Chapter 416

Name:Rebirth 2003 Author:Muzixin
On October 22, dragon and snake landed on the shelf. If it weren't for these inquiries, Lu Yang would almost forget the information he told them about the stock.

Seeing so many people asking, as well as the thank-you messages from upset, banknote lighting and pan Niu, Lu Yang thought about it and opened seven fan groups one after another. In each group, he said: "Apple's stock should still rise for six or seven years. In a few years, you can increase your holdings at any time! Friends who think it's hard to buy Apple's stock can choose Vanke or Tencent's stock. Well, Baidu can also!"

There is a lot of money in the stock market. Lu Yang can't make enough money alone. Sharing it won't lose him. Moreover, he knows that although there is a precedent for the sharp rise of apple stock, there are still not many fans who will believe his words today.

He is not a fortune teller. Moreover, even if he is a fortune teller, not many people will really believe it.

He wished that some of these fans could make some money because of his words. In this way, he could give them something in return.

Believe it or not in them, say it or not, in him!

In fact, as Lu Yang expected, there may not be one of the book fans who chose to believe Lu Yang's second prediction, just because Lu Yang's prediction came true. This time, dozens more people bought one of the stocks recommended by Lu Yang with a try attitude.

Some people buy apple, but most people choose to buy stocks of Tencent and Baidu.

Even Vanke, not many people are optimistic! Even if they know that the house price has been rising continuously in the past two years, how many people believe that the house price can rise madly for so many years in 2007?

On this day, not only did Huang Wenbin reward "dragon and snake land" again, but also pan Niu, who made money from Apple's stock, and banknotes for cigarette lighting.

Pan Niu gave a reward of 2000 and a reward of 5000 for cigarette lighting.

From the reward amount of these two people, we can also see which of them makes more money.

After replying to some fans' questions, Lu Yang also logged in to the stock website and checked the rise of apple stock and Vanke stock. Only then did he know that the money he invested in the stock market has almost doubled! Apple stock has more than doubled, Vanke is a little worse, but it has also increased by several million.

Now his fortune is not 10 million, at least 20 million.


Lu Yang was in a good mood. He was not in a hurry to go out for dinner. He opened the general list of starting point monthly tickets and looked at the current ranking of his two books. He was more comfortable.

The number one this month is big tomato's star change.

"Inch mans" has been finished for some time, and "star change" was put on the shelves in July this year. It has been on the shelves for more than two months, and its popularity has accumulated almost. It finally topped the monthly ticket list this month.

Because Lu Yang's "magic sword forever" draws on some ideas of "star change", the "star change" written by big tomato has changed slightly in this world.

The protagonist is no longer Qin Yu, but a teenager named Qin Lin. the background of the story has also changed slightly, but the skill of star change has not changed. Big tomato is worthy of being a big tomato. The slightly changed star change is still very popular, and the spirit of big tomato has begun to solidify.

Compared with the popularity of big tomato, the popularity of the new book is much lower than that of the previous book because it was a magic machine that was popular because the Buddha is the Tao.

——Black mountain old demon.

At the beginning of the book, the popularity of Shenji was also very high, but the book was not strong enough, and the content of the book appeared to be a little small, without "Buddha is the Tao" That's what most fans like. The competitiveness on the monthly ticket list is far less than the original "Buddha is the Tao".

This is also a normal phenomenon!

After the vast majority of authors write a popular work, the popularity of the new book will inevitably fall into a trough for a period of time. Not only book fans are immersed in the brilliance of the previous book, but also the author himself will be affected.

"Buddha is the Tao", the female work of the divine machine, is too hot! It's not easy for the first book to pull the tone so high, and the second book to surpass the previous work?

This month, "black mountain old demon" has fallen to the eighth place in the monthly ticket list. Lu Yang, who has the memory of his previous life, knows that this is not the end. Black mountain old demon should be the lowest point of Shenji.