Ge Qingshan asked, "what do you want? I can fight for it for you, but you don't want to ask for money. You all have so much money. The country is short of money now. It's no problem to give you 350 million yuan, but it's useless for you to take it, and you're not short of the 350 million yuan. "

Zhang Qianxiu couldn't remember what good he wanted.

The main reason is that it's not cost-effective to ask for too little. If it's too much, the government will definitely not give it.

Ten and eight quadrangles in Beijing? That's no use!

An official position? I don't want to take an official career at all!

Want money? There is nothing wrong with what GE Qingshan said. Asking for three or five hundred million will not do much for him.

What do you want? Zhang Qianxiu was in trouble for a while.

"I can't think of it. I can't work for nothing these days." Zhang Qianxiu was a little dissatisfied with this matter in his heart. He also played some tricks when he spoke.

Ge Qingshan is easy to say: "OK, you think about it yourself. If you can fight for it, you must fight for it."

Zhang Qianxiu asked curiously: "master, can I ask, what will be transported this time?"

Ge Qingshan was silent for a while, and said, "it's mainly a person who has a document of more than 100 pages, which are the design drawings and data of Soviet weapons, as well as some important parts. We take them back mainly for reverse research."

"This information is divided into five parts. We bring it back according to different routes. Even if we have a problem, we only need one place to succeed."

"But we only have those parts. Without these core parts for research, only data and drawings, the work would be much more difficult."

Reverse research is to get the finished product, then study how other people do it, and then make corresponding improvements according to their existing foundation, technology and materials. Some of them are directly made one-to-one.

Zhang Qianxiu didn't continue to ask. It's good for GE Qingshan to tell him so much. According to reason, these are secrets, and he shouldn't know.

"All right! It's just this time. " Zhang Qianxiu muttered.

"Maybe more than once, maybe many times," he said

Zhang Qianxiu couldn't help but draw from the corner of his eyes and asked tentatively, "master, can you not do it?"

Although Zhang Qianxiu knew that the Soviet Union would definitely disintegrate this year, no one could guarantee that if he did such a thing himself, he would not be able to deal with himself before it disintegrated.

After all, the power of the individual is too small in front of the country.

Ge Qingshan shook his head: "no! You know so much now. If you don't do it, I can't explain it to you. "

"In fact, you should not have too much pressure, in addition to you, there are many people doing such things."

Zhang Qianxiu was not surprised that other people were doing this. The state could not put its treasure on itself.

Zhang Qianxiu asked tentatively, "don't I have to go to the Soviet Union?"

"As far as the present situation is concerned, there is no need to go." "It's hard to say whether or not to go," said Ge Qingshan

"It depends on whether there is an accident on the route you are responsible for, and whether there will be someone on top after the accident. If no one can, you have to go."

Zhang Qianxiu said with a wry smile, "master, it's a matter of losing one's head."

"It's not that dangerous. It's only for a few years at most." What GE Qingshan said is indifferent.

Zhang Qianxiu doesn't know whether Ge Qingshan's story is true or not. Although Zhang Qianxiu usually trusts Ge Qingshan, he is skeptical about it.

In Zhang Qianxiu's view, espionage in the two countries can not be measured by law at all. Basically, there is room for slow change in the reports, which are only a few; If you don't report it, you don't know how many people have died. Who cares about the law in this kind of thing? It's directly destroyed or tortured.

Zhang Qianxiu does not want to do it, but he also knows that there are 10000 ways for the state to force him to do it. Unless he goes abroad, it seems impossible.

Zhang Qianxiu still decided to give Ge Qingshan a preventive injection: "master, you should know me. I am willing to contribute to the development of our country, and I also agree with this country. But I'm not a saint, and I don't have the potential to be a hero. My contribution to the country is based on the premise that I live a good life. My life is not good, and my life is in danger. I really don't know if I can keep my original intention and have no regrets like Kong Zhiwen. "

Ge Qingshan took a deep look at Zhang Qianxiu and said, "in fact, you are better than you think."

Zhang Qianxiu felt that he was telling the truth, and he also thought in his heart: "master, don't give me a high hat. I'm telling the truth. I will do what I can, but I can't do anything beyond my ability. There's something really wrong at that time. You should give priority to those patriots."

Ge Qingshan pondered for a while, then nodded with a smile: "don't worry, if you don't have to, you won't do it."

"But this operation, all the expenses must be paid by yourself, and the country will not pay a cent."

