Wang Xinfang let go, and Jing Yunzhao relaxed a little.

Just now, she was just deceiving her. No matter whether she said it or not today, the charge is inevitable. Even if she says it, it is a certain fact, and she can't change it if she wants to change it!

Even if she doesn't sue Wang Xinfang and Jing Tiejun, she has her own procuratorate to file a public prosecution. Even if she doesn't sue Wang Xinfang and Jing Tiejun, she can't even withdraw her lawsuit, and they can't escape if they want to.

Although the family is poor, who is not? If you can frame others like this because of pity, the world will be in a mess.

Wang Xinfang hugged jingmingkai tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "it's fake. The appraisal report in my hand is fake!"

"A lady I don't know came to me and asked me to pretend to be your parents. In fact, this identification was measured by my Xiuer's blood sample. She gave me a picture of you. She sent someone to follow you. After finding you, she asked me to come forward to recognize my relatives, and gave me 30000 yuan. After that, they agreed to add more money..."

"Jing Yunzhao, is this OK? I'm not in charge of this. You've offended people yourself Wang Xinfang said angrily.

Never change.

Jing Yunzhao saw Jing Xiu trembling next to her and asked, "do you use Jingxiu's blood sample? Does she know? "

Wang Xinfang is really stupid like a pig. When there are so many people talking about Jingxiu, what will outsiders think of Jingxiu then? She must feel that she is the same as this motherfucker. In the future, Jingxiu will always bear a charge of cheating an accomplice, which will never be washed away.

If she doesn't talk nonsense, others can only regard Jing Xiu as a child and have no idea what her parents want to do. But once it comes to identification, it will be different.

If to jingmingkai, Wang Xinfang will definitely want to have a layer more, but obviously not to Jingxiu.

"She didn't know. I heard I wanted a blood sample, so I went to the clinic to borrow a syringe and learned from the nurse to draw a can of it..."

As soon as these words were said, those onlookers looked at Jingxiu with sympathy.

This is my mother. Can I treat my own daughter like this?

Jingxiu didn't remember until now that her parents had drawn blood for her. Her face turned white in an instant. What did they say at that time? It is said that she worked hard since she was a child, and she passed the high school entrance examination in less than a year. She took some blood to check her physical condition, so as to supplement her body according to the doctor's words.

In fact, she also felt strange at that time. Her parents never cared about her, but after all, they all said that, and they were a little excited in their hearts, so they answered without saying a word.

Now want to come, no wonder at that time she said let her brother also check, parents look so ugly.

It turns out that they are not willing to.

Since she was a child, she is stupid, unlike jingling, who will please her parents and can't become a boy. So she has to accept her fate and be a good girl. Although many students in the school look down on her, she still tries her best to please her classmates and parents.

It's all fake. It's all fake.

Parents use her to cheat people. Even if she doesn't know the truth, she will cheat. What's the difference between her and her accomplice? She suddenly felt sick

Wang Xinfang's attitude and every word she said was like a dull hammer, which made everyone gasping.

The villagers were all right. They had known for a long time that the Jing family didn't care for their daughter, so they didn't feel surprised. However, these reporters and enthusiastic netizens were just like swallowing a pile of dead flies.

They think that they really do justice, but it turns out that they are acting for the tiger! , the fastest update of the webnovel!