When Luo Dewei is planning to revenge Zhang Qianxiu, Zhang Qianxiu is reading a book. He doesn't care much about Luo Dewei's revenge.

In Zhang Qianxiu's view, Luo Dewei's means are actually not on the stage and pose no threat to himself.

Zhang Qianxiu also wanted to kill Luo Dewei directly, so as to avoid future trouble. But this society is a society ruled by law after all. It's not a good thing to kill people casually.

In addition, Luo Dewei is not a nobody. His wife's family still has some abilities. If Luo Dewei is killed, his wife will make trouble, which is not so easy to solve.

In the afternoon, Tao Lijun came, with a piece of gauze around his neck and his right hand hanging on his chest. He was like a defeated rooster.

Zhang Qianxiu looked at Tao Lijun and asked, "are you ok?"

Tao Lijun shook his head: "nothing! Who can I turn that business over to? "

Zhang Qianxiu appreciates Tao Lijun a little for this. If he takes back all his business and Tao Lijun gives Xiangzi all his usury and business on the road, he will have nothing.

Many people may find a way not to return Zhang Qianxiu's money, and some may come to plead.

However, without saying a word, Tao Lijun came directly to withdraw the business, which was a responsibility.

Zhang Qianxiu did not answer Tao Lijun's question. He asked, "where are your people? Is there any major damage? "

Tao Lijun was silent for a moment, and said: "two people may have been abandoned, and others have been injured more or less."

"I'll give you 100000 yuan, and you can give it to those injured people. As for how to divide it, you can do it yourself." Zhang Qianxiu said.

Tao Lijun said, "I'll pay for it myself."

"You still have money?" Zhang Qianxiu asked.

Tao Lijun said: "there is still a little family, the last old capital."

Tao Lijun now has no previous spirit. When he talks, he feels dejected, even a little broken.

Zhang Qianxiu said, "your people are going to work for me. I'll give you the money."

"As for that business, you should take care of it! The shares are still distributed the same way. Even if you return them to me, I don't have time to manage them. "

"As for the money, when the business makes money, you can give it back to me."

Tao Lijun was stunned. He didn't expect that Zhang Qianxiu would take the initiative to help him.

In fact, Tao Lijun was a man who cared about face. He looked up at Zhang Qianxiu and said, "what if the business doesn't work out?"

"Then you'll pay it back slowly." Zhang Qianxiu then said, "I don't want your interest. You should be able to pay back 500000 yuan all your life?"

Tao Lijun still has a little bit of confidence, but he also understands that he owes Zhang Qianxiu two big favors. One is that now, Zhang Qianxiu has given him the opportunity to continue to start a business, and the other is that Zhang Qianxiu has rescued him. Otherwise, it is still unknown whether he can come out alive in Luo Dewei's hands.

Either of these two human feelings is a great one, let alone two together.

Tao Lijun didn't even know if he had the chance to return Zhang Qianxiu's kindness. After all, Zhang Qianxiu's status and ability are far beyond him, and his help is limited.

Tao Lijun was silent for a long time, and finally said only one word: "good!"

Although it is just a "good" word, it is full of Tao Lijun's gratitude to Zhang Qianxiu. After all, at this time, people who will help him and are willing to help him, maybe only Zhang Qianxiu.

Although Tao Lijun only said one word, it was full of his emotion.

Zhang Qianxiu doesn't have so many ideas. He will help Tao Lijun. It's not that his view of Tao Lijun has changed, nor that he has pity on Tao Lijun. It's that he doesn't care much about the 500000 yuan. Moreover, even if Tao Lijun has given Zhang Qianxiu the business he is doing, Zhang Qianxiu really has no time to manage it. It's better to let Tao Lijun continue to do it himself. If it's done, For Zhang Qianxiu, it's naturally a good thing. Even if it's not done, it's not too bad for him. At most, he lost half a million yuan and the business.

As for that business, if Tao Lijun didn't do it, Zhang Qianxiu would not do it either, and finally it was abandoned.

It's better to let Tao Lijun continue to manage it. If it's done, it's a successful investment.

Zhang Qianxiu changed the topic and asked, "you were just caught by Luo Dewei once. It seems that you are disheartened."

Tao Lijun was silent for a moment. He took out two cigarettes from his pocket with his left hand and handed them to Zhang Qianxiu. He took a little of them in his mouth and then took out the lighter to light them. Then he said, "I knew some people in the city before and had dealt with them."

"I didn't think it would be difficult this time, but the fact is that people like us, in front of those people in the city, are similar to the people in the town below."

"If there is a gangster in the town who wants to come to the county town to stab me twice and doesn't stab me to death once, he won't have a second chance, and I won't give him a chance."

"If it wasn't for you this time, I wouldn't have a good result."

"I have a lot of people under me, but when it comes to fighting, most people only care about themselves. There are only about ten people who can follow me through life and death. All the people I bring with me this time are willing to follow me through life and death. This time, they are all injured."

"If I call someone again, I don't dare to go with me much. If everything goes well, I will directly bring down Luo Dewei."

"If it doesn't go well, or if there are many people on the other side, the people who go with me will definitely run if they see that the situation is not right."

"I can also look for opportunities by myself and start when Luo Dewei is alone, but I don't have a deep hatred with Luo Dewei. I made him because you paid me. I don't have to work hard."

"So, generally speaking, the people who can fight with me are already lying in the hospital, and I don't have to fight. I have no reason to fight with Luo Dewei."

