Chapter 475

Name:Rebirth 2003 Author:Muzixin
Huang Debiao frowned. This seems a little wrong! It's just a little car fare. How lucky is Xiaohu to bring two second-rate sons here? I think it happened?

Huang Debiao was also optimistic. He thought he would see his son soon, have a table of good wine and food, and be able to remarry with his ex-wife after the new year. He didn't think bad at all.

The middle-aged driver next to him is much more alert than Huang Debiao. Huang Debiao is no longer a good man in his eyes. Now there are three young people with big steps opposite, all with a ruffian spirit. At present, he is cold in his heart and thinks that this is a robbery. The middle-aged driver thinks more. He thinks that Huang Debiao is with the three young people and deliberately takes his car, Cheated him here and deliberately cheated him out of the car.

"Those three people sent money?"

The middle-aged driver quietly noticed Huang Debiao's expression. One hand had quietly opened a crack in the driver's seat door.

"Well, one of them is my brother-in-law!"

Huang Debiao replied with a smile that the middle-aged driver did not dare to wait any longer. For the new year, there was no need to take such a risk for a hundred dollars. He suddenly opened the door, sat in and started the car.

Huang Debiao was stunned. When the middle-aged driver's car had started successfully, his face changed. Thinking that his luggage was still in the trunk, he slapped the window and said hurriedly, "Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? You want to run? I haven't given you the money yet!"


The middle-aged driver glared at him, and the car rushed into the street. Huang Debiao was so anxious that he jumped his feet and shouted, "run NIMA! My things are still in the car! Hey, hey! Come back to me!"

"Back to NIMA!"

The middle-aged driver lowered the window and scolded fiercely. The speed didn't decrease at all and went towards the snowflakes all over the sky.

Huang Debiao is still swearing. Fortunately, Xiaohu, Gangzi and Datou have come near. Fortunately, Xiaohu is standing behind Huang Debiao. Gangzi and Datou are one left and one right, forming a triangle with xingxiaohu to surround Huang Debiao in the middle.

When Huang Debiao finally found out that the situation was wrong, he suddenly turned around and glared at Xing Xiaohu angrily: "Xiaohu, what are you doing? What do you want to do? Come here with these two second-rate sons to scare me? I'm scared?"

Fortunately, Xiaohu also bit half a cigarette in his mouth. Facing the scolding of Huang Debiao's former brother-in-law, he moved his mouth like eating. He bit a cigarette in his mouth and suddenly slapped Huang Debiao in the face.

"Fuck him!"

Fortunately, Xiaohu shouted loudly, and Gangzi and big head were not vague. These guys have been together since childhood. They don't know how many times they have fought with people. They may not be expert in other things, but don't be too proficient in beating people! One suddenly kicked Huang Debiao's leg and bent, and the other rushed up and locked Huang Debiao's neck. He rushed up from the back of the side.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Debiao, who was also a villain in the city, was laid down on the cold snow. Huang Debiao became more angry and struggled fiercely while scolding. Fortunately, Xiaohu squatted in front of him with a cigarette, spit the cigarette head in his face, reached out his hand and grabbed Huang Debiao's collar and shouted: "Do you think my eldest sister really gave you a son? Do NIMA's spring and autumn dream! Where's the money? Who do you expect to support your own daughter? Get the alimony quickly! Otherwise I'll abolish you!"

After Huang Debiao was stunned, he became even more angry: "you scolded the one next door! So you're fucking lying to me? That bitch didn't give me a son at all? Didn't you want to remarry with me? The new year's Eve cheated me to come here just to ask me for alimony? Bah! I won't give it. You bite my bird? You can starve that smelly girl!!!"

"Pa Pa!!!"

Fortunately, Xiaohu's anger jumped up to his forehead. When he shook his hand, several big ear melon seeds were pumped on Huang Debiao's face. It was cold in winter, and the slap on his face was more painful. Fortunately, Xiaohu's own hands were red, not to mention Huang Debiao's face. The speed visible to the naked eye was swollen, and the corners of his mouth had been pumped and bled.


Before he came out from home, fortunately Xiaohu thought about it. No matter whether the child was Huang Debiao's or not, since the elder sister insisted that it was not, Huang Debiao could not know that the child was his, so as soon as he spoke, he distorted the focus to ask Huang Debiao for his daughter's alimony. After Huang Debiao was stunned, he really believed it. Subconsciously, he didn't believe that there would be such a good thing.


In the urban area, in the house rented by Xing Xinxin, she knew nothing about what happened at her mother's house. At this time, she was holding the child over the bed, eating an apple and letting the child eat milk in her chest and mouth. Well, her eyes were still watching TV, and her mood had completely recovered.

Here, her life is not sad for the time being. After the divorce, she also has a deposit of 200000. Without this money, she will not decide to give birth to the child after learning that she is pregnant.

During the Spring Festival, the advertisements on TV are still ferocious. Just after a few TV dramas were inserted, they began to play advertisements one by one. Fortunately, Xinxin was a little speechless, so she picked up the mobile phone beside her pillow and planned to send a new year's message to some relatives and friends. Her smooth and white fingers were skillfully operating on the mobile phone. When she saw Lu Yang's number, her fingers stopped Click, then skip Lu Yang's name and continue to check the numbers of relatives and friends.

