When the old man said this, the shadow gradually faded.

Jing Yunzhao suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. He knelt down and said, "I will certainly follow the religious instructions of my ancestors. If I violate them, I will not die easily."

"OK, the old man has already said that you can do it yourself. By the way, the time in this space is five times slower than that outside. You don't have to panic after you go out. As for the method of getting in and out, you just need to concentrate on it..."

With that, the shadow dissipated completely.

Jing Yunzhao keeps all his words firmly in his heart and kowtows several heads to the place where the shadow disappears.

God pity her, let her this life can have a different way of living.

After pursing her lips, Jing Yunzhao stood up from the ground and did it again according to the way his ancestors said. Sure enough, he opened his eyes again and went back to his room.

However, at the same time, the stomach is purring up, and suddenly think of the bowl of porridge before entering the space.

If she remembers correctly, she will suffer from diarrhea all night, and tomorrow morning she will have a fever because of the incessant night. The whole person will have a serious illness, and it will take more than a week to recover.

And it was within this week that ye Qin died. She didn't even have the strength to attend the funeral. Relatives and friends of the Qiao family and the Ye family criticized her for a long time. Later, even though she was wronged, she was ignored.

Jing Yunzhao covers his stomach and rushes out of the door. However, he finds that the bathroom is tightly under control, and there seems to be someone inside.

"Sister? Sorry, I don't feel well in my stomach. Wait outside... " Qiao Hongye's voice is obviously with a trace of smile.

In his previous life, he drank porridge without any disturbance, so he didn't get out of it. But now, Jing Yunzhao has no other choice but to go back to his room and go in again.

But in space, the abdominal pain is obviously less obvious.

After thinking about it, Jing Yunzhao took the book out and dropped a drop of blood on the first piece of jade.

In an instant, the green light gathered, and Jing Yunzhao suddenly felt a trance in front of her, as if there were words constantly arranged and combined. But in the blink of an eye, she suddenly penetrated into her mind, and there were many strange things in her brain.

She never thought that the brain could be manipulated like this. The words seemed to be more profound than everything else. As long as she thought about it, it would automatically appear.

But simply recalling these things, I was really surprised.

No wonder the ancestors said that we should not be greedy. There are thousands of books in this piece of naringyu!

Qiao Hongye's porridge is filled with some diarrhea medicine. Jing Yunzhao keeps searching in her brain and finds a lot of prescriptions for treatment. However, she is still helpless. The prescriptions are all good things, but she has nothing at present. Where can I find the medicine? After finding it, we even need utensils to decoct medicine in the space!

The key is that she has no money!

Far water can not save near fire, whether it is Chinese medicine or western medicine, at this time it is useless for her.

Jing Yunzhao's mind is disordered and he forces himself to think calmly. When his mind is rigorous, something else appears in his mind.

Acupoint massage!

Five fingers together, gently abdomen, push down the wrist, Tianshu, Guanyuan, Dachangshu, hand Sanli and other acupoints, and then knead Qihai with palm or thumb

Jing Yunzhao quickly followed the instructions of naringyu, until he felt some pain in the part he pressed, which made his abdominal discomfort much better. He felt happy in his heart and continued to massage. After a while, he became more calm and completely relieved.

Thinking of Qiao Hongye who is still guarding the bathroom outside, Jing Yunzhao gives a cold smile.

She likes to be in the bathroom so much? Well, it's better not to come out tonight!

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