Jing Yunzhao was sure that if he didn't use the prescription in his hand, even the immortal could not save the boy. So he didn't think much about it. He said, "lend me a hand in the kitchen at home. In addition, I hope you can avoid it when I cook medicine."

There are also some commonly used medicines in the medicine box, but not many, which need to be taken from the space.

The old and the young quickly nodded, very cooperative.

Jingyun zhaole's ease, according to a certain amount and order of aconite, dried ginger, roasted licorice, Korean ginseng, Cornus clear meat, raw Longmu powder, live magnetite powder, musk pot simmer.

Generally, the amount of aconite used is about 10 grams, but Jing Yunzhao's dose is more than 100 grams. However, the roasted licorice in this pharmacy has the effect of relieving aconite poison, which can be regarded as a balance effect.

Outside, one old and one young, two women wait anxiously.

Jing Yunzhao cooked the medicine himself, and then gave the medicine to the patient.

A few hours later, the boy who took the medicine turned to wake up. Jing Yunzhao also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miracle doctor! Thank you, Dr. Jing! Mr. Xu is right indeed The old lady almost knelt down, and Jing Yunzhao helped her to avoid losing her life.

Jing Yunzhao still has four patients to be treated today. Now one of them wakes up, which can be regarded as a good thing to open the door. Especially, although the boy's condition is relatively serious, he should not have any problems after drinking a dose of poison to fight poison.

"I've left the prescription for warming and tonifying. It's good for you to take care of it on time. If I still have patients to treat, I'll go first." Jing Yunzhao raises her feet and goes out.

"Hold on!" The old lady suddenly drank, and Jing Yunzhao thought there was something wrong with it, but when she turned around, she handed over an oil paper package before meeting: "doctor Jing, did you forget the diagnosis?"


Jing Yunzhao is a little embarrassed. Before, most of her visits were with grandfather Gan, and Dr. Gan's money had been collected long ago, so she forgot that there was still this crop!

But looking at the money in front of me, it seems that A little bit too much?

According to her, because of his great reputation, grandfather Gan's visit fee is high, which costs hundreds of yuan. If he prescribes a prescription, the price is different, and the cost of medicine is also extra. However, no matter whether the disease has been treated or not, the visiting fee is indispensable.

There should be more than 200000 in front of her.

"We asked Mr. Xu last night. The old man said that you are half of his apprentice, so you can't be the same as him, so this is only..." The old lady hesitated and thought that Jing Yunzhao was not enough.

After hearing this, Jing Yunzhao did not hesitate and took the money over.

This reminds me that Mr. Xu's identity is more mysterious. Not only is his illness unusual, but also his status will not be bad. For others, the 200000 yuan may be the income of several years, but for some people, it is not worth mentioning. Although the family lives in a private house, she has stayed in this house for several hours, and it can be seen that the cost of the house is very high It's not simple. It must be for the sake of curing the disease that I rented a quiet yard here.

Doctors charge, of course.

Seeing Jing Yunzhao accepting the money, the family obviously relaxed a lot.

Jing Yunzhao left and went to several other families.

The rest of the young boy took the same prescription every day.

However, the same thing is that the other four families also paid a lot of money for the consultation, but each family paid 10000 yuan. Even if there were two other families who doubted her ability, they were polite in the face of Xu.

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