"But it's probably a lot easier for Rodeway to get rid of me."

"I'm in a dilemma now. Even if you give me the business, I don't know if I can do it in the city. I may move to the county. At least in the county, no one dares to trouble me, unless Luo Dewei brings people to the county to make trouble."

"In addition to the county, I may also go to other cities for development."

All that Tao Lijun said was true.

Zhang Qianxiu thinks that Tao Lijun's words are very real. If he really wants to work hard, Tao Lijun has a chance to kill Luo Dewei, and everyone will be left alone.

But Tao Lijun can't fight Zhang Qianxiu. He really wants to fight against Luo Dewei. He is not Luo Dewei's opponent.

Originally, Tao Lijun thought that Luo Dewei was no longer on the road, and there were not many people he could find, which greatly exceeded his expectation.

Zhang Qianxiu said, "what you said is very true."

"It's your business how to develop. I don't care about you. I don't care about other things, how you used to deal with them now or how you deal with them now."

"If you stay in the city and Rodeway troubles you, you tell me and I'll deal with it."

Tao Lijun opened his mouth and finally nodded: "OK!"

Not to mention half a year ago, even before yesterday, Tao Lijun didn't think that he had to rely on Zhang Qianxiu to solve the problems on the road. He was a serious Taoist, but Zhang Qian's xiumingxian didn't like him. He didn't spend a day in Taoism.

This made Tao Lijun somewhat frustrated, and also felt Zhang Qianxiu's strength more and more.

Zhang Qianxiu and Tao Lijun had another chat. Tao Lijun said that he had to leave in advance.

Tao Lijun is expected to be really hit this time. He is used to the prestige in the county. This time, he fully realized that if he left the county, he would be nothing.

If it was his own business this time, he would not be so embarrassed. After all, he could work hard; However, this is Zhang Qianxiu's. It's not cost-effective for him to work hard. If he doesn't work hard, he will be forced very hard.

Always wanted to go ashore, the Taoli army finally chose forbearance, as a result, he was forced to be like this.

After Tao Lijun left, Zhang Qianxiu thought about it and still had some worries. He took out the phone and dialed Kong Zhiwen.

Soon after the phone was connected, Kong Zhiwen's voice came: "boss Zhang!"

"Lao Kong, you let Lao Hu or Lao song come to Shaoqing city and ask them to help me stare at a person." Zhang Qianxiu said.

Although Zhang Qianxiu doesn't pay much attention to Luo Dewei, it's safe to ask someone to stare at him for a period of time just in case.

Kong Zhiwen said: "Lao Hu is staring at Liu Qiying, and Lao song is in siheyuan. They can't leave. Shall I let Wan Nala go? Wannala was also specially trained. "

Zhang Qianxiu thought for a moment and said, "can we find other reliable people?"

Although Zhang Qianxiu trusts Kong Zhiwen, he doesn't trust wannala very much. After all, he has only seen her once. Even if she has saved Kong Zhiwen and them, no one can guarantee that wannala will do the same to herself.

Although there is no conflict of interest between Zhang Qianxiu and wannala, Zhang Qianxiu still doesn't want wannala to interfere in her own affairs, even if it's not too important.

Kong Zhiwen also understood Zhang Qianxiu and said, "there are, but it will take a few more days for people to come."

"Who is the other party?" Zhang Qianxiu asked.

"Mercenaries, not our country." Kong Zhiwen said.

Zhang Qianxiu originally thought that the people introduced by Kong Zhiwen were the same as song Xiaoluo and they were all former comrades of Kong Zhiwen.

Zhang Qianxiu is more likely to trust people like Kong Zhiwen. If they are mercenaries, it seems that they are no different from wannala.

Zhang Qianxiu thought for a moment and asked, "how much is that mercenary?"

"Depending on the situation, if you stare at one person, thousands of people! He is from those countries in the south. Now he is over 40 years old and has settled down in southern Yunnan Province. Because he has lived in a hail of bullets all his life and has no other skills, now he is selling some intelligence and doing some underground transactions. However, he is ready to give up and only take the list of acquaintances. After all, these things are still dangerous. I've been working as a private detective all these years, but we don't have such a career in China. Most of our businesses are rich people and so on. We can't get many orders and don't have enough income. That's why we get orders from acquaintances. " Kong Zhiwen then said: "the last shipment of guns was the route and people he helped to find. He was very familiar with the area in southern Yunnan."

After listening to Kong Zhiwen's introduction, Zhang Qianxiu showed some interest in this man: "Lao Kong, please let wannala and the old mercenary you mentioned come here. Just contact me when you arrive."

"Well, I'll call them now." Kong Zhiwen is still very happy that Zhang Qianxiu can accept wannala. After all, in Kong Zhiwen's consideration, wannala still has to rely on Zhang Qianxiu if she wants to live in the future.

It can be hard for ordinary people to understand how hard it is for mercenaries and killers to adapt to ordinary people's lives.

It's not that they don't adapt to ordinary people's daily life of eating and sleeping. It's hard for them to adapt to ordinary people's work.

If wannala goes out to find a job herself, she can only wash dishes and do assembly lines. Although wannala used to be a specially trained killer, she also needs to live, and she doesn't want to live too hard. If she wants to escape from her previous life, she doesn't want to die, which doesn't mean she doesn't want to be comfortable.

Kong Zhiwen knows this very well, so he understands that if Zhang Qianxiu is willing to settle down with wannala, she can live a relaxed life in China. Otherwise, she will worry about her life all day long.