"You said you had a stomachache. I'll treat it for you. As a result, you beat two rolling howls on the ground for a while, and then you were cured. Aunt Jiang, you are the owner's wife of the opposite tea house. You said you didn't deliberately pretend to frame up Yuling tea Pavilion. Who believed that?"

as like as two peas, he said, "now I drink this tea, the same as it does not taste any difference. Even what I drink is more than you. Why am I doing well? Is it hard to understand people because of their eyes? She knows you're an old witch with a black heart, so what makes you feel is the formula of poisonous apples! "

Churong mouth a smoke, eat poison apple is not snow white? How can I get to jingyunzhao and become an old witch here.

Jiang's mother's face turned pale and blue.

And the rest of you, you know.

Before that a few some worried guests are completely relieved.

If someone else happened at this time, they might feel that the Yuling tea pavilion may not be clean, but it is the owner's wife of the first tea house!

Why is the business of No.1 tea house getting worse and worse now? Isn't there something wrong with their store?

Now the business of No.1 tea shop is not good, and I envy this jade spirit tea pavilion in my heart, so I will use the same method to unjust them, right? The mind is too vicious, after all, they will not step into the teahouse!

Besides, the taste of the jade tea pavilion is much better than that of the first tea pavilion!

After tasting the fragrance, the tea color is also the best. In the past, the first tea pavilion was more famous than the first tea house, and other places were not as good as the first tea house. Only then did they have to go there to spend money. But now there is another Yuling tea pavilion, so there will be no need to be wronged.

In this tea pavilion, the waiters are friendly and attentive. They are fresh, clean and delicious. Other tea houses can't compare with them!

"Jing Yunzhao, you and Jiang Xia used to be classmates. Even if we were sorry for you and broke up with you before, you shouldn't have been so vicious and resentful until now? Just so long needle, if it really pierces me, how much pain it will be? If the needle is in the meat, the consequences will be very serious! " Chiang's mother denounced.

She felt that no matter whether she pretended or not, the owner of the tea pavilion should come forward and send her to the hospital first!

But now, the boss didn't show up and the manager didn't say a word. Instead, Jing Yunzhao took the initiative?

Who is she? Why is she in every tea pavilion!?

Break up? Jing Yunzhao's eyes are dim.

Jiang Xia also a Leng, but the next second is not from admiration mother's wit.

Those letters have been destroyed, and the previous events have been turned over. If Jing Yunzhao is said to be a girl who has been dumped by him, he will be more happy in his heart.

However, the other people present sighed and did not believe it at all.

Can Yunzhao see such a smiling boy? How could it be!

Some people's mental quality is so poor, courtship can not be turned into resentment, so external damage to each other's reputation, I believe this little boy should be this kind of person?

"You think the letter is destroyed, so you can say whatever you want, right?" Jing Yunzhao suddenly opened his mouth and said a word. After that, he took out his mobile phone. A trace of contempt flashed on his face. The next moment, he opened the gallery. Suddenly, Jiang Xia was flustered.

Just looking at Jing Yunzhao's mobile phone, there are still photos of those love letters!

Every word is very clear, especially his last signature! What's going on? She used love letters to exchange them for 100000 yuan!

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