Jing Yunzhao can be sure that there is something wrong with he Jiasi, but she tries to defend Cao Xing, which is obviously something wrong.

"He Jiasi, Qiao Hongye said that you disappeared inexplicably when you were shopping. Now it's all a class and you can't get to school. What happened?" Mr. Qi asked to the point.

He Jiasi's face was a little ugly, but he knew that the old man Qi had a stern temper and bit his teeth and said: "teacher, Qiao Hongye and I have separated. I'm not familiar with the path in Huaning County. When I was resting in situ, I forgot to take my schoolbag. The money and mobile phone were all in the schoolbag, which delayed until now."

He Jiasi said this, Qiao Hongye eyes across a trace of playful abuse and disdain.

"I'm so sorry, Kathy. I thought you were kidnapped! Mr. Qi, they were worried about your accident, so they called the police. Are you really OK? " Qiao Hongye asked softly.

He gave her a disgusted look.

If she didn't walk slowly, how could she have been captured by gangsters!

Now it's better. She is full of anger, but she can't tell the police. Otherwise, she will never want to get close to Tang Zihua!

He Jiasi pinched her uncomfortable body. Seeing Tang Zihua's angry expression, he restrained her emotion and turned to the police and other humanitarians: "police uncle, please come here. I'm really OK. Thank you for your concern."

Many people are relieved when they say this.

Mr. Qi shook his head helplessly and apologized to the police, saying that the police would be cautious in the future.

As soon as the police left, the class was in chaos.

Just listening to "pa", he Jiasi directly slapped Qiao Hongye and said angrily, "who told you to call the police! put one 's finger into another 's pie! I suspect you're trying to get rid of me and make me lose face! "

The students were shocked and speechless.

He Jiasi has always been domineering, but in front of Tang Zihua, she has always restrained herself and pretended to advance and retreat with her classmates. What's the matter today? Tang Zihua is still there, but she is rude to Qiao Hongye?

"How can you say that, Garth? I, I carry so many things, I can't walk fast... " Qiao Hongye covered her face and said wrongly.

He Jiasi is more angry. What does Qiao Hongye mean? Is it to prove to others that she abused her!

Although she did buy all those things, and she did mean to toss Qiao Hongye, but before she opened her mouth today, Qiao Hongye had already indicated that she would carry things for her. Generally speaking, she took the initiative!

"Hogarth, it's time for class." Tang Zihua took a look at her, with some helplessness and coldness in his eyes.

He knows more or less about he Jiasi. His business is not bad. He has been helped by the Tang family in recent years. He Jiasi is somewhat of a young lady. Even if she makes mistakes, she will blame others.

But in the end, she is the daughter of what family, he will not scold her in front of so many students.

But for he Jiasi, at this time, he was already in a state of panic.

Tang Zihua said nothing, but could she not see it? Obviously, he was also blaming her for her temperament, and even he showed some kind of polite attitude towards Qiao Hongye. Why? Qiao Hongye's father is nothing but

Think of here, he Jiasi heart suddenly smile, Qiao Hongye dare to give her eye medicine in front of Tang Zihua, that turn back some of her good!

Under the atmosphere of gossip, the students barely had two classes.

After two classes, Qiao Weimin, the student's parent, appeared directly at the door of the class.

Jing Yunzhao looks surprised, because Qiao Weimin's face is haggard, and his face is a little wine red. It seems that the wine is still strong!

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