Now hearing Yunchen's words, Xiao Yao and Nantong sanshao were stunned, but their expressions were different.

Because Nantong San Shao was embarrassed and afraid, he didn't expect Yunchen to frighten him in front of his senior brother, but he was really afraid that Yunchen would sue him to the leader.

The headmaster once told Nantong sanshao that the whole Longyang gate can provoke anyone, but can't provoke Yunchen, so even Nantong sanshao doesn't dare to provoke Yunchen.

In addition to the embarrassment of Nantong's three young people, Xiao Yao, who stood next to him, had a gloomy face.

The reason why he looked gloomy was not that Yunchen wouldn't let him go, but that Yunchen threatened him to tell the little secret just now.

Of course he knew what the little secret was.

This is what happened when Xiao Yao broke her bundle of immortal ropes with pure Immortal Emperor's Qi. You know, the immortal Qi on the bundle of immortal ropes is something that even mu Qianye is afraid of. It's a headache for his cultivation in the later stage of integration. If Xiao Yao can be broken suddenly by a small figure in the early stage of the golden pill, his identity will definitely be exposed.

Now Xiao Yao knows that his identity is special and can't be exposed. If it is exposed, I'm afraid those Xianjun who came down from the fairy world will definitely try their best to assassinate him.

So he must not take the risk.

Now the only way is to let the woman named Yunchen not say it.

But there are only two ways to keep her quiet.

The first way is to listen to Yunchen and live as she says, so she won't easily say it, but this way makes him very helpless, because he is the first Immortal Emperor. If he is allowed to compromise, he will be too oppressed.

If you don't want to compromise, there is only the second method. This second method is much simpler than the first method and doesn't need any effort at all.

Because the second way is to kill Yunchen!

As long as Yunchen dies, no one will tell the secret that he has the Qi of the Immortal Emperor, so this method is the simplest and most reliable.

However, although it is simple and reliable, this method has a disadvantage. This disadvantage is that if you easily kill Yunchen, it is likely to offend the mysterious and powerful man behind Yunchen.

You should know that the mysterious man behind Yunchen absolutely has a strong strength and identity in the fairy world, because the smell on the fairy rope in Yunchen's hand is obviously not much different from his Immortal Emperor's Qi.

Such pure immortal Qi is probably the Immortal Emperor of the fairy world.

If the mysterious man behind Yunchen is really the Immortal Emperor of the fairy world, it will be troublesome, because if the Immortal Emperor is his enemy, he won't care about anything, but if the Immortal Emperor is a person he is familiar with, he will suffer.

The immortal emperors around him grew up with him. Without them, there would be no Xiao Yao now, so he must not easily hurt the people around them.

So, now the woman called Yunchen suddenly said that she wanted him to stay, and his heart was naturally gloomy to the extreme.

Because he can't kill, compromise and lose face.

Soon, the front of the wooden house became quiet. Suddenly none of the three people spoke. Their hearts were all thinking about their own ideas, which solidified the surrounding air.

Looking at the gloomy and cold faces of Xiao Yao and Yunchen, there was more cold sweat on the forehead of Nantong sanshao standing opposite the door. He couldn't help swallowing saliva, and then quickly glanced at Xiao Yao.

"Shh... Shh... Shh..."

Nantong sanshao gently blew his breath at Xiao Yao in his mouth, and his slightly handsome face tilted slightly to the distance, which meant to let Xiao Yao make a decision quickly and then follow him.

However, when Nantong sanshao boasted to Xiao Yao, Yunchen's cold eyes also looked at Xiao Yao.

Her beautiful eyes seem to be threatening Xiao Yao. If Xiao Yao dares to take a step here, she will tell Xiao Yao's secret.

Looking at Yunchen's threatening eyes and Nantong's three young people's eyes, Xiao Yao's face was gloomy again.

He didn't expect to make his own decision in the end.

Soon, he carefully weighed the two methods just now. Finally, he finally chose the first method, that is to put down his identity as the first Immortal Emperor and stay for the time being.

Because he was really afraid of killing Yunchen by mistake.

If Yunchen is the person of those immortal emperors around him, I'm afraid killing Yunchen will cause the breakdown of their feelings, so he can only choose the first way.

And it's nothing to lay down your identity for your brothers. After all, those people were brothers who shared joys and sorrows with him.

Immediately, Xiao Yao's gloomy face eased slowly for a few minutes, and then he turned his head and looked at Nantong sanshao.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior brother sanshao, but since senior brother Yunchen is willing to let me stay, I'll stay. Anyway, I'm not familiar with Longyang gate. Now I can ask senior brother Yunchen more..." Xiao Yao said softly to the third junior in Nantong, with a slight trace of apology in his tone.