Zhang Qianxiu was speechless. It was estimated that those things were not cheap: "master, I'm just a small businessman. There's no need for the country to collect wool here!"

Ge Qingshan said: "we can compensate you afterwards, but before it's done, it can't have anything to do with the government, nor can it have anything to do with a dime. You can treat yourself as the money you put on temporarily, and the state will subsidize you in other ways in the future."

"What's more, aren't you working with belfshka on the loan? We have some abilities in the financial system of the Soviet Union. Although we have little ability, we can also help you. We will try our best to get you a larger loan, which should enable you to pay those expenses. "

Zhang Qianxiu was quite satisfied with this, because he knew that Lu Yuan would fall sharply, and the loan money would be picked up. However, no one, including the state, could predict the future. Zhang Qianxiu deliberately cried out: "master, this money is to be paid back. Even if the Soviet Union disintegrates, these accounts will be transferred to one of the countries."

Ge Qingshan said: "well, we know that you have a loan for three to five years and ten years. After so many years, the state has long thought of other ways to compensate you. Now we should use the money to cover it."

Zhang Qianxiu pretended to be indignant and said, "I'm the stepping stone of the country. First, give me a bunch of promises and say how many benefits I'll give me in the future. If something happens, I'll take it. These promises don't have to be fulfilled. If nothing happens, at least the country will give me benefits only when it calms down."

"The country is not at a loss."

Ge Qingshan said with a straight face: "how many people are willing to die for their country. This matter is not as dangerous as you think. You don't have to do this."

Ge Qingshan knew that Zhang Qianxiu was pretending, but he was always like this, which made Ge Qingshan a little unhappy. In his opinion, to contribute to the country is the quality that every citizen should have. Now, it's not right to let Zhang Qianxiu do something and just think about the benefits.

Seeing that GE Qingshan was not happy, Zhang Qianxiu said bitterly, "master, I was dragged in by you."

Ge Qingshan was speechless, and finally sighed, "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of our country! You know this truth, Qian Xiu. Now that you have the ability, the country needs you. If you are really dissatisfied this time, Shifu will apologize to you. "

Although Zhang Qianxiu was dissatisfied with this incident, he never blamed Ge Qingshan

Now that GE Qingshan has said that, Zhang Qianxiu is naturally not good enough to say more: "master, I just want to complain."

Ge Qingshan sighed a little and said, "Qian Xiu, I also understand that this is a peaceful time. You don't have to sacrifice your life and forget your death. But I came from a time of war. If our country is not strong, it will fall behind and be beaten."

"Mr. Qian said that we don't have a sword in our hand and we don't have to have a sword in our hand."

"What we are doing now is to make the sword in our hands sharper. Only when our country holds the sword that can pierce everything and split everything, can we have the right to speak and the people of our country can live and work in peace and contentment."

Zhang Qianxiu knew that this was said by a big scientist in China. What he said is really reasonable. If your fist is not hard enough, others will move you if they want to. Any concession you make is servile; If you have a hard fist, your concession is to have a stomach.

"I see, master! I'll do my best. " Zhang Qianxiu knew what kind of person Ge Qingshan was. No matter what the reason was, he couldn't escape this time.

Seeing Zhang Qianxiu's sincere attitude, his tone also eased down: "Qianxiu, I know that no one will remember you when you do these things, there will be no record of what you do for your country, and even you may be in danger, but as long as it is done, I will fight for the reward you deserve."

Zhang Qianxiu sighed in his heart. If he really wanted too many benefits, Shifu would not be happy. So he said, "Shifu, I don't want to go to an official career. It's useless to give me money. How about this! I'm running a school now. Let the government publicize my school. Otherwise, it's not easy for me to recruit students. "

"There is also the eighth five year plan of our country. If I remember correctly, there are five billion research expenses for semiconductors. Why don't you give me some? I promise that I will spend all the money on the research of semiconductors. I don't need a cent myself."

"Nothing else."

The state has never given up research on semiconductors and chips.

As early as the 1980s or so, our country's chip technology was in the forefront of the world, several years ahead of Bangzi and Taiwan.

It was a mistake in decision-making and judgment in the 1980s that domestic technology began to lag behind.

The real emergence of personal computers should be regarded as the personal computer chip developed by Intel in 1974. The model is 8080. The computers, mobile phones and tablets we use belong to personal computers.

In the 1980s, the state and some experts believed that the investment in chips was too large and the output was too small. It was better to buy a ready-made production line as long as you can produce them yourself.

