Chapter 393

Name:Rebirth 2003 Author:Muzixin
Save a manuscript written all night. Lu Yang covered his numb face with his hands and rubbed it hard. Some friends used to say to him, "Lu Yang, can't you have more expression on your face? You don't smile without expression all day. How cool?"

The reason, Lu Yang also knows, is that he has been facing the computer for too long! For many years, when facing computer codewords, who will make all kinds of expressions while codewords? Either there is no expression, or I write about the happy place and smile a little. Over time, for a writer who is not cheerful, the expression on his face is relatively single.

After coming out of the study, Lu Yang tore open a packet of instant noodles and soaked it. Then he went into the bathroom to take a bath. When the bath was finished, the instant noodles would be soaked and filled up before he could sleep.

I was hungry all night.


At the time of code writing, the spirit was excited, the brain was highly active, completely forgot to sleep, and didn't feel sleepy at all. After waiting for bed, Lu Yang fell asleep in a few minutes.

The world won't stop turning because Lu Yang is asleep. It's Wang Yangming's psychology that has that idea! In Wang Yangming's theory of mind, when you open your eyes, the world exists. When you close your eyes, everything belongs to nothingness. When the wind blows and the grass moves, it is not the wind or the grass that moves, but the human heart that moves.

At the beginning of the new day, when Lu Yang was sleeping, many people in the online literary circle were talking about Wen Chou's lecture in the throne of the gods last night.

It is embodied in longkong and various author groups.

Some people posted screenshots of some lectures given by Wen Chou in the throne group of the gods last night on the Dragon sky forum, and then spread to many authors. Some people think that some of Wen Chou's views are very reasonable, others don't.

For example, the genius mentioned by Wen Chou is 1% talent and 99% effort. In Wen Chou's words, effort is the most important if you want to succeed. Most people agree with this view, but others say that effort is important, but the 1% talent is more important than 99% effort.

In the lecture last night, someone asked Wen Chou what to do when he met Calvin?

Calvin, for web writers who must be high-yield, everyone has met. Even the top gods must have a time when Calvin wants to die. Wen Chou's answer was: "write it down forcibly! Break through the bottleneck with violence!"

The person who posted the post also sent this paragraph to longkong. In this way, there is more than one solution, which naturally attracted many people's disputes.

Some people say that literary clowns are powerful! Even breaking the bottleneck is so domineering! Taught!

Some people say this is not the best solution, right? Can you see what you force to write? Is it worthy of readers' money?

Others said, "Wen Chou is a great God in vain! Unexpectedly, he misled other authors in this way. When he met the bottleneck, he didn't meditate and break through before writing. He forced him to write down. What if the writing broke down? Do you compensate?"

As for what Wen Chou said in the throne of the gods last night: "dragon and snake land" was written first. Viewers also have different opinions. Some people believe that they have more interest in the book "dragon and snake landing". Some people scoff at it. They think that Wen Chou is hard talking. They are clearly writing for the publicity of the film "dragon and snake strike". When others are fools?

In the dark realm.

When a group of great gods talked about this topic, they showed off their wealth, crazy devil, local tyrant sheep, um, the guy whose net name was passing lamb, rarely expressed their joy when they talked about this topic.

"Hey, hey! Do you know why Wen Chou's new book has been updated so slowly recently? Hey, hey! I'm ashamed to be questioned! Wen Chou said that before 50000 words, he would keep the new book on the new book list one chapter a day. He wouldn't let the new book get on the new book list as soon as possible or compete with me! What's up? Is my face big?"

This is naturally the meaning of the passing lamb. Anyway, he is very satisfied with the current turtle update of dragon and snake landing. Otherwise, once dragon and snake landing appears on the new book list with 50000 words, the cough prompt sounds as soon as Q ` Q lands successfully, and the Q ` Q avatar beats constantly. Sure enough, someone applied to join the group. Tong Yaqian chuckles, Quickly click on the application to join the group and click one by one to agree to join the group. There are more than 30 people, including Chi Zhong, the first leader she is familiar with.

Tong Yaqian has a cordial feeling for the fans who support her the most. If she doesn't have the first leader in her first fan group, she will feel sorry.

Just after these people applied to join the group, they were named Queen by Tong Yaqian, and someone was already speaking in the group.

Tong Yaqian's pseudonym - Mu Yitianxia. The group's name is the queen, which is also appropriate. When building this group, Tong Yaqian even changed her net name to: Muyi world with a smile.

Tong Yaqian just opened the group chat window and saw that the first person to speak was Chi Zhong, her first ally.

Chi Zhong: "empress! You finally let the little one in! I've been waiting all morning! Please say hello to the little one! Empress is lucky!"

Seeing this, Tong Yaqian smiled in her eyes. Her pseudonym was muyitianxia and her group was called queen. She was actually called her mother in the pool. Well, it feels good!

At the bottom of the pool, there are three more readers to speak.

Under the moon beauty: "finally come in!"

Little cherry: "my mother is lucky!"

The boy didn't run: "say hello to your mother! Is your mother there?"

I have fans too!

Tong Yaqian smiled and spoke in the group.

