Xiao Haiqing thinks that Jing Yunzhao is too steady, and his emotions are well controlled at any time.

Take today's things for example, all the students are in a panic, only she did not.

Even though he was angry with Jiang Xia just now, he still considered a lot of things. If he was really in a state of anger, it would be possible to cripple Jiang Xia. He would not be able to calculate the situation accurately. He would not be able to get rid of the whole body even if he had beaten him.

"By the way, who did you learn from? The grandfather just now Xiao Haiqing's movements suddenly occurred to him.

Although he has never been with each other before, Jing Yunzhao has never revealed the fact that he can master medical skills. Today's means are amazing!

"No, it was taught by a mysterious old man I knew."

Jing Yunzhao's words are not a lie. The space and the medical skills in naringyu are all left by the old master Jing he. Although others are no longer there, she has inherited other people's medical skills. It is hard to say that things are taught by others.

Xiao Haiqing almost spurted out the coffee in his mouth.

"Mysterious old man!? Isn't there any legendary hermit in this year? I don't read much. You've been cheated! " Xiao Haiqing doesn't believe it at all. How can there be such a mysterious person in this world!

Jing Yunzhao shrugged: "it's true anyway. He taught martial arts and medical skills."

Xiao Haiqing doubted in his heart, but he thought that Jing Yunzhao would not cheat her. He stared at Jing Yunzhao for a long time.

"Are you very good at medicine now?" Xiao Haiqing asked.

Jing Yunzhao shook his head: "he taught me a lot of things, I spend a lot of time to memorize every day, and now I only have some foundation. But if I encounter a disease that is not very troublesome, I can also think of a prescription."

There are ninety-nine pieces of naringyu in total. At present, she has absorbed one piece, and there are thousands of books in one piece. Because nalingyu is already in her mind, those things can be thoroughly understood as long as they are recalled and understood. In addition, with the five times speed of space, her growth every day is very amazing, almost equivalent to rapid completion.

But after all, there are still many unknown things, and she is not good at exaggerating.

Xiao Haiqing's eyes brightened up: "Yunzhao, you are really my idol. After that, I will depend on you if I have a headache."

Xiao Haiqing picked up his coffee cup and simply had a cup with Jing Yunzhao.

Jing Yunzhao couldn't help laughing bitterly in her heart. To talk about idols, Xiao Haiqing in her previous life was almost the one she admired most!

They chatted for a while, and the sun was all over the window.

Seeing ye's mother come out of the hospital in a hurry, they immediately look around and see Ye Qing in a corner outside the hospital. Seeing ye's mother, they look around nervously and don't know what they are talking about.

Ye's mother looked angry, as if she were arguing. After a while, Ye Qing began to look for something in Ye Mu's hands. She was in tears and in a hurry, she slapped her hands in the past.

Seeing this, they immediately paid the money and went out to catch up.

Jing Yunzhao is also too lazy to take care of Ye Qing's family affairs, but this time Yang Tiantian was injured, and she did have part of the reason, so it can't be ignored.

"Mother! How can you hit me!? My dad didn't even touch me Ye Qing's voice is shaking, but more or angry and puzzled.

Ye's mother cried bitterly: "daughter, you and your mother to recognize a mistake! Tiantian, that girl is no big deal. As long as you bow down and apologize seriously, they won't blame you. If it's too big to lose some money, mom will make up the gap even if she's exhausted... "

"If you are willing to compensate others, why not give me the money?" Ye Qing covered his face and cried.

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