Hearing Xiao Yao's words, Nantong sanshao's hanging heart was relieved, and his cold sweat forehead stretched a little, as if Xiao Yao's decision was a good thing for him.

However, although he was relieved, there were still some worries on his face. These worries made him look at Xiao Yao again.

"Xiao, younger martial brother Xiao Chen... Are you really okay? If you really want to stay here, I'll go... "Nantong sanshao asked, staring at Xiao Yao closely.

Looking at the worried appearance of Nantong sanshao, Xiao Yao couldn't help but have a good impression of Nantong sanshao. He didn't expect that the boy who had only met once should care so much about himself. It seems that people really can't judge by appearance.

Although the three young students in Nantong usually look like a fool, his heart is still good. This kind of person is worth making friends with Xiao Yao.

Immediately, Xiao Yao's gloomy face completely stretched out. He smiled gently at Nantong sanshao, and then nodded.

"Thank you for your concern. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I'm sure elder martial brother Yunchen won't embarrass me. Please don't worry. Let's go..." Xiao Yao whispered to Nantong sanshao.

Seeing Xiao Yao say such words, Nantong sanshao's worried look was a little better. Then he shook his head at Xiao Yao and sighed.

"Well, in that case, I'll go first. I haven't had time to report to the leader about your introduction today, because the leader is absent today. I'll come back to you tonight or tomorrow, and I'll take you to meet the leader in person..." Nantong San Shao said softly to Xiao Yao.

After that, he waved his big hand gently, then turned and left directly. In a short time, his wandering body disappeared into the remote and silent valley.


The night was deep and the cold wind hit, and the stars all over the sky emerged from the clear night sky. The little silver light dotted the whole night sky like a picture.

In addition to the shining stars, there is also a round of curved crescent moon in the night sky. The crescent moon is like a silver boat hanging on it and looks very beautiful.

Now it's more than ten o'clock in the evening. At this time, almost all the disciples of Longyang gate have returned to their dormitories to rest, so now the whole back mountain seems very quiet.

At the bottom of the back mountain is a remote and quiet small valley. In this valley, a golden oil lamp is on in the cabin.

This cabin is where Xiao Yao is assigned. At this time, Xiao Yao is sitting on both sides of the table with the woman named Yunchen staring at each other.

"Hello! Will you go to Qingshui peak with me to help me pick the flower of Qingshui! If you don't go, I'll tell others your secret! I want everyone in Longyang gate to know that you have immortal Qi! " Yunchen's beautiful and lovely little mouth pouted, and a small hand angrily pointed to Xiao Yao.

This afternoon, Yunchen shut Xiao Yao in the house since the third junior in Nantong left. They sat face to face all afternoon.

She said the whole afternoon that she wanted Xiao Yao to go to Qingshui peak with her to pick some Qingshui flowers. If she didn't go, she would tell Xiao Yao's secret.

In fact, picking Qingshui flowers is not difficult. The most difficult thing is the monster hidden in Qingshui Peak Lake. Without that monster, she would have picked Qingshui flowers long ago, but the monster's body method is too strange, so she had to ask Xiao Yao for help.

Looking at the arrogant and domineering young lady's temper, Xiao Yao didn't compromise. He could agree to accompany Yunchen to the Qingshui peak to pick the flowers of Qingshui, but he also asked Yunchen to promise him a condition, which is to let Yunchen take him to the secret place of Longyang gate.

You should know that Yunchen is the little devil of Longyang gate, so she must be very familiar with the whole Longyang gate. The reason why he wants to find a secret place is to find the location of Huofeng.

Because the arrival of Huofeng must be secret, and as Huofeng, she will not live in an ordinary guest room. She must be arranged in a more secret and noble place by the people of Longyang gate, so he can only ask Yunchen to help.

If Yunchen doesn't help, he won't agree to help Yunchen pick any clear water flowers.

Now Xiao Yao has been sitting here for almost a long time without talking. He has only one purpose. Yunchen agrees to his request and he will help. If he doesn't agree, he will sit all the time. Anyway, Yunchen can't beat him.

Watching Xiao Yao sit here and keep silent, Yunchen's beautiful little face has gone crazy. Now she can't wait to slap Xiao Yao to death!


With a crisp sound, Yunchen slapped directly on the table.

"Good! That's what you said! I promise you this time! If you don't help me pick the flowers of clear water, I'll tell the old man mu Qianye about you! " Yunchen's angry little face roared at Xiao Yao.