Qin Zhixue's company is not small, but for the Tang family, there is indeed a difference between sesame and watermelon. In front of the Tang family, his industry can not even sustain.

Today's time is enough for many things to happen in Ningshi.

As soon as Qin Zhixue heard Xiang Jin mention the old lady, she was a little calm, and her eyes were staring out, as if she were going to swallow Xiang Jin alive.

But he had to endure, not to the point of despair.

"Ah Jin, my mother is not in good health and nostalgic, so I asked you to accompany her to take care of her for a period of time, but I didn't expect that you would have so much resentment. You are angry, I know. Can I let you do it? As long as you forgive me... " Qin Zhixue continued without changing his mind.

"It's late. Before I say that, I'd like you to call and ask what's going on in your company now." Jing Yunzhao in the side of a cold reminder.

As soon as he said this, Qin Zhixue's face was stiff.

Take out the mobile phone to see, there are dozens of unanswered calls, should be just too noisy, so did not hear the reason.

Answer a question, such as by thunder.

No, nothing

Forced bankruptcy, all property of the company, as well as his two villas in Ning family, were seized

Seizure? Hearing this, Qin Zhixue was shocked. The old lady was still in it. Now that is to say, people have been expelled? When you're driven out, you're also facing the blame of those creditors?

At such a thought, Qin Zhixue's whole person was in a daze. He didn't expect everything to happen so quickly.

However, it was the Tang family, and even from the beginning to the end, the Tang family only expressed a meaning. There was no room for them to turn around! Even at the moment when the Tang family thought about it, he was doomed!

The funny thing is that he is still in Huaning County. He thought it would be OK to save Xiang Jin!

"Poisonous woman!"

Qin Zhixue roared fiercely, and raised his foot to kick Xiang Jin. But for a moment, Xiang Jin was dragged by Jing Yunzhao. He only watched Jing Yunzhao's figure flash. In this small clinic, he was very comfortable. He only heard the hand stroke the back of Qin Zhixue's hand, "click", then heard a heartbreaking sound. His elbow hit his back and kicked him in the leg The next second, Qin Zhixue knelt down on the ground.

It's painful to watch.

Jing Yunzhao's method is amazing, but the speed is very fast, just like an illusion.

Qin Zhijin felt that he could not move in the direction of kneeling.

"How can I marry you! Is not a broken company let you remember hate until now, you a woman, what qualifications are better than men everywhere! I asked you to look after your husband and raise your son at home, that's for your good

Qin Zhixue has been a little crazy, thinking that he has lost everything at this time, the feeling of being thrown down from the cloud makes him sad.

"Why did you marry me? Do you want me to remind you? When you were in a bad family, you didn't even have a living expenses when you went to school, but you spent all your money to buy a bunch of flowers for me. I felt guilty and gave you back the money, but you said that I insulted your personality, but everyone knew that you spent money on me, and I had no choice but to invite you to dinner for a month! " Xiang Jin is cold.

Mentioning the past, Xiang Jin suddenly felt that she was really naive before, and Qin Zhixue's ambition may never be small.

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