Chapter 377

Name:Rebirth 2003 Author:Muzixin
The second uncle nodded. He was also a little excited about this proposal. If he could really open a water plant, he and his wife could relax in the future. As Lu Yang described just now, he only needs to clean the reservoir occasionally and collect the water charge door-to-door for half a year or a year! What an easy thing?

It's not so happy to be an official, is it?

When she came out of the box, her second mother was much more intimate with Lu Yang, Cao Xue, Lu Ying and Lu Fei. Although her second uncle was thoughtful, he also had more smiles on his face.

When checking out, the second mother scrambled to pay. Lu Yang saw Chen Yi standing behind the cashier. Chen Yi smiled and didn't speak.

Lu Yang didn't compete with his second mother, but shouted to Chen Yi from a distance: "Chen Yi! Don't charge my second mother! I'll check out!"

Chen Yi nodded with a smile, and then no one took Lu Yang's second mother's money.

"Can't help it?"

When Lu Yang came over, he joked with Chen Yi.

Chen Yi hugged his arm and said with a smile, "you are a local rich man! To give you a free bill is to despise you! Xiao Fang! Just give him a 10% discount!"

The latter sentence is naturally said to the cashier.

The young woman called Xiaofang promised with a smile. Lu Yang smiled and took out the money while despised Chen Yi: "dig!"

The second mother saw that Lu Yang knew the people behind the cashier, so she didn't argue, but she still said to Lu Yang: "you child! Come out to dinner with the second mother and the second uncle and ask you to invite you! You're really good at showing off! You have a lot of money, don't you?"

Lu Yang smiled and said nothing.

Chen Yi took out a box of cigars with thick fingers from his arms, handed one to Lu Yang and said with a smile, "I just came here. I heard you were eating here. I've been waiting here. What else will I do in a moment?"

Lu Yang played with the cigar Chen Yi handed him. With a smile, he glanced at his sister Lu Ying and said, "send my sister back!"

"That's all? I'll have someone drive them! Let's talk?"

"What's up?"

"A little! Don't spit out!" Chen Yi lit his cigar, took a sip, and told Lu Yang that when he wanted to give Lu Yang some, Lu Yang shook his head slightly and refused.

Lu Yang looked at his expression carefully. He couldn't see what he wanted to talk about. He thought about sending his sister to them. He just took a taxi and nodded.

Chen Yi picked up the landline on the bar, dialed a number and said to the person who answered the phone, "Lao Wang! Come here! Help me drive some guests!"

A promise was made on the phone. Within two minutes, a middle-aged man of about 40 ran to the bar. Chen Yi threw his car key to the man and explained a few words. The matter was solved.

Lu Yang and Cao Xue said goodbye to the second uncle. The second uncle and second mother followed the old Wang.

Chen Yi led Yang and Cao Xue to a small empty box on the second floor. The waiter brought a pot of tea and began to talk about things.

"What do you want to talk about?" Lu Yang took a sip of tea and asked Chen Yi obliquely.

Chen Yi was still smoking his cigar, smelling the speech, pulled the corners of his mouth, wanted to show a smile, but he didn't succeed in the end.

"I regret ending my internship ahead of time. I want to tell you that I don't want to mix in the real estate project! Anyway, there's nothing I need to do now. I'm sorry for your salary for white-collar workers! If I'm arrogant, I don't lack that money!"

Cao Xue sat nearby without interrupting. She just quietly held a tea cup and listened to Lu Yang's talk with Chen Yi.

Lu Yang frowned slightly and put down the tea cup in his hand.

"What? Why do you want to quit?"

Chen Yi chuckled and said: "Before you said to engage in real estate, Wu Shun and I thought you had a good idea. You can spend tens of millions on investment, and we are all very excited. But now you have bought a piece of land that you don't know whether it can be appreciated. Now develop it! The prospect is uncertain! Don't develop it! What are they doing in the company with Wu Shun? Go to tea and chat every day? It's meaningless!"

Idle egg pain?

Lu Yang's mind flashed this sentence. He wanted to laugh, but he also felt that what Chen Yi said was the truth. The land in the west of the city was taken down, and the government staff were talking to the owners of those fields about compensation. It was said that the discussion was very smooth. At this time, no one realized that the land there would add value. If someone bought it, as long as there was a good compensation price, no one would stick to it Keep the land.

Nowadays, fewer and fewer people are willing to farm. Many people are looking forward to when the government will expropriate their land, especially in the west of the city.

Lu Yang understands Chen Yi's idea.

As Chen Yi himself said just now, he doesn't lack that salary. He came back from his internship ahead of schedule just to do some business with him, although he didn't invest money in this project.

Lu Yang looked at Chen Yi and thought in his heart. After a moment, he smiled and said, "why don't we take a piece of land in the south of the city and build a building to practice our skills? When the building is ready, there should be news about whether a bridge will be built in the west of the city! What do you think?"

