Life in Qiao's family was not easy, but when ye Qin was alive, it was ok, because ye Qin loved face and was superstitious.

She firmly believes that she can block Qiao Hongye and Qiao Zizhou, so although she is not good to her, she will not point her finger in the face of outsiders. At that time, ye Qin did so, so Qiao Weimin was not a bastard, but Qiao Hongye was too targeted at her at school.

It was not until ye Qin's death that everything got worse. Only when she was in the town would everyone yell and beat.

But even so, the people in the town are still more rational. In addition, their relationship with the Qiao family may not be so good. Therefore, few people meddle with their own affairs. At most, they say a few words behind their backs. Never before have so many people blocked her up and cursed her word by word.

It was like being pulled into a slaughterhouse, as if she were not a human being, but just an animal.

Jing Yunzhao's body trembled slightly, and she was suddenly glad that she had not met this pair of parents in her previous life.

She had great expectations for her parents in the previous life, and her mood was not as strong as now. If she was treated like this at that time, she would be ashamed and angry, and she might be crazy in these eyes.

Now, she's more rational.

"Now I have a sudden suspicion that you are really my parents? Their own parents can even despise their sons to such a degree that they can denounce their daughters who have been away from home for many years in front of so many people! " Jing Yunzhao said sarcastically.

When she came this morning, she was kind.

She felt that as long as the family was fairly good to her, she could also try to accept it. Although she had Qiao Hongye and Qiao Zizhou's sister-in-law in the past, her relationship was not good, but now she is her own brother-in-law, which should not be difficult and temperamental.

Who knows the reality is more dramatic than she imagined.

Wang Xinfang's face flashed a little panic, but soon turned into bitterness: "what do you mean now? Don't you want to recognize us? Daya, the palm and the back of the hand are all meat. Do you think we want to be partial? The family is poor and has no money. Your brother is young. Shouldn't you let it go when you are older? Ask these neighbors who are not like this... "

As soon as the neighbors heard this, they immediately began to respond.

In this village, there is only one child in their family, and there is almost no case that they are girls. If they can't give birth to a son, they will be disgusted by others pointing at their noses.

The son is precious, naturally nothing to the son.

This scene family is quite good. There is a family next door who gave birth to six daughters more than ten years ago and only one child was born. The six daughters finally supported only two, and one of them was given to distant relatives.

By comparison, although Yunzhao has been left out for many years, has he had a good time? Looking at the dress, it's better than jingmingkai's clothes. What's not satisfied.

Faced with these bandit logic, Jing Yunzhao is in a panic.

The palm and the back of the hand are not fake, but the back of the hand is thin and the palm is thick.

In her eyes, both men and women are the same, and even the daughter's family is more intimate and sensible. Take the Jing family as an example. Jing Xiu is gentle and considerate. She is helping her parents work all day without saying a word. What is Jing Mingkai doing this day? I've been looking for trouble all the time. When I'm three years old, I can see that I'm old. Now Jing Mingkai is already ten years old. Can't I feel what kind of virtue is in another ten or twenty years?

"I don't think I've recognized it!" Jing Yunzhao opened his mouth with a cold face, and his eyes were firm.

She had done what she should have done, but she did not conspire. She and the family had too many differences in their ideas. They would force each other to get along with each other in the future, for fear that it would be noisy and no one could live a peaceful life! , the fastest update of the webnovel!