In the house full of sundries, he didn't even have a job. Qin Zhixue was lying on the bed in despair. Inside, he could hear the howling of pain from another room.

Qin Zhixue didn't know how he could live like this.

Everything seems to have gone back to a decade ago, when he was so poor that he could not even afford to live. The old lady praised him all day long for his intelligence and sensibility, and showed off to his relatives and friends that he had not only been admitted to a university, but also had a generous scholarship. He was even able to earn all the expenses outside by relying on his own ability, which made him miserable.

All the students in the same dorm wore famous brand clothes. Even if they were in trouble, they would not be able to live like him. Even when they were at rest, they had to go to be tutored by those students. Moreover, the children from the surplus families were very difficult to manage. His tutor did not do as well.

It was also at this time that a boy in the same bedroom fell in love with Xiang Jin. After hearing a few words, he realized that Xiang Jin's father was the boss of a company. He was good-looking and had a good temper. He refused many people's pursuit.

Seeing Xiang Jin at that moment, he was somewhat unwilling.

Xiang Jin has been rich since she was born, so she is compassionate and compassionate when she looks at him.

So he did everything he could to get close to it.

Of course, Xiang Jin is indeed a good woman. It's hard for him to be indifferent, but he knows what he wants better.

Looking at the young lady, he will feel proud of her.

There are a lot of women outside, but he has never thought of divorcing Xiang Jin. It's not that he loves Xiang Jin much, but because Xiang Jin is different. When he sees her, he can know that he is successful, and those people outside will never understand.

Qin Zhixue thought in his mind, the old lady was itching, and she had some crazy attitude. She insulted him: "you worthless waste, you can't even control a woman! What's the use of raising you so much? What kind of evil did I do to give birth to your unfilial son? I asked you to ask Dr. Gan. You didn't listen. You want me to die... "

The magic sound is in the ear, so that Qin Zhixue's green veins are exposed, gnashing teeth.

I just feel very uncomfortable all over the body. Qin Zhixue can't help missing Xiang Jin.

Although Xiang Jin became a yellow faced woman, even though she was very busy outside in those two years after she married him, she still spoke softly when she went home. How harmonious they were at that time?

There was also Xiang Jin who had a miscarriage. She didn't show such a desperate look. If she came back to that time, he would be better to Xiang Jin after he got the company. Besides, she had a relationship with the Tang family. If I had known that

Not so much early.

Qin Zhixue's miserable life continued day by day, and the old lady was still abusing him every day as before, which became more and more ugly, but this time it was her son who scolded him.

Qin Zhixue thoroughly felt the pain that Xiang Jin had experienced before, and was extremely distressed.

Having no job and no savings, Qin Zhixue finally asked the old lady to sell all the space and rent a house nearby.

However, the old lady's voice was so loud that her neighbors complained all day long that both of them were expelled. Qin Zhixue put all the money for selling the house into the business and tried to rise again, but in the end, she lost all her money and ended up on the street.

Qin Zhixue simply took her to the street to beg every day. He could not save face and go to other places to find jobs. Therefore, he lived on his meager income every day, which was extremely miserable.

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