Xiang Jin took a look at Liu Danqing, shook her head, took out her purse, and paid the bill briskly: "thank you for your kindness, but I'm not poor enough to give alms. In addition, maybe you just talked too much, and the makeup on your face is cracked."

Liu Danqing was stunned and took out a mirror to have a look.

A look at their face makeup is still the same, suddenly hum a, subconsciously to block the road of Jing Yunzhao and Xiang Jin.

"Mr. Xiang, you still look charming and beautiful. You don't want me to help you. I know a lot of big bosses. How about introducing them to you? Oh, by the way, do you remember Mr. Wang? A few years ago, he pursued you and was rejected by you. I believe he will be interested if he sees you now, and you can make a profit by taking the opportunity. " Liu Danqing said.

Jing Yunzhao had not seen many people before, so when he saw this kind of woman, he was more curious than angry.

Although Liu Danqing is a famous brand, she has a vulgar look on her, just like an ancient woman.

She's not tall. She's wearing such high shoes and wearing so much make-up, but she's still pretending to be a young girl. She's a little disgusting to hear more than that.

And Xiang Jin at this time some speechless, her temperament now is not very much like a miserable to rely on men to help women?

Liu Danqing said that he had found out the general manager Wang's business card and handed it to Xiang Jin with sympathy.

At this time, a man appeared behind Liu Danqing. He was a little greasy, and his beer belly was very shabby. He put out his hand and stopped Liu Danqing's waist. He called out "little baby" and immediately disgusted Jing Yunzhao's goose bumps.

"Honey, why don't you introduce me? Who are these two beauties The man looks surprised and stares at Jing Yunzhao.

It's hard to find a pure little girl these days. In front of her, even if she only talks about her looks, she can be called the best in the world!

As soon as the man saw that Jing Yunzhao and Xiang Jin mingled with Liu Danqing, he naturally classified them and Liu Danqing.

The eyes are obscene and unscrupulous.

"I hate it. Do you want to empathize with the old man? I was just thinking of giving you a surprise Liu Danqing leaned on the man's arms and said a word.

There was some schadenfreude in my heart.

In the past, most of the people who pursued Xiang Jin were rich and handsome. At that time, when she saw so many people sending flowers to Xiang Jin every day, she was very jealous.

But now the mood is good, although it is not the same starting point, but to the end, is not Xiang Jin the same as her? Also have to sell the color, that so-called self-esteem and reserve in front of money, instant disintegration.

At this time, Xiang Jin was also disgusted. She had not encountered this kind of thing for many years.

The man stretched out his hand full of cross flesh and pulled it to Jing Yunzhao. He said, "little sister, can I take you out to play?"

Xiang Jin eyebrows a pick, looking at the man suddenly sneer at a smile.

The other side was still a little surprised. When Xiang Jin's reaction, the outstretched hand suddenly sent a "click" sound. A burst of pain immediately wrapped the whole body, and those fingers seemed to be broken, and suddenly howled.

Xiang Jin is happy. How dare this man touch Jing Yunzhao?

She knows that Jing Yunzhao is violent enough to deal with this kind of person. Every time she sees him, she will add one more point to her admiration for him!

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