaohui will make other big moves, when he will really take over, and what kind of behavior style he is... All these affect the future development trend of Chengrong group.

The group's middle and senior executives with educational background were stunned.

It's hard to accept. Du Dashao won.

What should I do?

Everyone knows what kind of person Du Dashao is. How could he come up with a project like 'Chengrong square'!

An ignorant playboy, once he said that his prodigal son turned back, he immediately became so powerful?

This subverts everyone's common sense.

Moreover, Dashao has always been close to the elders of the group who rely on their qualifications and are clearly kicked out of the management. Will Dashao's position make these old people turn over again?

That's not good news.

There are only so many positions. One will gain and the other will suffer.

These people are full of doubts and concerns. They also have to bear it and dare not show it. Chengrong group is Du Chengrong. He is the chairman and the largest shareholder. Who is he willing to give his shares to, which son is willing to inherit the company, and who else is qualified to interfere?

Du Chengrong can even kick out the elders who beat the country together, not to mention the employed employees.

The atmosphere is really lively and strange.

Ms. Yu said with a smile, "did Xiao Xia and Zhaohui know each other in Pengcheng?"

Just now she was called Miss Xia. Now she is called Xiao Xia. Ms. Yu is older than Xia Xiaolan, and her business is bigger than Xia Xiaolan. Calling her Xiao Xia is a kind of intimacy.

Xia Xiaolan nodded: "well, from recognition to now, Du Dashao has changed a lot. Today he can get 5% of the shares. As a friend, I will be happy for him."

"It seems that Zhaohui has really concentrated on his career in the mainland in the past two years and accumulated a lot of money to make Chengrong square successful. I used to see Zhaohui's affair in the tabloids every few days, but now it has disappeared. It seems that it is really mature. "

Ms. Yu didn't hide how bastard Du Zhaohui used to be.

Xia Xiaolan smiled and didn't speak. There was a word called "talking in simple terms". She and Ms. Yu only met today. They only knew that Ms. Yu was a friend of Du Chengrong. The other party treated her warmly, but their behavior was not immediately clear.

Ms. Yu said this to her. Is it a simple sigh or a profound meaning? Xia Xiaolan doesn't intend to explore it.

Du Zhaohui is being congratulated. Xia Xiaolan looks at Du Zhaoji.

Doesn't Du Zhaoji look particularly upset?

Du Zhaohui won 5% of the shares and gained such a big advantage. Xia Xiaolan thought Du Zhaoji would lose his temper!

It seems that Du Ershao's city hall is deeper than she imagined.

The opponent with exposed emotions is not terrible. The most terrible is the opponent who can't figure out his ideas.

"Ah Hua."

Xia Xiaolan waved and ah Hua immediately bent down.

Xia Xiaolan whispered a few words in his ear. Ah Hua looked respectful: "... Miss Xia, I know."

Ms. Yu looked at everything and smiled at the bottom of her eyes.

Some men may be confused all their life. No matter how old they are, they are not sensible.

What can change them may be a great change in life, or just meeting a good woman. This woman may be their mother, their sister, or their favorite... Du Zhaohui lost his mother when he was a child and always lacked such a female role to teach him.

Now it seems that Du Zhaohui met his favorite object.

This little Xia is the woman Du Zhaohui likes.

But Xiao Xia doesn't know.

Xiaoxia also shows no sign of liking Du Zhaohui. When Xiaoxia looks at the diamond ring in her hand, her eyes will show tenderness.

It's a feeling for another man.

Such stories happen every day in the world. Some people meet, some are moved, and some become better because of 'love'. The immature Playboy has changed because he met the right person. At this time, he is full of ambition and unlimited scenery, but he will not know that "love" is a two-way choice. The woman he likes may never like him!

On the other side, Du Zhaoji was still tense, but the second aunt was too tired.

Du Chengrong announced that she would give Du Zhaohui 5% of her shares. The second aunt couldn't keep smiling. She left the table and stood up. Liu keying's eyes turned:

"Second sister, where are you going? Alas, if you don't tear up our alliance, the winner today will be Zhaoji. "

Second aunt Tai's anger can be regarded as an outlet:

"I have to apply to you to go to the bathroom. I can't go until you approve it? Liu keying, you thought you were smart, but you are a fool! "

The second aunt left with her handbag. Liu keying couldn't swallow a breath and caught up.