As a Chinese teacher, Miss Li has not seen such a good composition for a long time.

The words are beautiful, reasonable, shallow and profound, and the logic is strict. Anyway, Mr. Li can't pick out any flaws.

Such an excellent composition should have been given full marks, but the teacher of the Chinese group discussed and discussed. At last, he did not discuss a word Qiao Nan used that was too plain, so he deducted one point.

What is called returning to nature?

This is called back to nature!

Originally, Mr. Li would not allow to deduct this point, but also wanted to discuss with the Chinese group.

But when I saw what Qiao Nan said, I was very angry.

Recite very, Qiao Nan did not get a point, deduct completely!

As for the other four points, the deduction is also the knowledge of textbook rote learning.

In other words, if Qiao Nan has mastered the classroom knowledge well, teacher Li will fight for one more point, and this midstream Chinese test paper will almost get the full mark!!

Primary school Chinese full score is also common, junior high school, especially to the third day, Chinese Full Score volume that is extinct!

Originally, it was the highest score in the grade. It was a full score that was rarely seen in several years. It was spoiled by Qiao nan to be eighty-five points and ranked dozens. Can Mr. Li not be angry?

It's a pity that Miss Li did well in Qiao Nan's exam.

For this matter, Miss Li didn't sleep all night, and prepared to criticize Qiao Nan today. Let Qiao Nan know how serious his mistake is and reflect on her hard.

In addition, I heard that Qiao Nan's always excellent mathematics also failed in the exam. Mr. Li was more angry.

But now, Miss Li doesn't think so at all.

Mr. Chen also knows Mr. Li's mind. After learning about Qiao Nan's situation, he goes back to the office and specially tells Mr. Li about Qiao Nan's complicated situation.

After learning about Qiao Nan's situation, Mr. Li can only sigh, and the child will fight again. There is a child's parent at home. What can the child do?

No matter how hard you memorize, the books are sold by the parents. Qiao Nan wants to make efforts seriously, but he can't. If the books are gone, what can he recite or review?

Mr. Li looked at Qiao Nan's eyes, which were full of love and hate, and left the rest of the class wondering. Qiao Nan failed in the exam. Shouldn't Mr. Li criticize Qiao Nan? Why did he stare at Qiao Nan for half a day, and didn't say "no" to Qiao Nan?

Come on, scold Qiao Nan severely!

After a crazy summer vacation, a lot of people's results are not very good-looking, I can't go home without a board.

Let's see Qiao Nan is sprayed by the teachers of each class first, which can help them find some comfort.

Many people are looking forward to Miss Li's stormy bombing of Qiao Nan, but for a while, Miss Li said: "you really should be Qiao Nan studies to see how good Qiao Nan's composition is. Take a look at yours again. Is that called composition? Did you have a heart to play wild in summer vacation, even composition is wild? "

Mr. Li bombarded the students according to the examination papers: "Qiao Nan, copy your composition and paste it on the blackboard at the back of the classroom. Of course, you can only learn composition from Qiao Nan. Qiao Nan, do you know what a pity it is for the teacher to read this exam paper? It should have been Forget it, don't say it, the more you say it, the more painful you feel. After a good review, like this ten points should not be lost ah. "

Qiao Nan's face turned red after being shaved by Miss Li.

Especially in the eyes of Mr. Li, Qiao Nan is very guilty, as if she really did something sorry to Mr. Li.

Thinking of this, Qiao Nan can't cry or laugh. This exam is noisy.

After class, Qiao Nan's head is dark. Turning around, a girl stares at her eyes. The boss looks at herself displeased. "Qiao Nan, copy your composition quickly. I want to see how good it is."

“……” Qiao Nan is not impressed by this classmate. As for copying composition, Qiao Nan says he is not interested in it.

Qiao Nan said nothing, took the tape paper and directly pasted the composition page of his examination paper on the blackboard at the back: "let's see."

After pasting the test paper, Qiao Nan concentrated on studying her own mathematics test paper, and got through the mathematics first.

"You." Seeing Qiao Nan's attitude, Zhao Yu was so angry that he said, "it's not just the composition that is well written that he got 85 points. It's not the highest score. There's nothing to be proud of!"

No matter how, Qiao Nan didn't do well in the exam this time. Miss Li criticized her result.

Hearing Zhao Yu's murmur, Qiao Nan looks back at Zhao Yu. What's wrong with the little girl? She's still strong?

But at one glance, Qiao Nan took her attention back and studied her mathematics.

The more indifferent Qiao Nan is, the more angry Zhao Yu will be if he doesn't even want to fight with Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu held his breath and went to see Qiao Nan's composition without believing in evil. He originally wanted to pick bones from the eggs, but after reading it for a long time, Zhao Yu had to admit that the composition was really good.

What's the matter? She lost this time, and next time, and next time!Zhao Yu clenched his fist and went back to his seat to take out his composition book and read it.

When it comes to English class, it's different from Mr. Chen and Mr. Li. The teacher is the only one who enters the classroom like a spring breeze: "after a summer vacation, many students have stepped back. Of course, there are also progressive students. Do you know what is the highest score of English in the third grade of junior high school and who got it? "

"How much?"


"The worst is 99."

Junior high school English also has composition, like Chinese composition, it's too difficult to get full marks, almost impossible.

"It's not Jonan anyway." Zhao Yu said in a small voice with a smile.

Zhao Yu also sits in the second row, close to Qiao Nan, so Qiao Nan hears Zhao Yu's voice.

Qiao Nan picks her eyebrows. She has offended the little girl. Today is the second time for the little girl to find her fault. I don't like her.

"No one can think of it? Also, the teacher didn't expect to produce a full volume this time! The proudest thing is that this English full score is in class 1, grade 3 of our class. Jonan, come and get your paper. "

Teacher Yu said that there were full papers and they were in his own class. Then he called Qiao Nan's name.

There are no more than three habits for teachers to give exams: one is from high score to low score, two is from low score to expert, and three is random.

But in the case of the teacher, it doesn't look like the second or the third, so that's why the full score test was written by Qiao Nan?

Many students who are eager for Qiao nan to continue to fail the third test, so that they can go back to have an excuse for their parents, suffer from 12 points of psychological trauma.