It is precisely because of this idea that our country's chip technology completely lags behind the world.

In 1982, a Japanese production line was introduced into 742 factory; In the same year, it was proposed to transform the semiconductor industry during the sixth five year plan( The Sixth Five-Year Plan is the Sixth Five-Year Plan. Domestic development is planned in detail every five years. Every plan includes all walks of life, science and technology, agriculture, education, industry and so on. Chips are only part of the Sixth Five-Year Plan.)

In 1985, the first 64K memory chip was successfully trial produced in 742 factory.

In 1989, that is, at the end of the 1980s, China realized that it had made a wrong decision on the chip and decided to revitalize the integrated circuits during the eighth five year plan.

In the same year, factory 742 merged with a branch of semiconductor research in China and established Huajing electronics.

The period from 1991 to 1995 is the time of the eighth five year plan in China. For a total of five years, Huajing has been the main force in the research of chip technology in China. Its main purpose is to break through the one micron chip technology (1 micron equals 1000 nanometers, and later it was 7 nanometers, 5 nanometers and 3 nanometers. In 1991, we were breaking through the 1000 nanometers Technology).

In 1989, Intel launched a 486 chip. At that time, its technology was 1 micron. According to principle, China's plan to break through 1 micron technology in 1989 was actually the most advanced in the world. Even if it took some time and effort, it could barely keep up with the pace of world technology, and it might overtake.

But in fact, during the Eighth Five Year Plan period, the state has formulated many development plans, and the plans in other fields have been basically completed. However, the chip field has lagged behind and failed to break through the 1 micron technology in five years.

During this period, that is, in 1993, Intel released the Pentium processor. Before that, the processors were all named 286, 386 and 486 by numbers. At that time, when buying a computer, it was also meant to buy "486" or "386".

In 1993, Intel also changed its previous naming method and directly used the brand of Pentium. This is also the beginning of another stage of chip development, and also the beginning of the fifth generation processor.

The failure of Huajing in the eighth five year plan and the continuous breakthrough of foreign technology have made our technology more and more backward, and we are unable to catch up.

If Huajing succeeds from 1991 to 1995, maybe the domestic chip market will be a different picture later.

In fact, the state has never given up its investment in chips. Chips are included in almost every five-year plan of the "sixth five year plan", "Eighth Five Year Plan" and "Ninth Five Year Plan".

During this period, chip research fell into a crisis, and the support of the state was greatly reduced, that is, the "Hanxin incident", which made the state have no confidence in many research institutes and think that they are cheating on funds.

At that time, the Hanson event was a big event, and the chips made a major breakthrough. The official leadership was also happy and generous. They hoped that these research institutes and scientists would push the domestic chip industry to the forefront of the world.

In fact, many domestic experts have known for a long time that Hanxin is a fraud, but they are also the beneficiaries. When the government is happy, they give more research fees, and they also take more research fees.

Later, when Hanxin was exposed to the fraud, the state tightened the investment in chip research fees, and it was extremely difficult to apply for research fees.

All in all, the state has never given up its support for chips, just because the strength of support varies between the external and domestic chip situations.

Zhang Qianxiu now wants these conveniences from GE Qingshan. In fact, he has no bottom in his heart. After all, he doesn't even have a half shadow of the semiconductor research institute. Huajing electronics is a big manufacturer of memory chips. If we compare the foundation and strength of the two, there is nothing comparable.

Ge Qingshan said: "in terms of education, I can guarantee that I can promote it for you, but it won't be too obvious. The most important thing is to send a notice to high schools all over the country. After all, I don't know how your teaching quality is. The state can't support your newly established school without the support of Qingda and Shangjing University, can it?"

"As for the chip semiconductors you mentioned, I have also learned about Huajing. The funds there have not come down yet, and they are still applying. Can we get some for you? It's hard to say that there is no money in Shangjing."

"In the words of the financial industry, every year is a deficit."

To put it bluntly, a deficit means a debt. He has to spend 120 yuan on the annual revenue of 100 yuan, which is borrowed.

Zhang Qianxiu sighed and said, "OK! I don't want to ask too much. If the Soviet Union has a relationship with the country, try to fight for as much as possible. I don't want to fight for as much as I can. "

Ge Qingshan said: "the relationship between the country and the public can not be used, it can only give you the back door, try to fight for it for you!"

"I'll give you the information in two days. You can contact Valerie and prepare for it yourself."

"Yes Zhang Qianxiu nodded.