"Monitor, I didn't forget, I just Didn't invite her... " Ye Qing looked at Jiang Xia wrongly, and his hands were a little cramped: "well, I think we should have a happy birthday. If people who are not familiar with get together, they will be embarrassed. I don't think that everyone will have a bad time."

Xiao Hai snorted coldly, and was not willing to listen to such hypocritical words.

Not very familiar?

Ye Qing is a member of the study committee in her class. She always thinks that she is high-quality. There are only two or three students who have a good relationship with her. Many of the other people she invited have not talked about a word. Can those people be regarded as familiar?

Obviously, she deliberately embarrasses Jing Yunzhao, but she has to say that she is wronged and affected, as if Jing Yunzhao owes her.

"Stab" a, Xiao Haiqing directly tore the invitation: "Ye Qing, you are right, unfamiliar people together will not open, so sorry, I can't attend your birthday party, after all, we are not familiar, and ah, I and Yunzhao also agreed to go to dinner, only the two of us, the air will be better."

Xiao Haiqing's mouth is also poisonous enough. He swears at Ye Qing for polluting the air.

Ye Qing's temper is not good, but she likes to bear it. Now she is humiliated by Xiao Haiqing in front of so many students. She immediately gets angry and says, "well, you two like to eat by yourself. Congratulations, Jing Yunzhao, and you have made a rich friend. Let Xiao Haiqing help you pay for your tuition and raise you!"

Jing Yunzhao was expressionless: "it's just a meal. According to what you say, are you going to pay the tuition fees for these students in your class and support them for a lifetime?"

"Miss Ye is so rich, even if it is all inclusive, it is more than enough. Unlike me, she is a poor girl and wants Yunzhao to treat her." Xiao Haiqing also immediately cleared the way for Jing Yunzhao.

Three people come and go, the whole class is quiet.

Ye Qing's eyes are slightly red, the corners of his mouth are some downward bending, that eyelashes continue to incite, tears flash in his eyes, as if by how much injustice.

After a few seconds, he said, "Jing Yunzhao, you should pay attention to the fact that the food in Xianghai restaurant is expensive. Remember to bring more money to avoid having no money to pay the bills. At your age, other people dare not ask you to work to pay off debts. However, for the sake of a classmate's party, if you don't have money, come to me if you don't have money. It's OK to pay more for a table of food."

This is absolutely provocative.

Jing Yunzhao pursed her lips and suddenly remembered the rumors about a classmate in his previous life.

Before she did not remember who that classmate was, but these days, only Ye Qing and her mind can match the number.

Ye Qing's father is a businessman. His family runs four or five chain supermarkets, and the scale is not small. In places like Huaning County, Ye Qing is a famous person. However, later, her father invested the operating funds in other places. He lost all his money and owed a lot of debts. Ye Qing fell directly from a lady like figure, even to Pu All students are not as good as others.

However, she was used to pride since childhood, and then continued to pretend to be rich, forcing her mother to suicide.

Jing Yunzhao remembers that when it happened, it was probably not long after she left school in her previous life, that is to say, Ye Qing's family may have been in a state of melancholy.

All of a sudden, Jing Yunzhao's impression of Ye Qing suddenly turned into disgust. A girl who was not considerate enough by her own parents, even though she was dressed up in a new and beautiful way, was disgusting.

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