"You mean... The land on the west side of the city will be put for a year or two?"

Chen Yi tilted his head and squinted at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang nodded.

Lu Yang didn't intend to seize the time to build a house in the west of the city. He can't make money how to develop this land now. Only after the news of building a bridge is released, the land price here will rise rapidly. At that time, even if he doesn't build a house there and just sells the 200 mu of land, how can he earn seven or eight times the profit.

In the years when real estate is about to blowout, can you lose money if you have land in your hand?

Chen Yi looked at Lu Yang and didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he sighed and said, "you're gambling!"

"I have confidence!"

Lu Yang smiled and asked, "what? Do you do the project in the south of the city?"

Chen Yi nodded and finally showed a smiling face.

"OK! Just don't let me idle! How much are you going to invest this time?"

"Let Wu Shun choose a piece of land first! This time the land is smaller, we only build one building!"



When she came out of the hotel, Cao Xue asked Lu Yang, "isn't the stall too big? You have invested 4.8 million in the land in the west of the city! It's said that tens of millions will be invested in the film. Do you have so much money to build a building here?"

Lu Yang looked up at the starry sky above his head and said, "time waits for no man! If you don't seize the opportunity now, it will be difficult to make more money in two years!"

Cao Xue doesn't know what Lu Yang's basis for saying this, but she is still worried.

I'm afraid anyone who sees Lu Yang will say that he has taken too big a step this time.

They will not understand Lu Yang's sense of urgency.

Now it is 2007. There are only six years left from his 13 years of rebirth. In the next six years, the social situation will become more and more clear.

Fools will see the unstoppable outbreak of real estate. Now they don't make heavy bets. As long as they want to splash with such a little wealth in a year and a half, they can't splash much.

Not only real estate, but also the stock market.

Apple has entered the fast lane, as have Vanke and Tencent. It is of little significance to continue to invest in the stock market.

As for the movie, first, he promised Teng Hu. Second, he also wanted to try whether he could play well with big investment! If this "dragon and snake strike" can also make money, in a few years, when his rebirth advantage gradually dissipates, the road will be wider!

Lu Yang was born again. From 2003 to the end of 2006, Lu Yang has been working carefully step by step. Now he wants to fight!

The real estate side can certainly make money, and the novel can also provide him with a stable income. Even if the film side pours, he can turn over the plate. If he doesn't fight now, it's hard to say in another two years.

Wu Shun's speed is very fast.

The old man of his family participated in the planning of the county. He knew exactly which land in the south of the city had the potential for appreciation. Two days later, he called Lu Yang to the company, along with Chen Yi and Wang Haiyang.

It's the map of the county again. Wu Shun has marked five red circles in the south of the city.

"This is the location where the county government is about to move! This is the location where the county hospital is about to move! This is the location assigned to No. 1 middle school and No. 2 middle school! This is the location of the bus station! This is the location of the new commercial street!"

Wu Shun introduced these plans to Lu Yang and others one by one. These plans are still secrets to ordinary people and are no longer secrets to some well-informed people.

Sure enough, after introducing these places, Wu Shun immediately said, "the land price around these places has increased by at least two or three times! Many real estate developers are robbing the land around those places! If we want to take the land here, we should be prepared! At least more than 100000 per mu!"

This is the difference between hot land and waste land!

In the past, when we took the land on the west side of the city, it was about 20000 yuan per mu. In the south of the city, it was at least more than ten thousand mu.

Lu Yang looked at these places and didn't speak for the time being.

Wang Haiyang still did not participate in expressing opinions as he did last time, but just watched.

Chen Yi looked at the five red circles on the map and asked, "Wu Shun! Where do you think has the most appreciation potential?"

Without thinking about it, Wu Shun stretched out his finger and drew a circle around the county government and said, "of course it's here! There won't be much popularity in the new commercial street for a while. Only next to the government, popularity can come up as soon as possible!"

"Then take it here?"

Chen Yi looks up at Wu Shun and Lu Yang.

Wu Shun also looked at Lu Yang and said, "Lu Yang! Do you want to? Although the land price here is the most expensive, the people rob the most. However, if you want, I'm not sure if the area is large. It's more than ten mu. As long as you can afford the price, I can still help you win it!"

Lu Yang's eyes turned around from the three faces and found that they all looked forward to it. He knew that the three people wanted to take the land here!

Lu Yangnong's new project is to tie these three people, to be exact, Wu Shun and Chen Yi, and tie these two people to their own company. In the future, it will be easy to do anything in this county.

Since the three of them liked it here, Lu Yang smiled and nodded.

Anyway, if you take down the land here, you won't lose!

Seeing Lu Yang nodding, the three were relieved. They were afraid of Lu Yang's last decision. They were afraid that Lu Yang would choose a wasteland in the south of the city this time!