Mu Yitianxia: "Hello, everyone! Thank you for your support! Thank you!"

Chi Zhong: "Wow! My mother is really there! My mother is your brain powder! My mother must keep writing! I will always support! Whisper, my mother, this is the first female frequency book I chase! Don't tell others!"

Relying on his fast typing speed, Chi Zhong typed so many words that he could even get ahead of other fans.

Little cherry: "madam! Can you give me a post? Such as Prime Minister?"

Zhiyuan: "little cherry, do you have JJ? You can't be prime minister without JJ! Can you have some common sense?"

The boy didn't run: "yes! My mother just gave me an order!"

Chi Zhong: "you can't be prime minister, I can! I have JJ! Will your mother give me a prime minister?"

Little cherry: "ignorance! It's terrible to have no culture! Isn't there a prime minister in the daughter country? If you have JJ, get away! The prime minister is mine!"

Tong Yaqian sat in front of the computer and was stunned. Is this my fan?

Tong Yaqian forgot to reply for a moment. There is another man in the group! These rotten girls just talk and shut up. Is there JJ, what's the matter with the world? Is my Q ` Q opened in the wrong way?

The latter sentence was obviously learned from Lu Yang.

In the end, Tong Yaqian granted the official status to all the fans who spoke. Xiao cherry had the strongest desire and had to give her the position of prime minister. Zhiyuan was granted the title of minister of rites. The boy did not run away. Although he was a sister, he was granted the title of grand Marshal of soldiers and horses. As for Chi Zhong, the only man in the group, with the strong advice of a group of women, Chi Zhong finally protested fruitlessly and was granted the title of general manager of the University!

As for the weak protest voice in the pool: "I have JJ! How can I be a big internal manager?" was directly ignored by a group of women who played hi.

"If you have JJ, you don't have to be the general manager? You are the only man in the group. Who do you want to be?"

This is marshal Bingma - don't run away.

In fact, although Chi Zhong's protest in the group seems very aggrieved, in fact, the boy doesn't know how cool it is! There are more than 30 girls in the group. He is the only man. As long as he plays with these girls, he is afraid he can't take off the order? The day of saying goodbye to five girls is expected!


At more than two o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yang was woken up by Wang Lin's phone. It was really sad all night. After sleeping until more than two o'clock in the afternoon, his head was still drowsy. The swollen brain made Lu Yang frown from the moment he opened his eyes. I wrote last night and now I suffer.


Lu Yang connected the phone with a soft voice, which was immediately heard by Wang Lin at the other end of the phone.

Wang Lin: "Wenda, what's the matter with you? Are you awake or sick?"

Lu Yang: "it's all right! I stayed up late last night and wrote some manuscripts. What's the matter with you calling?"

Wang Lin: "stay up late to write a manuscript? Wenda! You should pay attention to your health! It doesn't matter to write slowly. If you're tired and no one writes for us, what should we do?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I see! Tell me! What's the matter?"

Wang Lin began to get down to business: "Wenda! Well, the film is almost ready. It will start in three days. There will be a start-up ceremony at that time. Are you free?"

Boot ceremony?

Zhang Li already mentioned this matter to Lu Yang on the phone with Zhang Li last night, but Zhang Li didn't know the specific start-up date at that time. Lu Yang was going to see Zhang Li and aftertaste her long legs! It's good to have a startup ceremony as a reason!

When Lu Yang agreed.

After hanging up Wang Lin's phone, Lu Yang doesn't want to sleep. After staying up late, his spirit is depressed and his brain is swollen. It's useless to sleep for a long time. The more he sleeps, the weaker he is. He has experience for a long time.

After getting up, he got something to eat, punched several times in the living room, moved his body and sweated a little. Then he went to the bathroom, filled the bathtub with warm water and soaked himself in it. When he got out of the bathroom, Lu Yang's spirit was much better and his brain was no longer so swollen. Lu Yang had suffered a lot before.

Two days later, Lu Yang got on the train bound for Shanghai and ate Zhang Li's long legs that night. After that, Zhang Li squeezed her small fist and smashed Lu Yang's chest. She almost complained like a spoiled child: "do you have a conscience? I'm so good to you, and you'll arrange so few scenes for me in the new film?"

In the "dragon and snake attack", Zhang Li's play is really not much. Even the pure newcomer's Dao Xinyi play is far above her, which makes Zhang Li a little delicious.

Lu Yang comfortingly touched her hair and said with a smile, "this is an action movie! Can you play a play? Although I don't know much about movies, I also know that whether a character doesn't make a difference doesn't depend on how much time it takes to play. Just play better yourself?"

Zhang Li subconsciously rolled her eyes. Then she thought of her relationship with Lu Yang and Dao Xinyi's play and beauty. Zhang Li not only had some doubts about that, but also squinted at Lu Yang with suspicious eyes and asked, "tell the truth! Did you sleep with Dao Xinyi?"

Lu Yang heard the speech, silently closed his eyes, held his forehead and asked, "in your eyes, am I such a person?"

Zhang Li: "what do you say?"

Lu Yang found himself speechless.