Chapter 6

Name:Rebirth 2003 Author:Muzixin
For four consecutive days, Lu Yang repeated this life.

Every night after the military training, when many freshmen were tired after a day of military training, Lu Yang came to Xingyu Internet cafe with manuscript paper full of manuscripts to find the least corner of one person. After turning on the computer, he first opened thousands of listening and found the original English version of the voice of silence.

In fact, Lu Yang often listens to few English songs because he doesn't like English, but the sound of silence is one of the few exceptions.

This song has a charm that can make the whole body and mind calm down quickly at the first moment of hearing it.

Writing novels requires a quiet heart. Only when the heart is quiet, the brain will be in the most focused and active state. Only in this state can Lu Yang write like flying and have a spring of inspiration.

Therefore, he likes the song "the sound of silence" very much.

Wearing headphones and shielding other noises in the Internet cafe with the music of the sound of silence, Lu Yang began to create a new document, and then input the text on the manuscript into the document word by word.

After four days, at more than 12 o'clock every night, Lu Yang finally turned all the manuscripts written a few days ago into electronic documents in the computer.

When the last document was successfully deposited in Netease e-mail on the last day, Lu Yang subconsciously breathed a sigh.

After so many days of meditation writing and document input, he also felt tired, especially recently, he had to participate in the military training of the school every day.

He habitually lit a cigarette. Lu Yang held the cigarette in his mouth. His whole body completely relaxed and collapsed in the chair. He narrowed his eyes slightly. While listening to the music in the headset, he looked at several documents in Netease e-mail.

He had estimated in his mind that the number of words in the four documents, excluding the outline content, definitely exceeded 65000 words, and there was more than enough contributions.

There was no fucking thing missing a word, which made Lu Yang show a faint smile on his face.

My heart is relaxed.

In a relaxed mood, Lu Yang suddenly wanted to change his mood.

So, his hands on the keyboard hit again a few times, and another song he loved was found in thousands of listening, Guan Zhengjie's legend of the Milky way.

This is an old song, a very old song.

But it is classic enough. It not only sings well, but also the lyrics are wonderful and amazing.

Before Lu Yang's rebirth, when he heard it for the first time, he was immediately attracted. I can't believe that the old musician decades ago could write such a beautiful song about the constellation.

At this moment, listening to this song of his great love, Lu Yang is in a better mood.

Taking advantage of this good mood, Lu Yang took a deep breath of the cigarette in his mouth, sat up straight and operated with both hands on the keyboard. More than ten minutes later, he combined the four documents in Netease's mailbox into one, created another document and wrote his resume and contact information.

When submitting, attach your resume and contact information to facilitate the reviewer's editors to contact themselves. It can be regarded as an information that must be attached when submitting.

After all this was done, Lu Yang began to search the Internet for the submission mailboxes of several well-known publishing houses in Taiwan.

Before rebirth, although Lu Yang submitted manuscripts many times, he directly stored the email accounts of those publishers in his own email and didn't remember them.

After his rebirth in 2003, his previous e-mail had long disappeared.

This is also the direct reason why he needs to re register Netease email.

In 2003, it was the period when publishing houses in Taiwan received online novel manuscripts everywhere. Therefore, it was not difficult to find their receiving email account.

Lu Yang searched the Internet several times and found the email accounts of five or six well-known publishing houses.

Once you find your email account, it's easy.

Lu Yang sent his completed submission documents, his resume and contact information to the five publishing houses respectively.

Although, many publishers emphasize that they can't submit more than one draft.

However, as an author, Lu Yang is no exception when he contributes to several publishing houses in line with the psychology of widely spreading the net.

Otherwise, the review time of each publishing house will take half a month or even longer. If you wait half a month or even a month and send it to another publishing house after receiving the rejection message, the delay will be too long.

The suffering in the waiting process will be prolonged several times.

When waiting, who wants that time to be extended several times?

In case several publishing houses can't see their own manuscripts, when waiting, each author will hope to be disappointed only once, not again and again.


The manuscript has been submitted, and the rest is waiting.

Different from the first submission before rebirth, Lu Yang was not confident at that time. He just submitted it with a try mentality.

I didn't expect to pass the preliminary and final examination once I submitted my contribution.

It was also because of the success of the first publication that Lu Yang tasted the sweetness of it. Therefore, in the next ten years, he continued to write online novels.

But this time it's different.

After ten years of codeword experience, Lu Yang is very confident in the recently written "doomsday wasteland".

Lu Yang remembers that at this time, Taiwan publishing house was very fond of manuscripts with strong fantasy color, many female owners and full youth atmosphere.

Lu Yang kept these points in mind when he decided to write the doomsday wasteland.

Although the story is the theme of doomsday, it has a strong fantasy color.

For example, in the story, although those terrible and murderous alien space monsters are ferocious and terrible, after killing, there will be a vitality in the body, which will be quickly absorbed by nearby creatures, and then quickly enhance the vitality of that creature in a short time.

Lu Yang wrote this selling point in the 65000 words he contributed.

At first, the protagonist Chen Feng thought it was an illusion, but he discovered the secret after killing two or three different space monsters. Then in just a few days, the combat effectiveness of the whole person rose sharply.

Such a selling point is not particularly novel in the doomsday novels a few years later.

But in 2003, no one wrote it.

So it seems very novel.

In this way, this "doomsday wasteland" is not just a novel of doomsday stream. To be exact, it should be regarded as an upgrade stream of doomsday stream.

The strength of the protagonist will become stronger and stronger as more and more strange space monsters are killed.

Such a doomsday upgrade stream is almost unprecedented in the online literary world in 2003. Lu Yang believes it will attract many readers.

After rebirth, Lu Yang didn't write the popular online novels that burned after 03. First, naturally, he was not confident that he could completely copy other people's novels. Second, he had his own ideas.

He doesn't believe that when he comes back ten years later, he can't write a novel that can make his dream come true.

Copying others' novels as like as two peas is difficult. Even if the original authors of those novels write the books at the first time, they can not rewrite the novels, and they can not be copied exactly.

That's almost impossible.

It's different to create your own novel.

Lu Yang is confident that he has nearly ten million words of writing experience. Ten years ago, he can write novels of good quality and completely his own.

Before he failed, Lu Yang firmly believed that he could do it.

Now, the first episode of "doomsday wasteland" has been written and submitted.

Next, just wait.

As long as this novel can be published smoothly and achieve good results, Lu Yang can write his own works with more confidence.

He doesn't expect his future works to be comparable to those of the top gods. As long as he can write better, his dream is not brilliant.

It's enough to live the life you want with your own works.
