Father Gan's two sons and daughters have never seen their father's appearance. They are anxious and flustered. They feel that this incident has stimulated their father too much.

"Dad, you'd better drink less of this wine, or we can accompany you to travel. It's healthy and good for your mood..."

"Yes, Dad, if you really want to drink it, you can try the medicinal wine. Besides, I just saw that the wine you drink is made by which factory, and whether it is qualified or not. By the way, are you buying it or who sent it? I'll settle with him

The old man's face turned blue with anger.

Gan Jinchen was called back in an emergency. Seeing the appearance of her father and aunt, she felt a bit of schadenfreude in her heart.

"Dad, aunt, this wine was made by a classmate of mine..."

Gan Jinchen did not finish, then listen to his father suddenly roared: "what! What's your classmate's peace of mind! Can you drink your own wine!? You too. You're confused, don't you? What's your classmate's name? You take me to her and ask why she is so absent-minded... "

"Bang", the old man casually picked up the book on the table and smashed it in the past, right at the forehead.

Gan Jinchen mouth corner a draw, secretly happy.

Jing Yunzhao is the granddaughter of his grandfather's baby. He is more important than his grandson. If he says that she lacks heart and eye, his father is guilty of his own crimes!

"Asshole! it ticks me off! Who do you think is absent-minded? I think you lack of heart and eye. This wine is made by Yunzhao. What's wrong? It's good to drink. Just those two bottles. You two fools poured them for me The old man's beard and face were stiff. He thought of the wine and felt the flesh ache.

The more he drank, the better he drank. After drinking the wine, his chest was not stuffy, and his sleep was heavy. Now it's good. He has no brain at all!

This pair of children have been silly.

Jing Yunzhao and they naturally know it, and they like this little girl very much.

That's no wonder the father called them careless.

"It's from Yunzhao. No wonder I smell so fragrant Dad, don't I know? Well, I'll go to Yunzhao and ask for more bottles... " Uncle Gan said immediately.

He smelled the wine when he poured it, but he was afraid that the old man didn't try it.

He may be worried about what others give him, but Jing Yunzhao is prudent, and the old man's affairs are all thanks to her.

The old man snorted: "go, when have wine, when to come back, otherwise you don't enter the door."

After all, Jing Yunzhao is a child. It is estimated that he does not have much time to make wine. He does not have any stock on hand!

Uncle Gan immediately answered, and the two elders dragged Gan Jinchen out of the door. Only then did they learn the truth of the old man's good wine from Gan Jinchen.

You can't laugh or cry.

Still want to coax the old man, who knows that flattery flatters the horse leg son.

The father and son of the Gan family went to the residence together. When Jing Yunzhao heard what he wanted, he could not help laughing. He even took an extra portion of wine: "Uncle Gan, you can try it. If you think it tastes good, you can come to me later."

Although Gan's father was only a doctor, but her mother was a businessman. She usually had to give gifts or entertain VIP guests. Her wine taste was absolutely impeccable. Now she was worried about popularity.

In fact, in addition to Mr. Gan, Jing Yunzhao also sent several bottles to Mr. Xu. After all, he helped him with this business.

But what Jing Yunzhao is struggling with is that she is going to send the wine to Yu Tianxian for Du Lin to taste. What about Li Shaoyun?

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