Jing Yunzhao's provocation made the onlookers a little stunned. I can't believe that a young girl who seems to be young dare to be so rampant.

Even if director Liu's medical skills are not comparable to that of Gan Songbai, he is also a professional

Director Liu's eyes were tight under his glasses, and his face was serious and unhappy. Of course, he knew that the little girl was deliberately provoking him, but if he didn't, he must have lost his life!

Gnashing his teeth, he said, "how do you want to compare? Little girl, there is no patient here who will be your mouse. Don't think about it! "

"Who said that the competition must cure the disease? Director Liu, since you are the person who will be in charge of the hospital in the future, it's better to be simple and practical, such as medicinal materials, watching, listening, asking, and prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine Jing Yunzhao said directly.

Since she studied medicine, she has been keeping a low profile in medical skills. She always feels that she has only absorbed a few pieces of naringyu and her ability is not enough. Therefore, no matter what kind of illness she is facing, she is cautious. However, the more she contacts this profession, the more she understands her strength compared with others.

The ancestors lived for hundreds of years. Those naringyu were the knowledge in his brain, and the knowledge of his ancestors was all inclusive. Therefore, even if he only absorbed eight pieces at present, he was completely comparable to other doctors!

Director Liu chuckled. She was just a little girl. I guess she only understood those basic things.

"Well, according to what you said, it happened that a powerful man came to deliver medicinal materials today. He knew all kinds of medicinal materials very well, so please ask him to be the judge. As for Dr. Qian, you can continue to work, and Dr. Gan can come to watch the battle." Director Liu snorted and said confidently.

Just a little girl, how many herbs can you know? It's not like reciting the name of the medicinal material.

Director Liu finished, has called to let people notice preparation.

Half an hour later, Gan's health is much better, basically no problem. He and Jing Yunzhao walk to the arena together.

Director Liu arranged the competition in a large conference room with a glass window on one wall. People outside could clearly see the scene inside.

Director Liu is acting like a real thing and invited retired doctors to come over and sit down. It seems to be very formal.

"Do you think director Liu is too fussy? Isn't it just a competition with a little girl? It's so serious that if the girl loses, she must be severely satirized by him. Dr. GaN has no face... " There's an airway outside.

"Shhh --"

the people next to him quickly reminded him and said, "director Liu's idea is not only to stimulate the young and old, but also to think that when the little girl can't answer, Dr. Gan will take the place of her and step on Dr. Gan's name!"

However, as soon as this person's words were said, others felt ridiculous. Dr. Gan's ability is very great. Can director Liu compare with Dr. Gan? If he really has this idea, his IQ is really worrying.

However, these outsiders did not know, they completely guessed director Liu's idea.

After staying in the position of director for a long time, director Liu is very confident of his own strength. However, Dr. GaN has been in the hospital for decades and is no different from other doctors. Naturally, he feels that Gan Songbai is only in name.

At this time, there were some older old men and women in the conference room of Nuo da. Jing Yunzhao's immature appearance was particularly conspicuous.

After waiting for a long time, director Liu finally came in as a referee.

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