After a new year's message was sent out, Xing Xinxin returned to the address book and was in a daze at Lu Yang's name. The baby was still sucking. The little guy was sucking hard. His mouth was bulging. It was very cute.

Fortunately, Xinxin's eyes turned to the baby's face. There was a maternal smile on his face. He gently touched the little guy's head with his mobile phone and said softly, "baby, let's wish Dad a happy new year?"


The little guy didn't know what she was talking about. All he knew was that his mother talked to him. The little guy continued to feed, but he didn't know what it meant.

Fortunately, when he agreed, he smiled and touched the little head with his right hand holding the mobile phone. The boy already had some hairy hair on his head and felt very good.

Xing Xinxin sent Lu Yang a New Year message with another number.


When she received her message, Lu Yang was playing mahjong with her second uncle. At this time, the Spring Festival Gala had not started yet. Even if it started, they were not interested. Mahjong was washing in a crash. They had just finished playing one card and were shuffling for the second game!

When Lu Yang heard the mobile phone with change in front of him ring, he paused to shuffle. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. He saw that it was a New Year blessing message sent by yu'er, who had not been in touch for a long time.

"My baby and I wish you a happy New Year!"

The content of this message made Lu Yang a little speechless. How could this woman send a New Year message and take her son with her?

Lu Yang was not interested in making frequent contact with this strange woman, but now it was new year's Eve. People sent blessings. He was not so cold, so he casually replied ten words - "thank you! Happy new year, too! Baby health!"

"Big brother! Stop playing with mobile phones! Hurry to code cards! I'm waiting for you!" Lu Fei urged nearby.

Lu Yang promised that he had just sent the message, so he put down his mobile phone and hurried to code the card.


O city, in xingxinxin's rental house, I saw the blessing message sent by Lu Yang. Xingxinxin smiled happily, put the message on the mobile phone in front of Xiaobu, and said happily, "baby! See? Dad, I wish you health! Ha ha! Happy?"


Little bit snorted twice unconsciously.

Xing Xinxin was in a better mood. Before Xiaobu ate well, she took Xiaobu's head and took a picture of him with her mobile phone. Xiaobu babbled discontentedly, resisted and continued to eat. Xing Xinxin smiled and pinched his fleshy cheek, which made him continue to eat. However, she happily sent this picture to Lu Yang. Sometimes people are in a too good mood, There will be mistakes.

She is usually used to using a number. Yu'er's number is only used when sending text messages with Lu Yang. At this time, when she is happy and sends photos, she easily points on her commonly used number. When the photos are sent, she hasn't noticed yet.

At this time, her mobile phone suddenly rang, and her father's number was displayed on the screen.

If the phone hadn't come in suddenly, maybe she would soon be surprised that she had used the wrong number.


Lu Yang's hometown.

The cards have been coded and the dice have been rolled. Four people are grasping cards and playing mahjong with Lu Yang, in addition to second uncle, Lu Fei and Lu Ping. As for Lu Yang's father, mother, second mother and Lu Ying, they fought against the landlord on another table and burst into laughter from time to time.

Lu Yang's mobile phone rang again. The second uncle smiled and said, "the popularity of the Yangtze is good! I'm afraid I'll receive hundreds of text messages for the Chinese New Year today?"

Lu Fei glanced: "brother! Can you concentrate? You always look at your mobile phone. It's boring for us to win!"

Lu Ping also smiled.

Lu Yang quickly picked up his mobile phone after everyone grabbed the card. This time, it was a text message from an unfamiliar number. It didn't matter where he opened the text message, but he saw a picture, a picture of a child.

There is a sentence under the picture: "show you the picture of my son!"

Lu Yang was a little confused and thought: who is this? Why send me a picture of your son? Is it the wrong person?

After thinking about it, Lu Yang still dialed the number. He also wondered if it was sent by an acquaintance. He had forgotten to save the number before, or the other party changed the number and forgot to tell himself.

There are many coincidences.

If Xing Xinxin doesn't immediately receive a call from her father after sending this photo, she may soon realize that she used the wrong number.

If Lu Yang had just heard the sound of his mobile phone and had not been urged by Lu Fei to look at his mobile phone after everyone grabbed the cards, when he dialed, Xing Xinxin should still be talking to her father. If so, Lu Yang once found that the line was busy, he probably wouldn't dial this number again.

After all, this number is completely strange to him.

"Hello? Dad! Anything else? Don't worry! Don't worry! I'll find a car right away!"

The phone is connected. Xing Xinxin is wiping her tears while getting up and dressing in a hurry. She just received a call from her father. Her brother brought in and beat Huang Debiao. Huang Debiao was seriously injured. The police station just took her brother, Gangzi and big head away.

Huang Debiao called the police.

Eager to go home, Xing Xinxin heard the phone ring. She instinctively thought it was dad again. Without looking at the name displayed on the screen, she answered the phone.

"Xing Xinxin? Are you Xing Xinxin?"

Lu Yang's voice came out of the mobile phone. Suddenly, I heard Lu Yang's voice. Fortunately, Xinxin was determined there as if she had suddenly been hit by a acupoint.