Jingyunzhao heard the movement and quiet, had come out of the space, just opened the door, and saw that Joe Hongye cried not like, crying while complaining.

Sipping, jingyunzhao smiled, and sat down on the sofa, holding an envelope in his hand, and put it on the tea table. The quiet way was, "sit down now that you come."

Qiaohongye was stunned, and didn't expect that this time jingyunzhao would speak so well.

Qiaohongye would refuse. In order to show himself in front of tangzihua, he immediately walked over: "thank you. Although we are not the same surname, you are always my sister in my heart. We grew up together for so many years, and I always take you as a family member..."

"Relatives?" Jingyunzhao sneered and said, "don't rush to climb relatives first. You can see something first."

After that, Jing Yunzhao took out a picture: "this is a picture of you, together with Cao Xing, ready to steal in my room, right?"

"This one is you standing in the alley to let Cao hang out the wind." Jing continues to put the photo on the tea table and goes on to say, "you are following me, and what about this one? You complain to your friends outside school? Let me think, you should have said, all this is my conspiracy, I am wronging you, right? "

Jingyunzhao took out these photos, and Qiao Hongye was panicked.

But Jing Yunzhao did not give her the opportunity to speak, but spread out the back several pieces, not slow, like chatting with gossip family: "your little hands are not big, but these few don't seem to be the same..."

In the first photo, Qiao Hongye is stealing things, which is a beautiful hairpin. There is also a scene where she secretly scrabbles clothes in the clothing store. Of course, the more she looks back, the more amazing it is, especially in the end, many consecutive pieces are all Qiao Hongye and Cao Xing.

Two people don't know what to say. They met for a long time. Later, they went to a rental room together. Then they came out at the same time. They split their heads and they went shopping with hejiasi. Then, he Jiasi was kidnapped by Cao Xing in the surrounding scene

Joe Hongye thought that Cao Xing would not have the photos in the rental room. Who knew Jing Yunzhao took out a bunch of pictures and squinted: "these are all unsuitable things for children. Would you like to see them?"

A throw on the table, naked pictures are displayed in front of several people.

It was a complete surprise.

The same picture has two heroines, one is hejiasi, the other is Joe red leaf.

He Jiasi has fewer photos, a few scenes, but it can be seen that Cao Xingqiang is strong. Several people understand it when they think about it. No wonder he Jiasi will speak for the kidnappers, which is obviously threatened.

"How can you have these things!"

Joe Hongye is crazy, suddenly she has no good luck before, how can she think of Jing Yunzhao suddenly so polite to her because she has so many things in her hands that can not be seen!

"Joe Hongye, you used to take me as a fool, and you hurt me so many times. But I have no evidence. I can't help you. But people will grow up. You have Zhang Liang Ji. I have a wall ladder and find someone to follow you in case of any difficulty?" Jingyunzhao cold road.

When the thief found the rental house, Cao Xing was not in the house with a small camera.

Jingyunzhao didn't want to burst out the matter of hejiasi, but he Jiasi was challenging her bottom line.

After she hit qiaoweimin, a schoolgirl came to tell her that Joe Weimin was found by hejiasi.

The girl classmate just heard hejiasi call in the bathroom. She told her originally. He Jiasi asked qiaoweimin to educate her and qiaohongye on the phone. In addition, she hoped that Qiao Weimin would find a "good man" for her, and later stay at home to meet her teacher and son.

There is no bottom line for qiaoweimin for money.

If it wasn't for her and Li Shaoyun to fight qiaoweimin, I believe that on the way to school today, Qiao Weimin will try everything to make her lose her virginity, even the scene in the previous life may be repeated.

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