Even though Su's daughter would not like to change her clothes in the house for six weeks, Su would like to change her clothes.

"Cousin, did the sun come out in the West today? You don't go home and read a book Su Chu drags Jing Yunzhao's arm, a face excited: "where are we going to play?"

Jing Yunzhao smile: "I invite you to dinner."

A meal time is not long, is to see if Qiao Hongye will be hooked.

"I'm just hungry. If I want to eat a large plate of chicken and roast fish, I'll go to the house at the intersection. Their food is delicious." Su Chu a face greedy phase, one hand to pull Jing Yunzhao, the other hand to Gan Jinchen, ran to her favorite big stall in the past.

Jing Yunzhao faintly feels that someone is watching behind him. He can't help laughing, but he doesn't return to cooperate with Su Chu.

"Why do you suddenly think of inviting us to dinner?" After ordering the dishes, the three people sit at the table and wait. Gan Jinchen looks suspicious. He always thinks that Jing Yunzhao's expression is a little strange. If he used to, he might have thought she was upset and kind.

However, because of the rumors in recent days, Gan Jinchen also felt the impatience brought by other people's different eyes. Instead, he felt that Jing Yunzhao could learn peacefully in such an environment. He even felt that it was a wonderful work for her to study in such an environment. He couldn't help admiring him. Since the rumors started, he didn't hear a word of what the teacher said in class.

"I haven't had a formal dinner with you since I've lived in your house for so long. Now this meal should be regarded as a celebration of our formal acquaintance, isn't it?" Jing Yunzhao said with a smile.

Gan Jinchen curled her lips: "you and ChuChu are the same age, why do you always speak seriously? It doesn't look like a child at all. It's a bit like my grandfather

What's more, he's not only like talking, but he's just like the old man, and he's not angry.

But for Jing Yunzhao's 15-year-old face, he could not help but treat her as a grown-up.

"My cousin is right!" Su Chu knocked on his chopsticks: "cousin, you are very cold when you don't smile. All the students in our class say that they see you have a sense of distance and feel that you are not easy to get along with. It's a bit like a reduced version of the director of education!"

Jing Yunzhao's mouth is drawn, teaching director? The female teaching director in her school is less harsh, but she is absolutely skillful in dealing with students. She doesn't think so?

"The Dean should be a little uglier than you when you are young." Gan Jinchen mended the knife and said.

Su Chu a listen, immediately laugh clap this table: "right! Fortunately, cousin, you are good-looking, otherwise the teaching director is your future! So ah, you must learn to dress up in the future. Why not use such a good natural condition? If you don't pay too much attention to these external factors, the top of the school flower list is completely set for you

Jing Yunzhao rolled his eyes and said, "are you two going to criticize me?"

"Hey, it's rare to have a chance. I just told you the opinions of my classmates. Cousin, you will change it, right? You'll be gentle, you'll laugh, you'll be cute, right? " Su Chu squeezed her eyes and looked funny.

Jing Yunzhao mouth a Yang, pause, voice simply: "this really can't."

This so-called sense of distance is not really lofty, but her self-protection consciousness for many years. It is not so much Qinggao that it is more cautious and humble before rebirth. Even now, the habits in her bones are somewhat uncontrollable. If she suddenly becomes gentle and lovely, will no one else be scared crazy?

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