Yang Tiantian is not a ruthless girl. She admits her mistake when she sees Ye Qing. No matter whether she is sincere or not, she doesn't care about her for the sake of aunt Ye.

After Yang Tiantian's injury stabilized, Jing Yunzhao also went back to her residence, but before leaving, she went to a hotel and paid for the meal.

On the other side, aunt Ye is also responsible enough to buy some tonics with the rest of her money. As long as Ye Qing says something unreasonable, she will have to fight or scold. When she comes home at night, her face is swollen like a pig's head.

"You go back to school on Monday. After you go back, you're good. Don't make trouble or offend people. If you can't, don't go home and starve to death in the street." Ye's mother angrily rebuked again, and then she looked at the messy house: "when I go out to work, you should do these chores well, cook and wash clothes, and you can't leave them behind!"

In Ye Qing's shocked and aggrieved eyes, Ye's mother rushes into the room and pulls up the man who is sleepy on the bed: "you don't go out to find a job, do you? Don't eat it. You'll get a divorce after Sunday

In the past, even though ye's mother was not gentle, she spoke politely. Even at home, she also looked like a virtuous and good wife.

And now, more like a shrew.

However, this appearance is obviously better than the effect of mild admonishment before. Ye Qing's father half wakes up with wine and stares at the woman who has been sleeping with her for more than ten years, thinking he is dazzled.

Of course, he doesn't want to get divorced. The house he lives in is the dowry given by his mother Ye's family many years ago, which is the only place for the three of them to settle down. However, his villa has already been sold to pay off his debts. If he gets divorced, he will surely live on the street.

Ye's mother didn't plan to really expect this man to find a job, but she didn't want to see him die of drunkenness every day.

When ye Qing saw that her most admired father was denounced, she was a little timid. Under her mother's authority, she washed and cooked for the first time in her life.

What she didn't know was that this was the beginning.

From this day on, her gentle mother seemed to disappear completely, instead of a strong and fierce woman. She was afraid of losing face in school, so she had to force her to do it.

She no longer has lovely clothes on her body, but only ordinary goods on the floor. When she goes out, she is no longer riding a taxi to support her face. Instead, she is riding a worn-out bicycle or two. The sound of "bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

Naturally, Jing Yunzhao will not pay attention to Ye Qing's life. Only when she saw her classmates at the beginning of school on Monday and her forbearance and silence, she felt a moment of surprise.

And Ye Qing seems to have been Ye aunt special "education", often see her, immediately avoid such as snakes and scorpions, it is saved before tit for tat trouble.

Life suddenly became very quiet. I went back and forth at two o'clock every day. On Saturday, I went to Uncle Xu as scheduled, and I had a very full life.

Other different places are Gan Jinchen. Since I met her in the hospital, I became more and more suspicious when I looked at her. Every time I saw Su Chu close to her, he immediately turned Su Chu away and looked like a hen protecting her baby. In Jing Yunzhao's opinion, it was funny.

Ten days later, the small apartment where the three lived was tidied up and welcomed the examiner, grandfather Gan.

It's time for the monthly medical examination!

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