
The door of the ward was slammed.

Du Zhaohui came out with a black face. Ah Hua didn't know what his father and son said, and didn't dare to inquire.

This is the last time Du Zhaohui saw Du Chengrong.

Half a month later, Du Chengrong died in the hospital. Lawyer Cheng publicly announced Du Chengrong's will.

"The shares of Chengrong group under Du Sheng's name are all owned by his eldest son Du Zhaohui, as well as the shares held by Du Sheng in his own name and two commercial property units..."

Du Chengrong also has two aunts and wives. The second mother and the third mother are the front door of the promulgation of the new marriage law of HK. They are legal concubines. Of course, they are qualified to listen to Du Chengrong's will.

Together came Du Zhaohui's group of half brothers and sisters. More than a dozen people stood in a pile and crowded the room.

The only one who can't come is Du Zhaoji.

There's no way. Xie Ziji is in prison. He can't read his will in prison.

Once Du Chengrong dies, Du Zhaohui has to play a filial son. He can't ask the Hong Kong media to write about the Du family, so he allows the Du family abroad to return to Hong Kong.

Lawyer Cheng didn't care what terms he was reading. He heard that the shares of Chengrong group under the old man's name belonged to him, and other property was an addition to Du Zhaohui.

But this is the addition, which is also the envy of the rest of the Du family, and even angry at Du Zhaohui.

Do not suffer from oligopoly but uneven. Compared with Du Zhaohui, other Du families get too little!

The old man is really cruel.

He left the company's shares, the shares under his name, as well as Du's mansion villa and two commercial office buildings to Du Zhaohui.

There is nothing left for the second aunt and the third aunt... The will emphasizes that all the things he gave to the two aunts before he died belong to them.

In fact, there are many. Du Chengrong is not a very stingy person. He is especially willing to spend money on women.

But the second aunt and the third aunt are still very disappointed.

Those things belong to them. Du Chengrong also stressed in his will that it's unnecessary to take off his pants and fart.

If you really think of them, you should give them more inheritance!

As for Du Zhaohui's different mother, younger brother and younger sister, the family property allocated to them is poor. The gifts received before do not count. Du Chengrong only left an additional real estate for each of them, both men and women, with a similar area, all of which are "luxury houses" of about 2000 feet.

2000 feet is a luxury house for ordinary people in HK, and what is it for the young masters and ladies of the Du family who are good at wealth!

That is, the area of more than 180 square meters is not hooked with luxury houses anyway.

But this house is the only real estate!

In addition, children who have reached the age of 18 can receive HK $5 million in cash at a time.

For minors, they can receive 50000 living expenses every month until they are 18 years old. If the living expenses add up to HK $5 million at the age of 18, they can make up the rest at one time... It's really fair. Liu keying, the youngest child of the Du family, is over 9 years old. The living expenses of HK $600000 a year are HK $4.8 million for another 8 years. After the other party reaches the age of 18, You can also claim HK $200000 at a time.

Seriously, there are not many rich people like Du Chengrong who have separated their property. Tang Jinyun wants to leave his family property to his eldest son Tang Yuanyue, which also leaves shares for his second son, his third son and his wife.

Du Chengrong basically left all his family property to Du Zhaohui.

Five million plus a set of 2000 foot properties add up to less than 10 million.

Compared with the part left to Du Zhaohui, these children get too little. Others are naturally dissatisfied with Du Zhaohui and the will.

Du Zhaohui had a thick skin and didn't realize that he was taking too much.

This is not what he forced the old man. Natural selection and the survival of the strong. Only he is most suitable to take charge of Chengrong group!

What pleased Du Zhaohui most was that the will directly ignored Du Zhaoji. Du Zhaoji did not have a 2000 foot property unit and HK $5 million in cash.

The second aunt looked at Du Zhaohui too much and chose to shut up.

She also wants to take too much money, but the second room takes too much money. Du Zhaohui will not let the second room go. It's better to keep the money in his hand. Second aunt Tai still has some shares in Asia. She took the money to sell her shares in Chaoyang real estate to HK to buy a house. Real estate speculation is the simplest without using her brain... She is also jealous of the situation on Qiongdao, but from the bottom of her heart, second aunt doesn't trust that the economy of the mainland will be better than that of HK. She is more willing to buy a house in HK.

The third aunt looked too hard, and the second aunt was too shy. She gritted her teeth. "Lawyer Cheng, can the credibility of this will be guaranteed?"

Lawyer Cheng nodded:

"The will was definitely signed by Du Sheng when he was conscious. It was witnessed not only by me, but also by the lawyers of two other law firms, and supported by on-site video. If Mrs. Santai questions Du Sheng's will, he can apply for investigation. Of course, I personally don't suggest that the three presidents do this. Du Sheng had a decent life on Hong Kong Island before his death. He didn't want to be talked about after his death... So if it is confirmed that Du Sheng's will was not forged after the investigation, I will execute the supplementary provisions of the supplementary will on behalf of Du Sheng. "

The third aunt was too stunned.

"What supplementary provisions?"

"In the name of Du Sheng, recover many 'gifts' given by Du Sheng to Santai. If other children of the Du family raise questions, cancel the property they can inherit now."

This operation is too coquettish.

Even Du Zhaohui wanted to applaud.

Ruthless and ruthless, he cut off the possibility of fighting within the Du family, questioned the injustice of the will on the premise that he might lose his existing property, and lost the bet will have nothing

Is this the last lesson the old man taught him?

In order to ensure that his family will not be dismembered and thinned, the old man can treat women who have slept with him for many years and his own children like this.

The third aunt really wants to scream.

The second aunt also subconsciously clenched her handbag, "lawyer Cheng, can you recover the real estate and jewelry that Du Sheng gave us?"

Why recover? There are a lot of rich people in Hong Kong who don't leave a dime for their wife!

How could the court support such an absurd supplementary clause.

Obviously, the third aunt wants to make trouble too much, and the second aunt has heard too much. There are crises everywhere.

Lawyer Cheng patiently explained to the effect that the real estate and jewelry were conditional gifts. Although HK recognized the past system of "one wife and multiple concubines", in the old society, the treatment of concubines was also different from that of his wife. If Du Chengrong's original wife was still alive, Du Chengrong didn't leave her a dime, and the original wife was still eligible to apply to the court for re division of the estate

"Two too, three too, you listen to my advice, two will not want to see me use the supplementary terms."

It's too risky.

Lawyer Cheng doesn't think the employer is heartless.

What is amorous, what is unfeeling, the boundary is not so clear!

Du Chengrong can't leave more money for the other three rooms of the Du family.

But Mr. Du will certainly not tolerate it.

——It's better to keep the status quo and don't challenge Mr. Du's bottom line.