Yang Tiantian's eye injury is not light, if not handled in time, it will definitely leave a lot of sequelae!

What's more, in addition to her eye injury, her forehead injury is not small, even if the ambulance came, I'm afraid the first time is to deal with the bleeding on her forehead, not her eyes.

"Did the ambulance call?" Xiao Haiqing asked nervously as soon as he appeared.

"Haiqing, the drugstore is next door. Go and buy some vermicelli and angelica! Hurry up Jing Yunzhao quickly explained, turned to stare at the flustered waiter: "please find some fresh pork, I have an urgent need!"

Although Xiao Haiqing didn't understand Jing Yunzhao's meaning, she did everything she could to answer her orders. Next to the Xianghai building was a drugstore, so she ran away.

But the waiter hesitated: "the ambulance is coming soon..."

This classmate suffered such a big injury, she must also pay some responsibility, in case this strange girl makes the injury more serious, what to do? She can't afford it

Jing Yunzhao can understand these people's thoughts, but he is more angry at this time.

"Hurry up! If something goes wrong with her eyes, will you be responsible for it? " Jing Yunzhao roared in a cold voice.

This momentum scared everyone, and Yang Tiantian has already fainted in pain at this time.

People's reaction can not deceive people, if this eye injury is not heavy, Yang Tiantian will not cover tightly for the first time, what's more, the eyes are the most vulnerable.

"Do as she asks." People are in a daze, think of a strange and magnetic voice.

Jing Yunzhao glances at the past and looks at a pair of peach blossom eyes. However, he makes a mistake in the past in a short time. He doesn't even remember the face clearly.

As soon as the stranger's words were said, the waiter was very obedient. After going to the kitchen, Jing Yunzhao felt relieved.

Xiao Haiqing was very fast. Within two minutes, Xiao Haiqing came back with what Jing Yunzhao wanted. When the waiter brought the pork, Jing Yunzhao did it according to the steps in his memory. He kneaded the two herbs into the pork and pressed it on Yang Tiantian's prominent eyeball.

Her eyeballs are protruding, and they need to be gently rubbed back. After a while, she only sees some poisonous blood flowing out of her eyes. Jing Yunzhao is relieved.

However, thinking of his subconscious treatment action, Jing Yunzhao also felt surprised.

She was too anxious just now, and even forgot that she was not good at medicine. Fortunately, she still understood some basic knowledge. Moreover, she had firmly memorized the treatment method, and absorbed the essence of naringyu in her brain. At this time, it was not strange to use it. On the contrary, it seemed that she had done it countless times.

It's only a short time for Yang Tiantian's eyes to be poisoned. When the ambulance arrives, the person will be sent to the hospital directly.

"Miss, I'm afraid you'll go with me." The man who spoke just now suddenly said.

Jing Yunzhao was stunned, but listened to the other side continue: "you just rescued her, didn't you? If there is a problem, you need to be responsible for it in time. "

Jing Yunzhao took a puff, but there was no room for resistance, so he nodded and got on the bus together.

On the ambulance, the medical staff do some simple hemostasis treatment. Jing Yunzhao knows well that Yang Tiantian will not be in a big way. However, he is not very worried. He has a close look at the strange man.

He asked the waiter to listen to him so much that he followed him all the way. I'm afraid he was the person in charge of Xianghai tower.

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